Top price at the Barber auction was $130,000 for the original paint 1913 Flying Merkel. I think it was a phone in bid from someone at the Chandler auction.........
No announcement yet.
Otis Chandler "1907" Harley in Fall Issue
The wierd thing at the Batber auction was that a lot of the phone bids were coming from somewhere in CA.......that's right from the "other" auction where prices were a lot higher. The seller of the Zundapp told me that the buyer was at the Chandler auction, he must have been a bottom feeder like me that would have had to sell his house to buy anything in CA.
Stuff I can afford I don't want and stuff I want I can't afford.
I am pretty sure the Zundapp sold over the phone to someone in California. I watched the Barber rep do the nodding on the Merkel. He was gonna have it no matter what, in my low class poor boy opinion. By the way Louie, I got it from another source that Jim Crocker is indeed working with Stark.
auction prices
here is the link to the final prices -- $236K for the crocker!!
Originally posted by HarleyCreation
I'd say that's a fair summary, Earl, from my point of view.
Not so fair, perhaps, to guys bidding on that bike who think it is one thing when it appears to be something else.
Afterall, there were THREE times the number of 1908s vs. 1907s built (450 vs. 150) according to "official" H-D numbers.
It's also good to know that we can take the 1908 serial number divide down to at least the 2042 level.
That's awfully close to the "2000" mark and it makes a guy wonder if "2000" isn't the 1907-1908 dividing line.
I have heard there are a "couple" of original H-D motors numbered in the 18xx range. Not complete bikes mind you, just motors.
Did anybody get the serial number or pictures of that "1907?" in the back of the pickup?
Or was it a made up fake like showed up on ebay a couple years ago?
And since we have to include Serial # 2037 as a 1908 machine, the dividing line between 1907 and 1908 models gets closer to that "2000" number. I agree with you HarleyCreation. A closer study of original motors in the 18xx range to determine dimensional and casting differences is needed.
Originally posted by Earl
And since we have to include Serial # 2037 as a 1908 machine, the dividing line between 1907 and 1908 models gets closer to that "2000" number. I agree with you HarleyCreation. A closer study of original motors in the 18xx range to determine dimensional and casting differences is needed.
That would be another step forward in this poorly understood area of baby Harley-Davidson.
Well aren't you on the ball Louie???It's a sweet machine indeed. I would bet that it was the bike that showed up at the auction. I mean what would the odds be of having a whole gaggle of them on the west coast? Am I wrong at thinking that the gas tank looks '08 ish? Again very cool that you found this. I've been sidetracked with Injun stuff lately and would have missed it for sure!!!
But now that I think of it wasn't the one that showed up at the auction supposed to be original paint? Is this one original or whaddya think?