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!914 Twin HD Cannon ball request

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  • Originally posted by Eddie G View Post
    Buell 1125RR= Ford Pinto, Ducati 1198R= Enzo Ferrari!
    No arguments there Injun Ed, To bad the new Barracuda II did not make it to the market or the Turbo charged XB model ? Buell was fascinating,,, only IF......, If frogs had wings they wouldn't bump their a__'s when they hopped
    Last edited by Slojo; 04-12-2010, 09:41 PM.


    • Eating the Elephant (one bite at a time (Art F.))

      Spring has arrived blossoms and flowers are here YES winter is finally over in Michigan. About two weeks from now everything will be my favorite color bright near fluorescent green, this must be why I still am in Michigan.
      Today a close look at the spark control linkage showed another faulty brass sleeve. This item is an earlier type than the other linkage control sleeve repaired last week. It has a different boss where the cable screws hold the cable and, the brass sleeve is threaded, screwed and soldered to the cast bronze fitting. Pay close attention to the following photos to see this difference. One threaded cable retaining hole appears defective and will need to be serviced. Measuring the thread where the brass sleeve attaches to the casting reveals ugly... the tap used to thread the sleeve is a 9/64X32, This small hole will be singled point threaded in the ole trusty Monarch lathe. Obviously the simple repair is to omit the thread, typically I don't do simple there is no challenge in simple.
      The third and hopefully final brake plate stay bracket is near finished, it came out of the machine in excellent condition. Left on the bracket is .005 " for a finish cut to bring the thickness to finish dimensions and appearance. See for a look into the milling process. Finally a drilled hole for the brake linkage to pass through will complete the process.
      The aluminum brake plate (replacing all four broken magnesium brake plates) is now being machined to fit the new brake stay bracket. Just a slight cut on the center hub and the anchor slot to remove the draft angle from the die cast process will enable the parts to fit together as a set.


      • "Eating the elephant one bite at a time". I like that.... I hadn't read your latest post yet when I got the pics...... you had me wondering with the flowers but it's all clear now.... I won't see much for bright green colors for a month or so, I'm envious Joe. We do have a lot of coniferous here though and we see green all year albeit a dark green...

        Last edited by c.o.; 04-12-2010, 10:49 PM. Reason: Tried somethin' new..didn't work...
        Cory Othen


        • Wheels Screws and Clutches

          I am building this bike with friends requesting from me to make extras of many item that are being fabricated for my own bike, this has slowed my progress somewhat. All is Ok as things are still looking good for the event time requirement. Oley is coming soon so a few bits will be available.
          Currently the wheels are front center. Also on the table, manufacturing of hardware. The program for Fillester head screws is working well. I have a program stop in the middle of the operation to allow a quick polish on the screw shank, this improves a little on the over all quality. Change over from one screw size to the next is successful as it is done in just a few minutes. A set of ten variables are required to be altered such as over all length, body length, diameter, thread pitch, head radius,,,. Last night prior to calling it quits my first change over to make a Fillester head screw for the gas tank lower mounting point was completed. The longer screw ran nearly as good as the previous one. The thread pitch diameter was slightly tapered due to cutting pressure causing the material to flex away a little. This was compensated for easily with the ability to enter a negative "I" value in the threading cycle which tells the machine to taper the thread counteracting the flex, modern technology is fantastic.
          I laced the new front rim, a profile rim with thirty six holes to match the Honda brake hub. This rim resembles the original clincher style rim. The Buchanan front spokes were not used. The bend length was twice as long as required and the bend angle was inconsistent with some of the spokes being over-bent into a J shape. Used were the original Honda spokes for a preliminary assembly. They worked well, so the wheel will be disassembled and the hub and rim painted while the spokes will be nickel plated. This must wait until the rear rim arrives for the same process to take place.
          Meanwhile UPS showed with a package yesterday. It was from Barnett world famous motorcycle clutch and cable manufactures. I don't know about you but I have used Barnett clutch's since 1977 on all of my HD's they flat out work. We once used two of my big twins (a 63 paner and a 66 shuvy) to pull a full size Ford out of a muddy ditch and up onto the road surface again using two old style 3 1/2 plate Barnett clutches. It is a pleasure working with a real professional company like Barnett. Thank you once again Mike and the rest of the staff at Barnett. Photos to follow again,,,Cory consider this a smoke signal. Following is a video of the long 1/4X24 gas tank screw being made
          Last edited by Slojo; 04-17-2010, 10:29 PM.


