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Our Club's Direction

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  • #16
    It should be obviuos to everyone that the US Government is behind all this. No doubt a club as large and well funded as the AMCA, with foriegn connections and all, could be considered a threat. I'm sure the senior board members are all typing furiously to fill us in, but their replies are being blocked, in order to plant doubt and mistrust among the members. The old divide and conquer strategy, and it seems to be working well.
    Kyle Oanes AMCA # 3046


    • #17
      Originally posted by 62Pan View Post
      on the other hand I feel a good library that we could all access would serve the club much better.
      A 1st Class interactive website with a well rounded and continually updating library would get my vote. Add to that a Tech section on the website with in-depth photos, videos of 'How-To's" (or better labeled as 'How-To-Do-It-Right').

      That's something all members could use everyday without leaving their homes/garage. Hrdly


      • #18
        Obviously we are all concerned, in our own mixed and varied ways. But........what gives us the right to be concerned over this event? We have always been informed of Our Clubs direction approx. 3 months after the decisions have been made by our trusted Board of Directors. For the most part we have been,at a minimum, tolerant of their actions. The Magazine is at its best, the Meets and Road Runs are growing in attendance, even as it becomes more expensive to participate. I injected a little humor as a reply to Carls post earlier, but he is correct. The Magazine itself is worth the price of admission. Why should the general membership be communicated with any differently on this deal than it has on any in the past ? I have heard many complaints regarding our judging system, which always recieved the worthy response of " get involved, become a judge". I think the same applies to our present situation. Get involve with your Local Chapter Officers. Institute and submit a Local Chapter inquiry to the National Boards actions and respond as a Chapter of The Antique Motorcycle Club of America. No revolution, no slander, no hard feeling. Just my 2 cents
        Johnny Whitsett
        Johnny Whitsett
        AMCA # 8626


        • #19
          While to some of us, it seems that word need to be gotten to the membership as quickly as possible, we need to remember that only a small fraction of the membership is on this forum. The leaders of our motley bunch may have chosen to inform us all at the same time. The next issue of the magazine would accomplish that.

          Given that in the past, the leadership of this club has made sound decisions, I'll reserve my opinions until I have opportunity to review facts, rather than rumors.

          BTW Carl, nice post....:-)
          Rick Pope, aka rickeieio


          • #20
            Originally posted by Hrdly-Dangrs View Post
            A 1st Class interactive website with a well rounded and continually updating library would get my vote. Add to that a Tech section on the website with in-depth photos, videos of 'How-To's" (or better labeled as 'How-To-Do-It-Right').

            That's something all members could use everyday without leaving their homes/garage. Hrdly
            Totally agree with Mr Dangerous.
            As an international 'club', a more functional website (not complaining about the current incarnation fellas) would be the best way to involve the international members like myself. I'll properly never be able to attend a meet or road run in the US (I'm in Australia) but for all the reading I have done re the clubs finances and capabilities over my 8 years of membership, I believe the availability of technical support / documents and photo sets would be a huge feather in the clubs cap. The club prides its self on being the authority re senior 100 point judging in the US. Well, how about photo sets of these 100 point machines as a viewable data base for members to view and use as their own restoration guides? Huge job I know, but why not start some where, and offer support the members via electronic media?
            I suggest the first photo set and on line library be for a 1920 - 22 Indian Powerplus
            I agree with the comments about the mag. It is the best available especially for US manufactured bikes, but an expanded web site with services to the members would really be a draw card and have to increase membership, if anything just for access to the data base. I think it's a fine line between feeling like a member of this club vs being just a subscriber to a magazine with a web site, such as Buzz Kanter currently offers.
            Just my opinion, and best wishes everyone.

            Ken Kemp
            Nth Queensland
            Member # 8756

            47 Chief
            2006 BMW K1200S
            Getting seriously interested in Vincent
            2010 Can Am Spyder RSS (The Wife made me do it!)
            SYM 125 Scooter


            • #21
     posted while I was writing. Make that the last 4 posts, per my previous comment.

              In regards to your trust in the leadership, I can relate to that. BUT ???? When I take a train, plane , taxi, whatever, I must trust the controling individual to perform as their postion demands. There is only one huge difference in my simple position comparisons though. I know in advance the direction they are taking me. Paps


              • #22
                Hi All:
                I have been off the screen for a while, due to computer related problems, otherwise I would have responded sooner. Hopefully the following will enlighten everyone.
                Pete Gagan

