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1965 Panhead Book Project

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  • #16
    Originally posted by gmarakas View Post
    Time for an update on the book project.

    Also, I still am looking for the September 1964 issue of Enthusiast that has the new model year release information. If anyone has that issue,
    Thanks to all.
    Hello, I have the entire original 12 issues of the Enthusiast for 1964 However the Sept issue doesn't mention the new's the August issue. The 8 page oversized 11x14 folded magazine has 2 full pages with 1965 new line Motorcycles on plus the cover displays the Electra-Glide. When I get a chance after you tell me how much of it you'd like copied (all would be fine) I'll send it to you once I look into making them the size required as I can't do that from my printer (8x11). My email is for the mail info. Keep riding them, Merlin in Pa.
    Last edited by Magic; 10-17-2008, 11:46 AM. Reason: spelling lol


    • #17
      Hi Magic.

      Thanks for keeping me in line

      You are correct. It is the August issue I need. I just need the layout and information on the new models -- specifically the Electra-Glide. I am happy to pay for copying or scanning and for whatever postage or other expenses you incur. I can send you a check or I can transfer money if you have a Paypal account. Just let me know. That information is important to the accuracy of the book and for research purposes with HD.

      Let me know how you want to handle this to avoid a lot of work on your part. You can email me directly at

      Thanks again for helping. Be sure to send me all your info for proper credit.
      George and Kyle Marakas
      K & G Cycles


      • #18
        waiting for you

        The above Aug Issue is completely copied in full size 8 pages, as well as 2 pages of the Nov issue had accessories for the Electra-Glide pictured with prices as well. I thought maybe that would be needed too as that is all I seen mentioned of new models in the 1964 Issues. I emailed you requesting mailing address then I'll get them off to you next week prolly. I don't want anything for them as it's no problem to assist another Motorcyclist when need be. It's hard to imagine that the first Big Twin H-D I ever rode I didn't like because it was a beast and I was only 16 and weighed only about 140lbs at 6' tall. LOL, I liked to go fast at that age....who didn't? Now that's one of my favorites to ride...Imagine that! My engine # is 65FLH111? so I take that it may be an early one. Merlin in Pa.
        Last edited by Magic; 10-17-2008, 03:14 PM. Reason: edit


        • #19
          I E mailed you a few 1965 photos. I am sure you will be able to get a lot of information from them as you can enlarge them so that a bolt head will fill your screen.
          Be sure to visit;

          Be sure to register at the site so you can see large images.
          Also be sure to visit


          • #20
            Chris, I received them all and I can't thank you enough!

            I promise to honor your request, as well.

            The information in the photos is remarkable. One of the most striking things that caught my eye was the polished ring on the primary. This suggests the photo was in late 1965. My discussions to date with HD about this finish detail are that the early versions had an entirely natural finish primary. I have two 1965 rider handbooks -- one with a picture without the polish and one with. I also have pictures from the Archives of 65s that have both natural and polished rings. Greg Fields makes a point of the natural finish in both of his books detailing the Pans. I was told by HD that this detail was originally decided to emerge in 66 but that it actually emerged on late 65 production models. It does not, however, appear in any definitive documentation that the archivist can find. This may be yet another example of the missing records destroyed by AMF. Anyway, this is the type of stuff that makes the 65 a mystery and somewhat enigmatic.

            You have made my day! Thanks, again.
            George and Kyle Marakas
            K & G Cycles


            • #21
              I have noted a '66 Police Special with a natural primary 'ring' and no inspection hole at the compensator zirque), so it is possible that rougher castings were saved for utility machines through the era.

              We must caution ourselves against declaring any conformity was produced exclusively or absolutely, as it is just not the nature of American manufacturing.

              AMCA #776
              Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!


              • #22
                The new models were shown in a fall issue of the Enthusiast from the year before the model year. You need to look at Aug, Sept 1963 issues.--Michael 6671


                • #23
                  No question about the caution. I totally agree.

                  HD did not throw out all of the parts on December 31 before closing for January. Undoubtedly there are mutations out there!

                  Thanks, Cotten.
                  George and Kyle Marakas
                  K & G Cycles


                  • #24
                    Hi Michael, you are correct. Magic has sent me a complete copy of the August, 1964 Enthusiast with all the info.

                    Thanks, again Magic.
                    George and Kyle Marakas
                    K & G Cycles


                    • #25
                      Hi Magic.

                      I didn't receive your email so I'll post my mailing address here.

                      Please send to Dr. George M Marakas
                      5641 Villa Drive
                      Lawrence, KS 66047

                      I really appreciate you doing this for me. Man, FLH111. That's one of the first off of the line! Send some pix. I'd love to see the bike. We have four currently with two more under way. I guess we should be getting pretty good at restoring them by now ;-)

                      I joked with David Lash that I don't speak 1964 0r 1966 so well but I think I am beginning to speak 1965 fluently ;-)

                      Looking forward to hearing from you.
                      George and Kyle Marakas
                      K & G Cycles


                      • #26
                        Speaking of "Enthusiast" magazines:
                        Which issue contains an article about an EGlide pulling a cabin cruiser from Duluth to Anchorage (or wherever)?

                        AMCA #776
                        Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!


                        • #27
                          emails...I must of had a typo mistake

                          Hello George and Kyle, I sent another email although I get frustrated sometimes with verizon as they time you out for some reason if logged into email for a period of time and I can lose a letter written. :-( The funny but not so funny thing is you never know if it went out when the log in page pops up. I have the copies in an envelope and will get them off Monday or Tuesday depending how work goes for me this weekend as I'm on nights. Hopefully these can help you with your endeavor. I collect such odd things and am glad to help. Merlin in Reading Pa. Keep riding them


                          • #28
                            Hooray! Is it true? Finally, a book on 1965 Harley FLH's? I get so tired of the uninformed BS answers I get when asking questions about mine. Keep us up to date on the progress!
                            Thanks!! Mike


                            • #29
                              Great news. Thanks for the effort. I've just delivered by '65 after years of research and parts collecting for some of the missing parts. Very interested in details on '65 seats. My information tells me that basically any white seat (buddy, deluxe buddy) had gold piping. It would be good to get some final confirmation.

                              So this is timely conversation for me. I'll keep watching for any other info requests I might be able to help with.
                              AMCA #7140


                              • #30
                                Hi Ray,

                                Thanks for joining in. Regarding the gold piping. The Super-Soft Buddy Seat, 52507-65A was black over white with black piping. The 52506-65A was white over white with white piping. This can be verified on page 22 of the 1965 Accessory Catalog. That page is in color and gives a pretty reasonable set of reference pictures. There was also a red over white seat cover version, as well. Most important is the surface -- it is smooth. The ribbed and thatched seats came in the Shovelhead era.

                                Hope this helps.
                                George and Kyle Marakas
                                K & G Cycles

