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Knucklehead restamp job???

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  • #46
    Just a couple of questions:

    How old IS this site?

    And how does one delete all one's previous posts without looking each one up?
    (It took me hours and hours to clean my few dozen posts out of Buzz Kanter's site after he trashed the First Amendment!)

    Computers are confusing, and mistakes will be made. Let us not start a witch hunt whenever the electrons get away from us.
    (I mean good grief, who among us would be so motivated, and so skilled!, as to delete Pete's post out of hostility, or hack into his computer so quickly for anything less than his bank accounts?)

    A little paranoia is healthy, but let us put our energies toward civil discourse, and somehow preserving, and evolving, the judging system that is the flagship of the AMCA.

    AMCA #776
    AMCA #776
    Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!


    • #47
      Originally posted by T. Cotten View Post
      Just a couple of questions:

      How old IS this site?

      And how does one delete all one's previous posts without looking each one up?
      (It took me hours and hours to clean my few dozen posts out of Buzz Kanter's site after he trashed the First Amendment!)

      Computers are confusing, and mistakes will be made. Let us not start a witch hunt whenever the electrons get away from us.
      (I mean good grief, who among us would be so motivated, and so skilled!, as to delete Pete's post out of hostility, or hack into his computer so quickly for anything less than his bank accounts?)

      A little paranoia is healthy, but let us put our energies toward civil discourse, and somehow preserving, and evolving, the judging system that is the flagship of the AMCA.

      AMCA #776
      I think this site started about 1998 or so
      to delete your posts click on your name in any post the drop down will give you options, one is "show all posts" you can then pick the ones you want to delete
      Kevin Valentine 13
      EX-Chief Judge


      • #48


        Are you sure you aren't thinking of this AMCA forum?

        It's still going strong!

        Thanks, and I hope I never have to use the delete function.

        AMCA #776
        Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!


        • #49
          Dear Kevin, thanks for the explanation, but it's not much fun taking criticism and abuse from what may be imposters on this site. Can you Email these guys and ask for their names and AMCA numbers to be disclosed at least to yourself as administrator? Our members may not know that a major upgrade to the AMCA Website has just been approved, and I'd like to think that having all our users re-register and agree to the current posting rules will be part of this.


          • #50
            Originally posted by Steve Slocombe View Post
            Our members may not know that a major upgrade to the AMCA Website has just been approved, and I'd like to think that having all our users re-register and agree to the current posting rules will be part of this.
            Great idea Steve. No reason anyone would object to that. I hope.
            AMCA #7300


            • #51
              Originally posted by Steve Slocombe View Post
              Dear Kevin, thanks for the explanation, but it's not much fun taking criticism and abuse from what may be imposters on this site. Can you Email these guys and ask for their names and AMCA numbers to be disclosed at least to yourself as administrator? Our members may not know that a major upgrade to the AMCA Website has just been approved, and I'd like to think that having all our users re-register and agree to the current posting rules will be part of this.
              But will original registration date for members remain correct ?


              • #52
                Originally posted by Steve Slocombe View Post
                I'd like to think that having all our users re-register and agree to the current posting rules will be part of this.
                What, so you can censor posts by those that don't agree with you and retalliate like communists? Is this another stupid idea from Rocky?


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Steve Slocombe View Post
                  Dear Kevin, thanks for the explanation, but it's not much fun taking criticism and abuse from what may be imposters on this site.
                  I doubt that imposters would treat you any differently than the registered members on this site. What would be the point?
                  Be sure to visit;
                  Be sure to register at the site so you can see large images.
                  Also be sure to visit


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Chris Haynes View Post
                    I doubt that imposters would treat you any differently than the registered members on this site. What would be the point?
                    Good side shot!
                    AMCA #3149


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Steve Slocombe View Post
                      Dear Kevin, thanks for the explanation, but it's not much fun taking criticism and abuse from what may be imposters on this site. Can you Email these guys and ask for their names and AMCA numbers to be disclosed at least to yourself as administrator? Our members may not know that a major upgrade to the AMCA Website has just been approved, and I'd like to think that having all our users re-register and agree to the current posting rules will be part of this.
                      there are several reasons that asking members to re-register will not work.
                      Originally posted by Paps View Post
                      But will original registration date for members remain correct ?
                      all original information would be lost. the member would have to be deleted and then re-register, because you cannot register with the same username or email address it only allows one person to use them. you cannot use the same email address for more then one identity, and an identity cannot be used more then once by anyone.

                      as you know we have a lot of members that value their privacy, they check not to be listed in the club roster and did not fill in their information on the forum. if you check the members list on the forum you will find 30 of the first 50 members did not list a name or number, they do that for a reason.
                      Kevin Valentine 13
                      EX-Chief Judge


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by kval View Post
                        ......... if you check the members list on the forum you will find 30 of the first 50 members did not list a name or number, they do that for a reason.
                        snip•er n.
                        1.One who shoots at other people from a concealed place.

                        Anyone who believes they can hide their identity on the internet these days is acting foolishly.
                        AMCA #7300


                        • #57
                          I've been a member on the forum for a good 7 years now. I really don't want to loose that senority. I also understand folks who wish privacy as much as the net will allow as Steve said. Re-registering is a bad idea.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Steve Slocombe View Post
                            I'd like to think that having all our users re-register and agree to the current posting rules will be part of this
                            so that we can contol what is said, who said it, and blacklist that person from any meetings, future office, give them the worst vending spot, hold grudges like Rocky, etc, etc. The possibilities are endless. Just trust us.

                            There, I finished the statement for them, at least that is what I think they are thinking! The current board is more out of touch with the masses than the idiot we have in the white house.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by silentgreyfello View Post
                              The current board is more out of touch with the masses than the idiot we have in the white house.
                              He may be an idiot. But he fooled enough people to vote him into office. I just hope we have a country left when it comes time to vote him out.
                              Be sure to visit;
                              Be sure to register at the site so you can see large images.
                              Also be sure to visit


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by silentgreyfello View Post
                                so that we can contol what is said, who said it, and blacklist that person from any meetings, future office, give them the worst vending spot, hold grudges like Rocky, etc, etc. The possibilities are endless. Just trust us.

                                There, I finished the statement for them, at least that is what I think they are thinking! The current board is more out of touch with the masses than the idiot we have in the white house.
                                Isn't that what happened to Andy Anderson. He had a good spot at Wauseon when he was in charge. But the minute he wasn't, the spot he had for years was needed & he got the boot.