          • Screws, screws, screws, and tomorrow more screws. Two lengths of 1/4X24 and one length of 12X24 screws are now complete, enough to do about ten bikes. The current screw being made is a 10X32 for attaching the cable straps to the frame. I will be making hardware for the next several days. Cory Hellooo....


            • threads

              Hi Joe, any idea about the relative strength merits of cut vs. rolled threads in sizes less than 3/8" dia?


              • Charley
                While rolled threads are always stronger than a cut thread in like materials, today the availability of machine screws to authentically replicate the hardware of days gone buy is non-existent.
                I am using 4140 pre-heat treat stock that will give me a grade 8 strength screw. It will be unlikely that someone will twist off screw heads like current Chinese screws now flooding our shores. This material in such a small diameter is difficult to machine. Speed is critical to maintain proper cutting surface feet. Servo response time during the high speed threading operation must be fast and accurate to maintain a proper thread pitch.
                My hardware is original in its appearance and stronger than any fillester head screws ever available.
                Last edited by Slojo; 04-18-2010, 10:35 PM.


                • Originally posted by Slojo View Post
                  No arguments there Injun Ed, To bad the new Barracuda II did not make it to the market or the Turbo charged XB model ? Buell was fascinating,,, only IF......, If frogs had wings they wouldn't bump their a__'s when they hopped
                  Yes but they have legs and won't walk!


                  • The 1/4x24, 10X24 and 10X32 screws are finished and the machine is now producing 8X32's. Change over is a cinch just as planed, alter a few variables reset zero's on both turrets for the Z axis and let it rip. Caution must be a consideration on the first cycle when changing over. The rapid rates are so fast on this machine that the slightest numerical error will send the tool into the chuck at several thousand rpm. I won't explain what happens next what I will tell you is that is what happened to this machine once before and is how it orphaned its way into my shop.

                    The pre-heat treat 4140 does not machine well so care must be taken to balance between tool life and good finishes. There is a fine line here between tool life, gray finish V shiny silver finish and of course chatter. This is a job where coolant would help although I will work around using coolant. It just makes a big mess, smells bad, goes rancid while sitting for time. It also blends with the way lube that ultimately runs off the machine ways into the coolant tank. Some coolants don't protect your machine and parts from corrosion while others actually damage your machine.

                    I guess Cory is having a good time as we have not heard from him in a couple days. Hopefully he is out ridding his 48 paner (panspringer).
                    Last edited by Slojo; 04-19-2010, 07:24 AM.


                    • Joe your comments about the 'intangibles' in reproducing, and improving, 100 year old designs & technology are appreciated. Kudos!


                      • A.P.B. on Cory

                        My partner in crime has turned up missing. CORY are you ok? Without photos its not as easy to convey my accomplishments. Its safe to say that incremental progress is taking place.
                        The third time around on the brake system is proving out to be the final time around, all should work out just fine. Next to report, the Fillester screw production is complete for now. Six different screw sizes produced from 8X32 to 1/4X24 in assorted lengths. I also made an extra exhaust cut-out pull rod for a friend today. Perhaps next is to make the nuts and bolts to hold the rest of the bike together.
                        I am looking for the rear rim to show up this week. I will then lace and check the spokes if all goes well painting and plating will begin.
                        ******* IMPORTANT READ THE FOLLOWING ********
                        Has anyone ever place a bid on e-Bay larger than the winning bid on an item and lost the auction? Last week I bid on an item, and my bid was of a greater value than the final "winning bid" . I was not credited with the actual amount of my bid. When my bid was placed I immediately received a response from e-Bay telling me I lost the auction yet the auction had not timed out yet. Next anomaly was my computer locked up for the next several moments until the auction ended all while displaying an incorrect amount of my last bid. I set a value of my last bid several minutes before pushing the final button. The bid I placed and the bid I was credited for did not resemble each other. I then registered three complaints with e-Bay, they are just stonewalling the issue. Personally it would appear that someone has a program that allows them to jam a bid, this would be a major breech in the e-Bay security and e-Bay does not wish to discuses the possibility of such a phenomena.
                        Last edited by Slojo; 04-20-2010, 09:21 PM.


