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AMCA survey

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  • #16
    I had problems too,but only when using "Google" as my search engine.When I used the windows search,at the very top of the page,as kevin has mentioned,it worked


    • #17
      Originally posted by rickgeo View Post
      I had problems too,but only when using "Google" as my search engine.When I used the windows search,at the very top of the page,as kevin has mentioned,it worked
      That could be my problem, I use MAC


      • #18
        Originally posted by rickgeo View Post
        I had problems too,but only when using "Google" as my search engine.When I used the windows search,at the very top of the page,as kevin has mentioned,it worked
        I've tried that and it didn't work. The only link that works, sends me here. Helluva' way to conduct a survey.
        Eric Smith
        AMCA #886


        • #19
          I never said I couldn't do it or that the link didn't work... My beef is that the link is not on the page on the website. I get the 'members only' thing but what's to stop a friend who's reading my magazine from taking the survey? I just finished it and there was no box for my membership number and when it asked if I were a member of a local chapter it did not ask which one.


          • #20
            I've tried Bing, Google, and MSN search engines numerous times, and still get nothing but unrelated crap. . . Just typical.
            Eric Smith
            AMCA #886


            • #21
              2015 Survey

              I guess there was another survey in 2010? That thread is still getting responses... here's my question/comment:

              OK - I'm on the website and want to take the survey. They say it would be easier for everyone to do it online, but to get to the online survey I have to go to page 18 of the magazine and manually copy and enter the link? Seriously?

              Oh... never mind!


              • #22
                Rev, Eric:

                I just checked the link as it appears in the magazine and it's working correctly. Just follow Kevin's instructions above:

                "On the very top of your internet screen you will see http://www. delete everything after this and then type in the rest of the address listed in the magazine."

                I do not want to post a link here, because we want responses only from members, but I will send you a link by PM.

                Bill Wood


                • #23
                  Just sent you a link by PM.

                  Bill Wood


                  • #24
                    Thanks, Bill.

                    I never said I couldn't do it or that the link didn't work... My beef is that the link is not on the page on the website. I get the 'members only' thing but what's to stop a friend who's reading my magazine from taking the survey? I just finished it and there was no box for my membership number and when it asked if I were a member of a local chapter it did not ask which one.

                    Guess I'm just rainy day grumpy!


                    • #25
                      I finally got through after many tries. I can only suspect there was some fat ether somewhere in outer space
                      Eric Smith
                      AMCA #886


                      • #26

                        The lack of membership number and personal info is on purpose. This is designed to be a completely anonymous survey, so that members will feel free to give honest responses--good or bad.



                        • #27
                          OK. I get that, too... but why could they not have link to the survey on the web page? From the other thread it seems that lots of members had issues with copying the link and typing it in. Was it an issue with Survey Monkey? Do they not allow links?


                          • #28

                            A link on the website would essentially invite any website visitor to participate in the survey. The magazine only goes to members. And yes, you could show someone else that link in your copy of the magazine. But the Club trusts its members to recognize the importance of getting accurate data reflecting the interests and desires of the AMCA membership, which means keeping this to members only. Besides, we suspect that the number of people looking over your shoulder at your copy of the magazine will be considerably smaller than the number of people who visit the website.

                            The alternatives are to track each response, which eliminates the anonymity, or to only allow responses on the actual printed form in the magazine, which would be considerably less convenient.

                            Based on the number of online responses we're receiving, it doesn't appear many people are having problem with this system.



                            • #29
                              Bill, Actually there as been three surveys taken. The first some where around 2001 or so when I was on the board for a short time. My tasking was to compile the results and share them with the board. It was the year that Bob McClean was replaced by Peter Gagan. I know that the board members at the time weren't to happy with the results. They are somewhere in the club meeting minutes or archives. Just sayin'.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by wlwood View Post

                                A link on the website would essentially invite any website visitor to participate in the survey. The magazine only goes to members. And yes, you could show someone else that link in your copy of the magazine. But the Club trusts its members to recognize the importance of getting accurate data reflecting the interests and desires of the AMCA membership, which means keeping this to members only. Besides, we suspect that the number of people looking over your shoulder at your copy of the magazine will be considerably smaller than the number of people who visit the website.

                                The alternatives are to track each response, which eliminates the anonymity, or to only allow responses on the actual printed form in the magazine, which would be considerably less convenient.

                                Based on the number of online responses we're receiving, it doesn't appear many people are having problem with this system.

                                Bill, in the magazine the first page of the survey in paragraph 2, when it says we can do this online it says: "Simply go to [Removed Link] and follow the instructions."

                                I did exactly that, and what comes up on my screen is about 30 choices to click on. I chose about six of them and none provide any "instructions", and none of them get me to a page with the questions on the survey in the magazine. .. and I'm pretty short on patience with online stuff, because when I've spent a half hour trying to find my way?... plan 2, lick a stamp. Too bad I have to get writer's cramp with lousy penmanship and (whine, whine, whine!)
                                So I'll wait for those "instructions", I guess.
                                Last edited by WebKahuna; 03-16-2015, 08:37 AM.

