It is a safe bet that '36 EL's were not being built as late as December 1936. Traditionally July was the changeover month. The dealer meeting showing the new bikes was generally in August. In Jerry Hatfield's "Inside Harley-Davidson" on pages 151/152 he quotes from information he gleaned from the Presidents Report. In August 1936 the decision was made to store the new 1937 machines already assembled until October 1st to give dealers a chance to sell their remaining 1936 models. September is usually the month that the new models are introduced to the public. But in 1936 the 1937 new model announcement issue of The Enthusiast was the November issue.
Jerry also mentions that in the Presidents Report it is stated that 1,836 EL's had been sold as of September 30, 1936. That is the number sold, not the number built. Other company statements say "Nearly 2,000 were produced".
Jerry also mentions that in the Presidents Report it is stated that 1,836 EL's had been sold as of September 30, 1936. That is the number sold, not the number built. Other company statements say "Nearly 2,000 were produced".