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Harley-Davidson's "Belated" or Correct (1904-1954) 50th Anniversary?

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  • #16
    Kind of neat how the doors are the same, yet the font is different ????

    Gentlemen !! We are not the fringe. We are the elect. We know the truth. HD knows we know the truth. The very words I type, will be viewed by a monitor from the factory, if not before the end of this Holiday. People are paid to research forums. Helps keep them one step ahead of the populas. Paps


    • #17
      Wrong wire rim spectacles for the era. Shaddows on road bed cut of to soon by front wheel. Paps


      • #18
        I am also puzzled by the power grid supplying the electic street lamps ? Paps


        • #19
          Originally posted by T. Cotten View Post
          So THAT's the original Eric Von Zipper!
          No! This is Erik Von Zipper. Do you remember the name of his club?
          Last edited by Chris Haynes; 11-26-2008, 10:45 PM.
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          • #20
            Very interesting post Herb, thanks much. Chris Was Von Zippers club the black widows, always got a kick out of them. Kind of like the biker gang in Clints movies.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Tom Lovejoy View Post
              Very interesting post Herb, thanks much. Chris Was Von Zippers club the black widows, always got a kick out of them. Kind of like the biker gang in Clints movies.
              Nope. The Black Widder's were outta Pacoima, not Malibu.
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              • #22
                Originally posted by bmh View Post
                I also remember hearing that the 1904 model that was on display in the Gott museum at the York plant is a total recreation based on photographs. I will have to try to find some old photos of that machine on display as I remember the plaque in front of it stating that 1904 was the first official year of production and that 3 machines were built that year. I think I have a photo of that in a box somewhere.
                I believe this is likely the machine you are referring to Brian. But, I gather your photo has the '04 tag on it. Herb would know the timing on the changing of the dates.
                Attached Files
                Cory Othen


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Chris Haynes View Post
                  No! This is Erik Von Zipper. Do you remember the name of his club?
                  mmmmmmmm let's see ....... Ratz and Mice.......... seriously though I thought you met the nicest people on Hondas........
                  Cory Othen


                  • #24
                    Cory nailed it:

                    My favorite club name was Lee Marvin's bunch in "The Wild One". (Who remembers?)

                    Back to topic, sort of,...
                    It really surprised me that the MOCO didn't juggle another year when the 100th came around, after so many orders were placed ahead of time for anniversary models!

                    PS: My favorite version of the bad-bikers-beaten cliche was in "Killer Clowns from Space."
                    Last edited by T. Cotten; 11-27-2008, 12:35 PM.
                    AMCA #776
                    Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!


                    • #25
                      I looked at both pictures of the two shed for awhile, looking for similarities and differences. The extra door in the one on the right could have been a later mod. But it appears that the distance between the right corner of the building and the right door jamb on both sheds are different, with the shed on the right w/o the HD name being bigger.

                      Also the shed appears to be attached to a factory building. Didn't the boys buy a new piece of land for their first real plant and wasn't the shed in their back yard?

                      My guess is this is either the front and back of the same shed, modified over the years, or two different structures entirely.

                      I read somewhere that under the AMF regime, the shed was dismanltled and stored somewhere behind the plant and during a clean up exercise, it was destroyed.

                      The Black Widows were my favorite bike gang. The scene with the wigs is hard to beat.

                      Happy Thanksgiving.
                      Rob Sigond
                      AMCA # 1811


                      • #26
                        Man does this bring back nice memories!!!Thanks


                        • #27
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                          • #28
                            THAT'S IT!!! The Bo Derek braids are my favorite of the lot. I see I got the name of the movie wrong, but that scene is burned into my alleged brain.
                            Thanks for digging that one up.

                            There was a bunch of guys out by my summer place that were going thru male menopause and all bought new Harleys. They all had campers in the same campground. Their wives called them the Black Widders.
                            Rob Sigond
                            AMCA # 1811


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by tst
                              Hi Guys thought you might enjoy this picture of the first HD Salesman George Puls, i got this picture from Jean Davidson and it was given to her by Arthur Davidson
                              First? That photo is certinally not the first, second, or even third factory.
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                              • #30
                                Lee Marvin's club were the Beetles, and the later Rock & Roll band of the same name (with a different spelling) were named after them.
                                Robbie Knight Amca #2736

