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65 FLH King of the Highway fit and finish

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  • So, things get curiouser and curiouser...

    In spite of the above discussion, and documentation that clearly says the 70+ mainshaft is needed with a 70-71 sprocket shaft for correct chain alignment, after opening everything up and measuring, it turns out my motor guy did indeed put a 70-71 sprocket shaft back in (that's what the previous owner had put in the motor), but the trans mainshaft is, in fact, a 65-69.

    Looks like it's all going to line up again when it goes back together, as the inner sleeve for the compensator, which determines sprocket location, ends up in the same spot regardless of whether you use the 65-69 sprocket shaft, or the 70-71, at least when used with a -65 inner primary. Like me, unless you measure it, you don't realize that someone has put in the wrong sprocket shaft until you try to put the outer primary cover over the compensator.

    Needless to say, it's all torn back down again for installation of the correct sprocket shaft, but at least I don't have to swap out the trans mainshaft as well.
    Last edited by JSB55; 06-11-2010, 02:53 PM. Reason: .
    Ride it like you can fix it!


    • Clutch Adjustment

      Hi,Guys -

      After two months, I finally have my motor back with the correct left flywheel and sprocket shaft installed, and everything now lines up, and of course now the outer primary cover actually fits.

      I am wondering about my clutch setup, however.

      I have the plate tightened down to give me the requisite 31/32 spring height, and adjusted the mousetrap per the book, although I found the instructions less than clear when working with a completely disassembled setup and may not have it entirely correct.

      The end result is a clutch lever with only about 1" to 1 1/2" of travel when pulled, and it's a very hard pull that still doesn't get the lever anywhere near the hand grip.

      By contrast, my Shovel and Evo clutches are much easier to pull, and the lever travels from fully extended to nearly contacting the hand grip. Both of those plus the Pan have the lever set to travel roughly 1/2" before starting to move the clutch.

      Is the short travel and hard pull on my 65 typical for a mousetrap, or do I have something mis-adjusted? I did ride the bike before tearing it down, but it's been so long I can't remember for sure how the clutch felt before, although I seem to recall it having a feel similar to the clutches on my Shovel and Evo.

      Any info appreciated, and especially some hints as to where the problem is if I'm out of adjustment.


      Ride it like you can fix it!


      • If the parts are the same and stock it'll work again

        You going to have to go back over everything involved in setting up the Clutch linkage and mounting of the Spring Booster as well. If it worked ok before hand and no parts were changed in the complete system it should work normally again which is a smooth disengage and engage of the clutch. Is the Clutch itself still all stock setup and hopefully not hitting the inside of the Primary when it stops on you. Feel with you fingers for the area that causes the Stopped lever if possible, when I say that ofcourse I do mean be carefull with the booster setup. Have someone work the clutch lever as you feel and look at all the moving parts closely. LOL I've never been bitten yet...Goodluck you'll get it right. Merli n in Pa.


        • Thanks, Magic.

          I did do new plates and clutch springs, but the booster, rod, and arm are unchanged, and I don't see it binding anywhere.

          I've loosened it all up and redone several times, but can't seem to get away from the short travel at the hand lever, and the need for a gorilla to pull on it.

          The clutch springs are the short, fat, orange ones (as were the tired ones I removed), but your comments make me think I should pull out and reinstall the disc pack, since even though it appears it is moving normally within the shell, it may be binding in a way that I'm not seeing.
          Last edited by JSB55; 07-27-2010, 08:35 AM. Reason: .
          Ride it like you can fix it!


          • The stack height of the discs should be right on the money, before they are installed. I don't know about colored springs, but the soft stock ones are good for me. Tried some others, but I could barely move the lever after I put them in. Tried 50/50, but they were still too stiff. Just stock for me.


            • Hmmm... good idea about checking the stack height, since I have all new discs.

              The springs are identical to those I took out, but ya, I should probably measure them against the book spec. Pretty sure orange is the standard spring, but I need to check that, too.

              Ride it like you can fix it!

