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!914 Twin HD Cannon ball request

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  • Cory Othen


    • slojo, co, your work reminds me of a good friend we lost 12 years ago, a production shop owner who manufactured volumes of programmed parts. Too bad he died in his prime, or before he could find the choice to apply time to the hobby side of life. .. so rock on! and keep the pix coming, it's great to watch and learn.
      I use a couple of worn out old flat-belt lathes, and a broken-down mill to manage repairs of things, and there ain't a sharp cutter in the shop anywhere! but I get by.... with a little help........


      • Phil
        You inspire me, your post left me grinning from ear to ear. Thank you for the great humor (sorry for your loss) and keep to chewing away with the old dull tooled flat belt machines lord knows I do with flat belt machines used for riding.
        Slojo, co, ... humm? Just a hobbyist. The more sophisticated the machinery the more sophisticated the tooling it is a never ending pursuit for tooling and equipment.
        Phil, are you S.D. Phil who attended the AMCA rally in the Black Hills of S.D. 2008?


        • Joe , I am sure you have taken this into consideration and I doubt your 14 Harley will attain the speeds of a late twenties Brough but for interests sake here is an excerpt from an old Brough newsletter about the perils of improving the brake on a "Castle" fork which is basically the Harley fork you are working with.


          • Barry
            Good research. This brake should not have sufficient power to lock the wheel in normal conditions . This is not Moto G.P.
            "as all the reaction is taken on one fork leg" The writer missed one important issue here. The wheel is what provides all of the resistance (not the brake stay attached to one fork leg) all the resistance applied by the wheel is transmitted into both fork legs.
            The second issue "fork springs back" I have updated to a 16-23 fork with the auxiliary 1923 spring kit this will provide ample spring resistance for brake application. "Front tire is screaming its tread off" This is not an issue with modern tires. The last two sentances talk about the back plate and a top hat bush , look back a week or so in my article, you will see the parts already made to address that very issue. I realize all of these important issue when developing this front end assembly. All issues are addressed except one and it has been looked at with plans to be resolve next. That is the brake load transmition to the stearing head bearings this will require extra fork truss tubing now in the works. I have an enormous amount of time in the front end and brake system and do not take this engineering lightly. Take notice as to all the work posted in this article that pertains to the fork and brake assembly.


            • Originally posted by Slojo View Post
              You inspire me, your post left me grinning from ear to ear. Thank you for the great humor (sorry for your loss) and keep to chewing away with the old dull tooled flat belt machines lord knows I do with flat belt machines used for riding.
              Slojo, co, ... humm? Just a hobbyist. The more sophisticated the machinery the more sophisticated the tooling it is a never ending pursuit for tooling and equipment.
              Phil, are you S.D. Phil who attended the AMCA rally in the Black Hills of S.D. 2008?
              Hah! yer busted, j-gar! you play dirty! or was it Art that sabotaged my buddy Larry's kick-stand, not you??!! .. Indian riders, watch out for this guy!
              (all in jest, of course,, where's the emoticon?)

              I lost your address, sorry. .. just keep at that c-ball job! good luck!


              • Originally posted by Phil Mast View Post
                Hah! yer busted, j-gar! you play dirty! or was it Art that sabotaged my buddy Larry's kick-stand, not you??!! .. Indian riders, watch out for this guy!
                (all in jest, of course,, where's the emoticon?)

                I lost your address, sorry. .. just keep at that c-ball job! good luck!
                Quote.... "Indian riders, watch out for this guy!"
                Hey wait a minute there Phil, you showing up at a road run on an Indian, I saw your Harley nick knacks memorabilia and am aware of your Harley in the garage. You are who we must watch out for. Haven't you been around long enough to know that having Indian and Harley stuff under the same roof screams out Bikesexual? Huh? Huh?
                To funny Phil, happy to have you around. Yet another good Indian rider, go figure? Speaking of good Indian riders does anybody out there have any spare Indian parts in their possession ? Our Good friend Tony Watson sure could use some help getting up and running for spring.
                Last edited by Slojo; 04-11-2010, 08:54 PM.


                • donor bank?

                  qu: "Speaking of good Indian riders does anybody out there have any spare Indian parts in their possession ? Our Good friend Tony Watson sure could use some help getting up and running for spring.

                  a few brief and morbid thoughts about the reservations... CANCEL!

                  best of luck, Tony!


                  • Your not alone Phil. There's more than one of us with both brands in our possession....... As loyal to one that Joe is, he seems tolerant of us that can't take a side...
                    Cory Othen


                    • What can I say ,,, Good people are good people no matter what the ride. I still believe if we are to keep these old machines running than so be it, we must also keep the rivalries in proper tune. So Indian guys tune up them wits.


                      • Originally posted by c.o. View Post
                        Your not alone Phil. There's more than one of us with both brands in our possession....... As loyal to one that Joe is, he seems tolerant of us that can't take a side...

                        My loyality to the Bar and Sheild brand is not what you think. I also ride Ducati's and 350cc or less Honda's. Just no Injuns.
                        Last edited by Slojo; 04-12-2010, 07:32 AM.


                        • Ducatis.... they're just some sort of Harley aren't they?


                          • Originally posted by Slojo View Post
                            My loyality to the Bar and Sheild brand is not what you think. I also ride Ducati's and 350cc or less Honda's. Just no Injuns.
                            Don't worry Joe... I won't hold it against ya..........
                            Cory Othen


                            • Originally posted by Barry Brown View Post
                              Ducatis.... they're just some sort of Harley aren't they?
                              If you want to go there Barry, the best answered I can offer is a highly refined Harley. Sort of where Eric Buell was heading until the fools in Milwaukee pulled the rug out from under him.
                              Thanks Cory


                              • Buell 1125RR= Ford Pinto, Ducati 1198R= Enzo Ferrari!