                Corporate Changes in the AMCA

                Dear fellow members:
                As some of you may have heard by now, the AMCA has a new president in the person of Rocky Halter, a very popular guy who really gets around. He will do the club proud, I am sure.
                My dropping out at mid term is a bit unusual, but so are the circumstances. It’s all as a result of corporate changes.
                Several years ago, the AMCA was re-organized as a 503(C) 3 Charitable foundation so we could give out grants to deserving members and organizations. A “grants committee” was set up including the officers of the AMCA.We have been told by the IRS that this is not permissible, and shouldn’t have been allowed because we provide opportunities for our membership to profit at our swap meets. They suggested setting up a separate Foundation as a 503 c 3 Foundation, and changing the club back to a 503 C (7) (not for profit) corporation. When the IRS makes such suggestions, it’s not a bad idea to listen.
                The two entities are now the Antique Motorcycle Club of America Inc., (your club) and the AMCA Foundation Inc. They should end up with little or no overlap of officers and directors, according to the tax guys, although in spirit we are one in the same. To this end, Rocky Halter has resigned as the vice president of the Foundation, and I have resigned as president of the Club to head up the Foundation for now. The other officers and organizational board members will be making similar choices soon. Dennis Craig will end up staying on the Foundation, while the other original Foundation board members will eventually go back to the Club. New members have been chosen for the Foundation, including Don Miller, Ed Youngblood, Jerry and Ted Doering, Dick and Wanda Winger, and Jay Leno, all well known AMCA members in good standing.
                The Foundation’s responsibilities have a new direction other than the old grants committee. We have entered into a relationship with the Antique Automobile Club of America’s Museum in Hershey PA. We have a 20 year lease on approximately 3200 sq.ft. of prime space within the museum which currently attracts 49000 visitors per year. We also share in revenue and expenses based upon our share of space. Our Museum will be a true “museum within a museum” and the AMCA will have its own separate identity. The museum is almost in the black now, and it is felt by both parties that the addition of the motorcycles will kick it into the black. We also have an 18 month “trial period” after which we either opt in or out, depending on how it all goes. I see no problems.
                A new manager will be hired to oversee our activities within the museum, help out with club related affairs, and to raise funds for the museum’s operations. It is anticipated that the manager will more than pay his or her way.
                The Foundation is intended to raise its own funds via such things as bike raffles, private and corporate donations, etc., mainly to fund the museum project and further grants. It is intended to be an asset to the club, not a liability in any way
                As for me, I will still be very much around, and will continue to see all my many AMCA friends.

                Pete Gagan.


                • #23
                  Must give you credit. Your simple position comparisons made me think.
                  I'm good at "simple", so I will extend your comparison. If the engineer, pilot, driver, whatever, is suppose to be taking us one direction, and upon embarking the journey we determine we are being taken an undesired direction, we have two choices........grab the wheel or jump out. We will be wise to set back, relax and make realistic inquirys to obtain factual information, then act accordingly. Very few of us truely desire to grab the wheel and only fools jump out.
                  Johnny Whitsett
                  AMCA # 8626


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Lonnie View Post
                    I purposely did not post any comments on this thread or the other thread , Keeping The Membership Informed, in order to give one or more of the board members the opportunity to address the concerns in both threads. However, at this time it does not appear that any of the board will reply so I will spout my two cents worth (and believe me, I have a lot of 2-pence coins).

                    At the Chapter Presidents' Meeting at Davenport which I attended the topic of the "Foundation" was briefly discussed. The spin-off, for lack of a better word, appears to relate to the Non-Profit status - what is referred to in the Internal Revenue code as 501(c)3 tax exempt status - that was requested by the National AMCA on behalf of all local chapters as part of the incorporation of each and every AMC chapter. I won't get into why it was mandated that every AMC local chapter had to be incorporated but it relates (I believe) to insurance liability at the local level transferring to the National AMCA.

                    To make a long story shorter, the request for local chapter 501(c)3 status was denied by the IRS on the grounds that a 501(c)3 organization, as part of their grounds for existing, is devoted to the education of the public. Though some us may argue the point, the reality of the situation (which is how the IRS sees it) is that we are a sort of brotherhood that gets together to enjoy our hobby (and spend all our money but that is another subject). Accordingly we (local chapters) were accorded non-profit status as a 501(c)7 org.

                    What is the difference? Primarily that a 501(c)3 org can accept tax-free donations and those donations are tax-deductible to the person (or co. or other org., etc.) who gives the gift. In a 501(c)7 org., you can accept the gift but the person giving gets only a thank-you (or a hug or kiss if you are that type).

                    So, as part of this IRS ruling, it was determined (as I understand it) that this also applies to the National. So, the determination was made to separate the AMCA club into 2 entities, one of which was the club as we know it and the other being the establishment of an AMCA Foundation to accept donations and give out grants to the "needy" (and establish this heralded museum).

                    How this affect us individually as members or even at the the local chapter level, one of which (Catawba Valley) I am President of, is affected on a day-top-day basis I do not know. Speaking for myself, I do not expect to see much difference, operationally speaking. On a broader scale, I just do not know. But we must understand that an AMCA foundation cannot stand alone without cash infusions. Either it receives a percentage of the cut of the dues paid to the National or generates its own revenue (admission to this museum, sales of goodies, etc.) or receives tax-deductible donations or a combination of the above. I does concern me that with two separate boards and their associated expenses coming from the same "kitty" that our annual dues will be diluted as a result.

                    Let me go on record as stating that I do not believe that there is any skull-duggery going on with the intention to rob any of us. However, the lack of communication from the Board is striking in its disregard for the membership - not just those of us who post on this Forum but those who do not.

                    I believe that the retained lawyer is Raymond Dhue, for those interested, who is a nice guy - we send our year-end chapter financials to him and he consolidates them for our IRS filing so us local chapters do not have to file individually. He is also the one who did the legwork on the local chapter incorporation.

