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Knucklehead restamp job???

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  • #31

    Since you're not from the USA, you are not close enough to see the dumbing down of the USA. What our AMCA president did and with the help of some of the board members, and the remainder of the board members allowed it to happen, it's not ony disappointing it's heart wrenching. I'm not insulting anyone, I'm stating truthful facts. I don't have to repeat about my 35 years of devotion to the AMCA judging, reread my former posts, maybe this will help you grasp the intensity of the judging situation.

    Yes, some of the new judging committee is the same. But very few. The old system was not illigitimately started and controlled by Steve Slocombe. Yes we discussed and voted on VIN numbers on the judging committee, but Slocombe and RedFred did not approve of the vote. So even after our final vote and decision, about 25 emails continued on this subject within the judging committee emails. Then at the BOD meeting in Eustis, using their board positions and buddies, they passed their version of the VIN rule. Not what the judging committee voting on. You also state that these are the same judges that judged under Kevin and myself, it's a shame you weren't at Oley or Denton, that way you'd have the correct information. Most of the judges are not the same, most of the former judges are NOT judging because they don't approve of the terroristic takeover of our judging system either. Approximately 6 judges at Oley, approximatley 10 at Denton, not counting apprentices. This is not our normal 40-50 judges. I was at Oley, some of the judges I never remember seeing on the judging field before. Some, were never given a judging card because they weren't qualified enough. At Oley they were judging. At Denton they had judge that didn't even go through the apprentice judging program and they weren't grandfathered in either - they were never on the judging field before. Rocky was even judging and he NEVER was even close to the judging field until he kicked Kevin and I out.

    Your interpretation of good numbers, what you have quoted here, is how we judging under Kevin and myself, pre-Eustis 2010. This is NOT what the committee voted on before Eustis and it is NOT what the board voted on at Eustis. Was the VIN number rule changed back to the way it was before Eustis.

    Wherever you're getting your facts, they are not correct.

    There is so many things that you posted that are so untrue and so hard to understand your reasoning. You say that I am disappointed about not getting my friend Kevin's position? First of all he should have retained the position, not being blindly fired by an anti-judging president. Also the same president that lied to me through an emailed letter saying I WOULD receive the Chief Judge position if Kevin was dismissed from not working with Steve Slocombe. First off, Steve Slocombe was not part of the judging until he made himself part of the judging in October. Just like it seems he's making himself the "AMCA", my opinion. But look at the facts. Why should one person be allowed to control one aspect of the AMCA? Including rewriting the Judging Handbook, By-laws and Policies & Procedures, and be on the Steering committee.

    I could go on and on and on. But I'm not going to. As I said earlier, reread my previous posts.

    Robin Markey
    Former Assistant Chief Judge
    still a Senior Judge
    AMCA #831


    • #32
      Thank you for posting the copy of my original post.
      I did not anticipate that it would be removed so I did not take the precaution of copying it.
      Now that I have read it again I cannot see any reason for it to have been censored?
      Pete Reeves 860


      • #33
        Originally posted by pete reeves View Post
        Thank you for posting the copy of my original post.
        I did not anticipate that it would be removed so I did not take the precaution of copying it.
        Now that I have read it again I cannot see any reason for it to have been censored?
        Pete Reeves 860
        this is the second time you have accused me of censoring your post.
        if this is a attempt to discredit me you would be best advised to STOP
        Kevin Valentine 13
        EX-Chief Judge


        • #34
          Pete's post as I first read it, and hastily replied to in error, was only a paragraph or so long.

          So, I suspect that this is just cascade of misunderstandings from a simple format error.

          Let us not become divided, indignant, and hostile only because computers are confusing!

          As far as the turmoil within the judging scene,
          I would like take a stand as the third side of this conflict: the out-side.

          AMCA #776
          AMCA #776
          Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!


          • #35
            If you look at the times of yours and my post you will see it’s likely that our posts crossed over, I was answering Robin when he copied my original post.

            If you did not remove my post who did?

            The copy of my post from Robin Looks to be the same as the original that I posted.

            Pete Reeves 860


            • #36
              Originally posted by pete reeves View Post
              If you look at the times of yours and my post you will see it’s likely that our posts crossed over, I was answering Robin when he copied my original post.

              If you did not remove my post who did?

              The copy of my post from Robin Looks to be the same as the original that I posted.

              Pete Reeves 860
              I do not know who removed your post, and after a post is removed I have no way of tracking it.
              if you read Cotton's last post, it would seem that YOU have a problem with your internet server, as he states that he only saw one paragraph and your post was alot longer then that.
              I feel that you owe me a public apology for accusing me of censoring you post without any proof
              Kevin Valentine 13
              EX-Chief Judge


              • #37
                There is nothing wrong with my server. My post arrived on this forum and was displayed for a period of time long enough for cotton to respond and both Robin and you to make copies of it. I suspect that other members would have seen it as well.
                I assumed that you are the only one that controls this forum so I concluded that it must have been you that removed my post. You have said it was not you so I apologise for the comments I made.
                However the fact somebody other than you has the ability to delete posts should be considered to be a serious breach of security and should be investigated to stop them doing something like this again.
                Pete Reeves 860


                • #38
                  All administrators can access the "Administration Control Panel" Some moderators can also if permissions are set up that way by the administrator / administrators.

