I'm working on getting this bike back up and running for a customer. The owner is in his 80's and his son will inherit it one day. It will most likely pass on to the grandson. The bike has a lot of history behind it. I do know that back in the late 1950's when the owner bought the bike it had been costomized and the tanks and fenders were chrome plated. The owner soon painted it black where it remains today.
My Questing is about the tank badge and shifter gate. As I understand the shifter gate is correct for the year, but the tank badge came out in 1947. The tank is obviously made for the shifter gate but why would one weld the mounting bracket on the tank for a panhead tank badge? Or did Harley do something weird in 1945 as only something like 600 of these were made.
My Questing is about the tank badge and shifter gate. As I understand the shifter gate is correct for the year, but the tank badge came out in 1947. The tank is obviously made for the shifter gate but why would one weld the mounting bracket on the tank for a panhead tank badge? Or did Harley do something weird in 1945 as only something like 600 of these were made.