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Our Club's Direction

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  • #31
    In regard to Carl and Matt deriving a personal or professional benefit from Matt's position, I would like to point out that Carl's reputation as a first-class restoration artisan is well-established and the quality of his work speaks for itself. If you've ever seen any of his and Matt's restorations on their website or particularly in person, you can see that there is nothing professionally to be gained by Matt being involved with the AMCA. Whether you agree that Matt has received the proper support or not from the AMCA, the purpose of his position as Youth Coordinator is to promote, as a young person, this hobby of ours to those who never had one of these old bikes in their youth as many of us have. After all, who will keep these beasts running when we are dead and gone if not today's youth?

    Please note that Carl has never restored any of my bikes, I have never sold him any parts nor have I bought any parts from him, so I have no vested interest in anything but the truth. And no, he has not sent me $30.

    Back on topic...

    I can personally respect the position of anyone of us who feels that the magazine in and of itself and the contacts it allows us to make with our brethern is worth the $30 annual dues. I can also respect the position of those of us who feel totally left in the dark. I learned a long time ago in business that if you can promote and "sell" an idea prior to implementation you will have everyone, if not on-board with the program, at least informed of what is to pass and much more understanding of what is planned. This is where I feel the Board has been slow to understand.

    There is an old saying, you can please some of the people all of the time and all the people some of the time but you can never please all the people all of the time. That does not mean that you should not try. Now we understand why organizations and companies have "Directors of Communication"!

    Lonnie C. from SC
    Lonnie Campbell #9908
    South Cackalackey, U.S. of A.

    Come see us at the Tenth Annual AMCA Southern National Meet - May 17-19, 2019 at Denton FarmPark, Denton, N.C.

    Visit the website for vendor and visitor information at


    • #32
      I am totally satisfied with the comments, input and replies from above. Paps


      • #33
        Come on Guys...

        In regards to my agenda, I applied for the youth coordinator position four years ago when I was eighteen. The main reason that I wanted the position was so that I could take a pro-active approach in finding people my own age that were into old bikes. I grew up around old bikes, and consequently the older people that were interested in owning and restoring them. I never really had a problem with all of my motorcycling friends being two to four times my age, but as time went on a lot of my friends started to pass on, I would always go to the same meets every summer and it seemed like there was always word of somebody that didn't make it through the winter, etc.. I realized that not everyone lasts forever, and something needed to be done to ensure that I would have fellow enthusiasts by the time that I was middle-aged.
        On the subject of my dad benefiting from my position, all I can really do is present you with a couple of facts. Currently we have a two year waiting list at the shop, when I first got my position we had a two year waiting list. We haven’t built any new buildings, and neither of us are driving Escalades or Lexus’s. The only effect that my position has had on my job/ family's business is that I spend more time taking care of youth program related business while I am supposed to be working on old bikes. (don't misinturpert this as a complaint, I love talking about old motorcycles) And the biggest point of all is that I am the one who applied for the position not my dad. It is true that I am lucky enough to get to restore old motorcycles for a living, and if I had another job, chances are I wouldn’t even think about old motorcycles, let alone want to belong to a club that worships them. So yes I do have an agenda, and it is the same as yours, I want the club to be around for many years to come, which is why I am trying to recruit fresh blood into a club whose average age is at least 55 if not more.

        I am the first A.M.C.A. Youth Coordinator, and I am doing my best to let as many people know about out club and get as many members for my program as I can. This is why it pains me when you call my position "bogus" If you have any suggestions for me or my program, please feel free to tell me. I am on my own on this one, and appreciate any and all positive input as opposed to criticism.

        Best regards,
        Matt Olsen
        605-228-4334 Cell
        605-225-5702 work
        Last edited by Matthew N. Olse; 03-17-2008, 11:25 PM. Reason: spelling
        A.M.C.A. Board Member


        • #34
          Matt, well said.

          What the AMCA needs to take it forward is younger blood to replace the members who have ridden off into the sunset for their last time. Having been around vintage bikes since I was 5 years old I can empathize with your sentiments about old friends 100%

          If the Club does reform its electoral process I believe as it needs to survive, then you have my vote.


          Martin in the UK
          Last edited by Smarty; 03-18-2008, 07:20 AM. Reason: spelling and punctuation


          • #35
            input from the top

            Wow, as acting President of club, I guess I need to check out this web site once in a while. I would have answered sooner but I had hard time getting on. I'm no computor guy, infact I hate them, world was a simpliar place with out them. I think Pete Gagan filled you in on what is going on with club. You guys on this forum must remember you are a small part of the club, the members who belong to local chapters only make up a third of our membership. So you people using web site is a very small part of the club. It costs a good bit of money a year to run this, but I see no one complaining about this money being spent. If anyone out there has be problem on way club is being run, they should apply for a board postion. Nine years ago had I some question on how club was being run, instead of starting romurs, I got involed. Personally I think this web site is the biggest waste of club monies, but I also reconize many members enjoy it. Now that I pissed some of you off I can be reached by phone (330 832 1989) or E-mail RHa4280280 if you have concern about club. I will try to check web site out more often as president, but don't hold your breath. Rocky


            • #36

              Where do members collect an application form to become involved with the senior management team of the AMCA ? There are no application or nomination forms in the Magazine.

              Whilst I might be a non chapter affiliated member and therefore "only a small part" of the AMCA, I don't think you should lose sight that without members there would be no AMCA, and funds to form a foundation.