                    Thanks and if anyone else can shed further light on this, please post your reply accordingly.

                    Lonnie C from SC
                    My quick reply to this message is as follows. I would first like to thank Lonnie for his insight on most of the topics.
                    1.) The AMCA Foundation is a done deal...1/2 of all the money that the National AMCA had at the beginning of the year has gone to the Foundation and can never come back to the AMCA.
                    2.) The museum idea is not finalized as yet and I hope it never is. It is not a part of the Foundation, it will be funded entirely by the membership and at GREAT cost. As far as recovering some of the money with paid entrances to the museum, that won't happen either. We would get a VERY SMALL percent of the total intake. My advise to all the readers here is to contact each and every one of the board members and tell them we do not want and cannot afford a share in the AACA Museum! ALL bills for the museum will be paid for by the National organization! In Peter Gagan's message here he makes it sound as if the museum IS a done deal and that it will fall under the control of the Foundation but I believe that is not the case. I think the current AMCA board has put all the AMCA members in a life boat that is SINKING. There are members of the board who disagree with these proposals and really want the best for the members but their silence is no help to members. there is an old quote that goes something like,"If your not part of the solution, your part of the problem!"
                    3.) Raymond Duhe is not an Attorney. The AMCA has a REAL attorney on retainer and the cost of this attorney has been cleverly hidden by the National Treasurer. I can only imagine his costs to the club.


                    • #25
                      Does everyone know that AACA members get free admission to the AACA museum? I really question the 49,000 "paid" spectators. So, what EXPENSES will the AMCA be liable for?


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by MGD View Post
                        Does everyone know that AACA members get free admission to the AACA museum? I really question the 49,000 "paid" spectators. So, what EXPENSES will the AMCA be liable for?
                        but will amca members ?


                        • #27
                          Dear Board Members,

                          Obviously, by all the replies on this site there is considerable concern amongst the members. There are a few issues that I feel as a member should be directly answered by the Board in the immediate future.

                          1) The purchase of the Torque Four - exactly how much was paid for it as the members have never been informed, and where is the bike now because we were told it would travel to every meet.
                          2) The lawyer that we have hired, how was he selected? Was it through interviewing several lawyers or was it because he was a friend of Ray Dhue? Is the $21,000 a non-refundable annual retainer? In other words, even if we don't utilize $21,000 worth of his time annually, are we still on the hook to him for that amount?
                          3) We've transferred 400K into the Foundation - who decides how that money will be spent, and to whom the grants will be provided?
                          4) We've purchased $4000 worth of literature from the Antique Motorcycle Club of Great Britain. Where is this literature? Could we not have done a deal with the British Club to somehow have this literature on disc so that it could have been distributed to our members? I know the club is striving for a virtual library which everyone agrees would be fantastic. If we could have used this literature for that purpose, it would have gone a long way to realizing that goal. What's the point of having boxes full of paper only accessible by a handful of members?

                          The Board's public disclosure of this information will go a long way in easing the minds of the club's members. The bottom line is that if the Board had a policy of being forthright to the members, instead of administering this club under a secret veil, we wouldn't be at the point that we are at now.


                          • #28
                            I appreciate Pete stepping up to the podium to answer a few questions raised.
                            A lot of us are concerned about the dollar and cents that are not discussed. Being that we are in the middle of a political season and are filled with "smoke" from politicians on the TV/radio, 24/7 forgive my needing more info.

                            - What is the Club's financial responsibilty for the Museum?
                            - At the end of this 18 month "honeymoon" a large balloon payment rumored at $200,000 would be due. Who pays this Club or Foundation?
                            - The salary ($85,000) of the museum director will be paid by the Club or Foundation?
                            - The expenses of decorating the museum will be paid by the Club or Foundation?
                            - What is the expected income of the 49,000 paid visitors. They currently charge $9.00 an adult @ 49,000 equals $440,000. What's the Museum's profit/loss for their commitment?

                            I'm not trying to be difficult, I'm just concerned that the funds "forwarded" to the Foundation and the Museum concept will not "strap" the current Club, it's magazine and programs of the capital needed to succeed and grow.
                            John Ulrich


                            • #29
                              To Carl Olsen,

                              I take it you consider me to be "stirring the pot" and not appreciative of my membership. Nothing could be further from the truth, but as a member I have certain fundamental rights, one of which is to be informed of decisions the Board Members are making on behalf of our club in a timely fashion. I want this club to succeed long after we are all gone, and full disclosure has to be the norm in order for that to occur. I appreciate your faith in the Board, but let's be real, many of us feel you have an agenda here and your son's position as Youth Coordinator is a completely bogus one, and you've gained nothing but publicity for your restoration company through his appointment.

                              I hope your company gains the success you are hoping for, but these issues are bigger than any one person's agenda.

                              Best regards.


                              • #30
                                Hey, I'm looking for a job....I'll take that Museum Director job for $55,000.00. That's a savings of $30,000.00 right there to the club.

                                Oh yeah...I will need to have that Torque-Four motorcycle for transportation to and from the museum. Hrdly