                        • Originally posted by Slojo View Post
                          My partner in crime has turned up missing. CORY are you ok? Without photos its not as easy to convey my accomplishments. Its safe to say that incremental progress is taking place.
                          Cory was last sighted on Sunday afternoon. Our annual vintage swapmeet was this past weekend and Cory made the trek out to the coast. It's probably a good 12 to 14 hour non-stop drive from Cory's to the meet. I know on the way out he left a day early and took the "long way". He could be meandering on his way back home too. I haven't heard of any fatalities on the Crowsnest so I'm sure he'll re-appear any day now.

                          Originally posted by Slojo View Post
                          ******* IMPORTANT READ THE FOLLOWING ********
                          Has anyone ever place a bid on e-Bay larger than the winning bid on an item and lost the auction? Last week I bid on an item, and my bid was of a greater value than the final "winning bid" . I was not credited with the actual amount of my bid. When my bid was placed I immediately received a response from e-Bay telling me I lost the auction yet the auction had not timed out yet. Next anomaly was my computer locked up for the next several moments until the auction ended all while displaying an incorrect amount of my last bid. I set a value of my last bid several minutes before pushing the final button. The bid I placed and the bid I was credited for did not resemble each other. I then registered three complaints with e-Bay, they are just stonewalling the issue. Personally it would appear that someone has a program that allows them to jam a bid, this would be a major breech in the e-Bay security and e-Bay does not wish to discuses the possibility of such a phenomena.
                          In the past I too have bid (just a hint) more than the winning bidder and not won. I forget the exact details but there are cases where, if you are not a full bid increment above the previous bid, they still win. I've also won (and lost) auctions by a penny so full bid increments don't always come into play ... Perry
                          Last edited by Perry Ruiter; 04-20-2010, 11:20 PM.


                          • Joe!! I got a little AWOL I guess... I did a four day wasn't supposed to be quite that long but I got a little sidetracked here and there...... Got in late last night and figured I'd better check the ol' computer tonight. Here's some catch up pics....

                            Cory Othen


                            • Originally posted by Perry Ruiter View Post
                              Cory was last sighted on Sunday afternoon. Our annual vintage swapmeet was this past weekend and Cory made the trek out to the coast. It's probably a good 12 to 14 hour non-stop drive from Cory's to the meet. I know on the way out he took the "long way" and left a day early. He could me meandering his way home too. I haven't heard of any fatalities on the Crowsnest Pass so I'm sure he'll re-appear any day now.
                              Perry! It was good to finally put a face to a name. Meandering is a pretty accurate word to describe my travels...
                              Cory Othen


                              • Originally posted by Perry Ruiter View Post
                                In the past I too have bid (just a hint) more than the winning bidder and not won. I forget the exact details but there are cases where, if you are not a full bid increment above the previous bid, they still win. I've also won (and lost) auctions by a penny so full bid increments don't always come into play ... Perry
                                My bid was a sizeable amount above the "winning bid" a round number much greater than a thousand dollars. The bid they credited me with was a funky number exactly $50 less than the "winning bid and exactly $100 more that the third place bid" Incremental amounts that do not factor in to the normal incrementalism of e-Bay bidding. This was a serious transaction, important to the completion of this cannonballer.

                                Good to have you back Cory hope you enjoyed your meandering around for a bit.
                                Last edited by Slojo; 04-21-2010, 05:30 AM.

