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  • #16
    Originally posted by Ohio-Rider View Post
    Paps, Your wasting your breath on dead ears.
    Some hear Bro. Some don't.


    • #17
      Originally posted by rwm View Post
      paps i have never told somebody before they are wrong but you are so wrong about the hackers show me one person who lost his bank acount from hackers and i'll say i'm sorry.
      I wish I was wrong. I am the one who is sorry. Sorry for those who don't hear a real life warning.


      • #18
        Originally posted by chibobber View Post
        It will all work out.Go for a ride!,Turn a wrench,Call or talk to riding buddy face to face.Too much reliance on computers anyway.
        Think how you did it before these things.
        Lifes to short ,Have fun.
        I truly miss those days but I sure met a lot a good people via the web.


        • #19
          Originally posted by sludge View Post
          all the best to ya paps, it's been a pleasure reading your posts on this forum. after nov 15 i won't be allowed on the forum because i don't plan on handing out any more personal info than i already have, and that's ok with me i know the rules and though i disagree with em i'll play by em. i will however renew my membership in the club because overall i think it's a good value and that MOST members are decent folks.
          Thank you sludge. Likewise on the reading pleasures. I won't be allowed here either. I too will renew my AMCA membership and most likely will remain a member until I am forbidden that as well. Paps


          • #20
            Originally posted by silentgreyfello View Post
            There are people that are making their life's work on how to steal your money.
            Is German paper involved?
            Be sure to visit;
            Be sure to register at the site so you can see large images.
            Also be sure to visit


            • #21
              i think chris said it all. way to many pickers and pirates it,s not a hobby for most guys anymore it,s a business.


              • #22
                Originally posted by t-bone View Post
                i think chris said it all. way to many pickers and pirates it,s not a hobby for most guys anymore it,s a business.
                That's true to some degree but bikes are more accurately restored than ever before and probably have more genuine content than they did 20 years ago. Ebay is a big factor in that, but you have to give credit to the pickers that have dug up many of these lost piles. I don't like the high prices either, but I like the option of springing for a genuine part.
                Eric Smith
                AMCA #886


                • #23
                  Originally posted by t-bone View Post
                  i think chris said it all. way to many pickers and pirates it,s not a hobby for most guys anymore it,s a business.
                  Oh, paleeese quit whining and feeling sorry for yourselves. You are not victims. Parts are worth what someone will pay. That is life in a free market. Since more and more people have discovered antique motorcycles, and as the parts supply is starting to dry up, it is only natural that the prices will increase, like it or not. If you want something with a stable price, find a hobby that nobody else likes!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by silentgreyfello View Post
                    Rob, you are wrong. I had my personal info stolen from a car club that I was a member of. They hacked the computers and got my credit card number. It went undetected for almost two weeks because the losers were pulling $99 cash advances every two days from someplace in Miami. The car club put out a notice that their info had been "compromised". I got my money back, but still, it shouldn't have happened. To think it couldn't happen here is being very naive. There are people that are making their life's work on how to steal your money.
                    i was hacked to didn't loose a dime my bank and paypal noticed it a red flag whent up over money being spent out of my bank told me"most all thefts happen from the hard copy papper trail when somebody throws your invioce into the dumpster.
                    it's kinda funny how barry sells to high and walmart to cheap
                    rob ronky #10507


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by rwm View Post
                      it's kinda funny how barry sells to high and walmart to cheap
                      Well, if he is too high priced, then he won't sell any, will he? That is his business, and I don't know why it would concern anyone else but him unless one has an axe to grind. BTW, I think Barry's prints are killer. Outside my price range for something like that, but if I were filthy rich, I would own one. Oh well!


                      • #26
                        i,m not whining or feeling sorry for myself just expressing my opinion. hope thats ok i would,nt want to upset any pickers as they,re here to help us all find the rare parts we need.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by silentgreyfello View Post
                          Well, if he is too high priced, then he won't sell any, will he? That is his business, and I don't know why it would concern anyone else but him unless one has an axe to grind. BTW, I think Barry's prints are killer. Outside my price range for something like that, but if I were filthy rich, I would own one. Oh well!
                          You nailed it man! This harping on Barry for that awesome yardlong is getting a little old. This whole debacle may hurt us in the end when he doesn't share what he's got for sale on this forum. If I recall correctly, it wasn't that long ago that he let a H-D Peashooter project go for somewhere around the $3800 mark. I didn't hear anybody screaming that he devalued their stuff and was undercharging.

                          This thread has me a little puzzled Neil74. I have met the odd person related to the club that had no time for me and I'll tell you what.... for every person that I've encountered like that there were at least another ten people behind him that were more than great. I can't think of any other bike club that has folks that are just as obsessed with me with these old relics. I've had info offered and shared. I've had tutorials that walked me right through problems that were driving me crazy! I've also had parts overnighted to me so that I could make a weekend run. This has all come from folks in the AMCA that aren't looking to profit from me, they just want to help a fellow antique bike addict. I don't get to a lot of the meets down south but I do get a great magazine, I get this forum and I've met a lot of folks that I'm proud to call friends. Neil, maybe your just in a bit of a slump.... get out and take a ride, do some wrenchin' or open up a history book and look at the folks that started it all.. that usually brings me back around on the bad days....
                          Cory Othen


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Paps View Post
                            My decision to not comply with the new forum policies does not deter me from remaining a club member. I have not chosen to drop my membership in the club. I am just standing my ground on the new forum posting regulations based on plain common sense in the web realm of identity protection. Hackers will get in and they will obtain information. They will follow that information right on down through the links into the main AMCA data base. Once there.... they will access the personal and banking information, contained within it's data base of members, who have used credit and debit cards for payment of renewal membership statis, calenders etc... It won't take long before I can say " I told you so".. Yeah....more nut talk....
                            I apologize for implying you are a nut Paps. That was not my intention and I believe you are probably a nice fellow. Obviously you have your beliefs and I have mine. This forum will be less colorful without you. I hope some day things will change because the internet, and forums like this have allowed people from all over the world to connect; who would otherwise, never meet. There is a real tragedy in this, and as someone else said; the bad guys have won when some of us can't feel safe here.
                            Eric Smith
                            AMCA #886


                            • #29
                              cory i think my humor was lost somewhere.guys were griping that walmart sold things to cheap
                              rob ronky #10507


                              • #30
                                Nope, Rob my rambling didn't come from your Wal-Mart comments.... I get your humor dude.......

                                Cory Othen