              Martin in the UK


              • #37
                To Matt Olsen,
                I would like to correct you young man. You are not own your own. Their are many of us old farts who don't know you, much less your family, whom read your promotion of the AMCA on various websites and venues, and realize your passion is deep from within. Shake it off and keep doing what you do young man. Appears you just got caught up in the mix of emotions, and from my view the statements about you have no relevance.
                Johnny Whitsett
                Johnny Whitsett
                AMCA # 8626


                • #38
                  I agree with Johnny (from Mississippi).

                  I think y'all should lay off Matt !!!!! He's what our club needs if it's going to continue to grow. I'd have no problem with Matt being compensated for travel or other incidentals, because I'm sure he puts a lot more into it than he gets backs, as do most people who volunteer at the meets.

                  The few that jump to conclusions and spread rumors on a forum without having the facts are just stirring **** up. If you want intelligent answers, ya gotta' ask intelligent questions. Thanks Pete for addressing everyone's concerns.

                  signed: A dues payin', card carryin', redneck. Member #11578
                  Last edited by Johnny; 03-18-2008, 07:43 AM.


                  • #39
                    Well Gentleman, we now know where we are from Mr. Gagen and Mr. Craig, and where we are headed from Mr. Halter. Taking time out of their busy schedules to respond to a minority is a gift we should cherish.
                    ARTICLE III. Section 1. The conduct of the affairs of the corporation and the attainment of its purposes shall be managed and guided by the board of directors of the corporation.
                    End of story
                    Johnny Whitsett
                    AMCA # 8626


                    • #40
                      Well, we've heard from the wolves and we've heard from the sheep. I believe this issue is far from over and I think the repercussions will be felt for years to come. I will try to keep an open mind and hope that the architechs of this "foundation" truly have the best interests of the club in mind. If they do, then it might be a good thing. If it's a "money" thing then expect trouble.

                      The one thing that resonates through every single post on this forum, regardless of the writers position on the issue is: Every person loves the AMCA and wants the best for this great organization. That alone, is the most encouraging thing about this mess and gives me hope that somehow, this will all work itself out.
                      Last edited by exeric; 03-18-2008, 10:30 AM. Reason: speling, I mean spelling
                      Eric Smith
                      AMCA #886


                      • #41
                        I agree there are still many unanswered questions. I hope everything is laid out in the next magazine. WHY NOT HERE? In particular I would like to know if the "foundation" is going to purchase bikes and/or literature from prominent or otherwise members and who decides the price since there could be a conflict of interest here. I too would like to know the well hidden details of the Torque 4 purchase, how much it cost ,where it is and when I can have a ride on it. Since Jay Leno is a foundation member why not let him store it for us since he has the dough to maintain it and Jay has a great web site and Rocky you should check it out. Like it or not computers are here to stay , are the future and where do you derive your stats for percentage of membership visiting the site? What were the criteria for choosing foundation members? Seems like a lot of knowledge and talent was overlooked. Too bad democracy is dead.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Rocky J Halter View Post
                          Wow, as acting President of club, I guess I need to check out this web site once in a while. I would have answered sooner but I had hard time getting on. I'm no computor guy, infact I hate them, world was a simpliar place with out them. I think Pete Gagan filled you in on what is going on with club. You guys on this forum must remember you are a small part of the club, the members who belong to local chapters only make up a third of our membership. So you people using web site is a very small part of the club. It costs a good bit of money a year to run this, but I see no one complaining about this money being spent. If anyone out there has be problem on way club is being run, they should apply for a board postion. Nine years ago had I some question on how club was being run, instead of starting romurs, I got involed. Personally I think this web site is the biggest waste of club monies, but I also reconize many members enjoy it. Now that I pissed some of you off I can be reached by phone (330 832 1989) or E-mail RHa4280280 if you have concern about club. I will try to check web site out more often as president, but don't hold your breath. Rocky
                          Pete Gagan just touched the surface on what is going on with the club. If getting on the board was as easy as applying more people would do it. The AMCA board is a "Good Old Boys" club and if you don't have the right connections you don't get on. The other reason there aren't more new faces on the board is that there are no term limits and if a board member is doing his/her job (and I use the word "job" here loosely) and they want to continue they are in; 5,10,20,25, etc. years. We need term limits and voting from the membership. As someone on this forum already said, the way things are now we have a dictatorship.
                          As far as the people on this forum being a small representation of the club the statement could be true only because there are a lot of people out there like yourself, Rocky, that have trouble spelling "computer". The fact remains that if the entire membership knew all about the plans and actions of the board as well as a full accounting of the club treasury you wouldn't be able to hear anything over the uproar from the out-rage.
                          I "Double-Dog-Dare" the board to print an article in the next issue of the magazine with ALL the info and a DETAILED treasurers report.



                          • #43
                            It is truly unsettling that our new president of the club seems to consider those of us members that use this forum to be a burden to him. He also states that, he personal thinks this web site is the biggest waste of club monies.

                            Rocky, I’m sure this web site is a thorn in your side, because without it the members may never be able to communicate with one another and discover some of the things which our officers are doing.

                            Those who have nothing to hide, hide nothing. -Steve
                            AMCA #7300


                            • #44
                              Well said Steve.
                              Eric Smith
                              AMCA #886


                              • #45
                                Keep up the good works Matt.

                                Rocky......your reply is an insult to the club, the forum, and all of it's membership ! Hopefully your language was caused by a heat of anger [we are all guilty of that now and then] and not by any real thought process. Paps