                  To locate post removal action taken by any particular administrator, one needs to look over the administrator log within the administration control panel. A list of administrators will appear beside all actions taken. many of those administrators will be hidden beneath the title "Anonymous". Some will be named.

                  Administrator titles can be an Actual Name or the word Anonymous. Each adiminstrator will have a unique I.P. address, regardless of whether or not their given name is shown or the word anonymous is shown.

                  I.P. address identifies the administrator and can be cross checked against membership I.P.s


                  • #39
                    Additionally.....I forgot to add......The I.P. associated with the post removal is the person who removed the post.


                    • #40
                      Nothing better than a catfight when all I asked is if the numbers were restamped. You guys have tempers just like me!


                      • #41
                        This is a bit like walking in a minefield, but......

                        In regard to the bike in question, a 40EL, I know the bike and the builder who is also the seller. I saw the bike in the process. It is not a restamp, those are the original case VIN numbers.

                        Whew, escaped intact!!!
                        Lonnie Campbell #9908
                        South Cackalackey, U.S. of A.

                        Come see us at the Tenth Annual AMCA Southern National Meet - May 17-19, 2019 at Denton FarmPark, Denton, N.C.

                        Visit the website for vendor and visitor information at


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Paps View Post
                          All administrators can access the "Administration Control Panel" Some moderators can also if permissions are set up that way by the administrator / administrators.

                          To locate post removal action taken by any particular administrator, one needs to look over the administrator log within the administration control panel. A list of administrators will appear beside all actions taken. many of those administrators will be hidden beneath the title "Anonymous". Some will be named.

                          Administrator titles can be an Actual Name or the word Anonymous. Each adiminstrator will have a unique I.P. address, regardless of whether or not their given name is shown or the word anonymous is shown.

                          I.P. address identifies the administrator and can be cross checked against membership I.P.s
                          you are correct, but the log only shows what an administrator does. it does not show if a member or someone that has hacked a members identity goes in and deletes a post(you can only delete your own posts).
                          I have already checked everything I can find. this is not the first time this has happened, last week someone deleted an obituary. I am still trying to find that one. I took on this job because of spam that was starting to get bad, and I wanted to help stop it, but as you know it is not easy to catch all of it.
                          Kevin Valentine 13
                          EX-Chief Judge


                          • #43
                            Dear Kevin, that's not good if we've got hackers on our site again. I note that 2wheels and speedracer are reported to have been 8-10 years on this site but made no postings before late-April 2010. They have not disclosed their names or AMCA numbers, in accordance with our posting policy, so could you please check if these are real AMCA members or someone hacking into an old identity.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Steve Slocombe View Post
                              Dear Kevin, that's not good if we've got hackers on our site again. I note that 2wheels and speedracer are reported to have been 8-10 years on this site but made no postings before late-April 2010. They have not disclosed their names or AMCA numbers, in accordance with our posting policy, so could you please check if these are real AMCA members or someone hacking into an old identity.
                              we DO NOT have hackers on the site. the hackers are in members computers, they get your password and sign in as you. then they can post, edit or delete anything you have in under your identity. from what I have found, that is what happened to the obituary that was deleted, they also deleted everything a member had posted. this is the reason you should change your password every so often, if you have used the same password for over a year you should really change it. if you used a public computer somewhere, you should change your password when you get home.
                              the members you listed are just like alot of our members, they do not want their information listed. over a year ago I asked members to at least put their AMCA number in their profile, but not everybody has done that. until I started to moderate this site all that was required was a username, password and email address, and that is all most members filled in. now if the AMCA number does not match the membership information I block them.
                              Kevin Valentine 13
                              EX-Chief Judge


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by kval View Post
                                we DO NOT have hackers on the site. the hackers are in members computers, they get your password and sign in as you. then they can post, edit or delete anything you have in under your identity. from what I have found, that is what happened to the obituary that was deleted, they also deleted everything a member had posted. this is the reason you should change your password every so often, if you have used the same password for over a year you should really change it. if you used a public computer somewhere, you should change your password when you get home.
                                the members you listed are just like alot of our members, they do not want their information listed. over a year ago I asked members to at least put their AMCA number in their profile, but not everybody has done that. until I started to moderate this site all that was required was a username, password and email address, and that is all most members filled in. now if the AMCA number does not match the membership information I block them.
                                Yep...Those are the tough ones to locate for certain. When I run into problems such as this, I solicit the pro who can read the 1's and 0's. In this case though, a hacker entering in via a members pc cannot be stopped until the members pc is cleaned up. Locating the infected members pc is another story. Bummer !

