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!914 Twin HD Cannon ball request

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  • Eyes

    This weakened is the Eyes on Design benefit for the Detroit Institute of Ophthalmology at the Edsel and Eleanor Ford Estate. The Ghost is to be one of many motorcycles and cars featured in this event in order to raise funds for a good cause, vision.

    This show brings out the best vehicals from many local collections. One can imagine the Metro Detroit area has cars and fine cars these collectors have. Every year the show changes its appearance with different vehicles so you never knows what to expect. Even Jay has sent a few cars from his garage over the years so they do bring some in from out of town also.

    Motorcycles at the "Eyes" are a secondary display with about 25 allowed. Many of the vehicles are of concourse restoration so the Ghost received extra attention this week, cleaning, polishing and waxing. In order to keep the bike clean I will trailer to the event. Photos to follow.


    • Cory Othen


      • looking awsome joe! its nice to see this thread on the screen again,to follow the ghost through its rejuvination it does hold a special place.
        have a good weekend joe.


        • Thank you for your positive comment Gary.

          The Eyes show was better than ever. About 50 motorcycles and scooters showed including Ron Finch's newest creation, a must see. The Automobile field was packed with the best of everything. This year they introduced farm tractors in the show and they did not disappoint either.

          The focus on the show is style The Ghost did not hold a candle to the pre 40 Indian four with those a-hem beautiful fenders and paint.

          The weather was perfect food good variety of vehicles hard to believe. You out of town'ers should really give this event a try next year you won't be disappointed. Fathers day weekend always.



          • Haunting blowing in soon.

            This up-coming weekend is the Knuckle Fest at the H-D museum with the riding club "Knuckle Head Company" rolling in. The Ghost will make its second Milwaukee ride in, a cameo appearance for this great time road run, All you bordering and close by Wisconsin state riders ride in to the HD museum, do so this week-end Saturday July 9th 2011 while they still allow us to leak oil all over the place ! BE THERE it should be a memorable time.

            Now, Lets move on to business, this week has been interesting, Since completing MC Cannonball I have been involved in a new project that has run cold for a short while, temporarily stalled out due to indecisiveness, knowledge shortcoming. So I redirected to get my mind right. What better to get the mind right other than to start another bike project?

            I have had for a long time a 1937 Knuckle project in the waiting and with the Knuckle Fest coming I thought why not get started on my own Knuckle build?

            Step one, out come all the sheet metal that gets painted color (this bike will be suck your eyes out green) I have all the correct sheet-metal except the rear fender, my fender doesn't have the butterfly on the strap and has the strong hinge I guess it must be a 38/39 fender. Then,,, a call from an old friend.

            "Joe I just came across a pile of parts you need to come on over and see what you could use". Road trip,,, I arrived and found a pile of 45" parts and a pile of Knuckle parts with a little pan stuff spilled in for flavor.
            A short while later I was loading all the loose big twin parts in the back seat and trunk. A return trip planed to pick up the near complete 47 Knuckle chassis minus power plant and trans. Coincidently I already have a 47 motor and trans. in stock.

            Now the icing on the cake,,,A 1937 rear fender with butterfly strap was in the pile A little beat up and missing the tail light hood. Fortunately I have a NOS rear fender flip with early hinge and tail light hood, perfect.



            • How I spent my fourth of seventh

              I brought the 47 hulk home this weekend and proceeded to clean 64 years of crud. This dirt/oil combination bonded together like cement and took persuasiveness to remove, especially from the tight spots. All roughed in now some penetrating oil will be sprayed on to soak into the remaining thin bonded film and then a second trip to the car wash. About an entire shovel full of filth had to be removed from this chassis.

              Last edited by Slojo; 07-05-2011, 09:23 PM.


              • Haunting of the next sun

                With Friday just a few hours away I spent this evening preparing the Ghost for a trip "back home" (would that be an appropriate statement?) Milwaukee bound anyway. Preparations include draining the crankcase oil and refill with fresh oil, fill the gas tank including extra chemistry for durability of valve train components. Grease the intake push rods and the front fork rockers, oil the magneto bearings. Tire air pressure checked good. In the electrical world, zero set the trip odometer computer and charge the lighting batteries. Pack some cloths and a tool bag for that just in case situation. Map of Michigan in the top cover of the Ducati tank bag, ready to go.

                My M/C Cannonball crew chief Chris (on his twin cam late model bager) is bringing our cannonball team mate Pretty Patty along so this will be a Gray Ghost Rider team reunion. We will roll the back roads to Muskegon Michigan and levitate across one of the greatest fresh water reserves in the world "Michigan Lake" (I like it that way better) on the Lake Express otherwise know as the "Vomit Commit". If time is sufficient perhaps a stop at Muskegon's Hot Rod Harley Davidson dealership for a brief renewal of old friendships from last Octobers visit.

                See you when I get back. For those of you going to Wauseon Ohio the Ghost will be riding in, keep an eye open.



                • The Haunting

                  Motorcycle Cannonball team Gray Ghost rider standing up to its name sake came together for a run to Milwaukee for the Knuckle fest. this past weekend . Chris Pretty Patty the Ghost and I ran across Michigan following all back roads to Muskegon for a Lake Express Ferry boat ride across the big lake.

                  During our ride across Michigan from nowhere came Officer O'mally, unable to detect my head light he turned a One Adam Twelve and pulled me over to explain the violation, a lack of head lights (shades of Florida where an arrest for the same offence took place while riding home on my new 37 knuck a few years ago), I showed him two lights were on. Fact is he first saw me as we both crested a hill and the low morning sun was in his eyes.

                  A short while later he handed me a ticket and sent me on my way. The rest of the ride was uneventful. We crossed the lake and rode to Bill's.

                  Friday night Bill Diana Cas and Wila all rolled out the red carpet for us creating a pleasant evening. The next day it was off to the Factory H.D. Museum for the Knuck show and tour (tell?). Plenty of bikes and activities brought in a crowd including no less than Herb W. our foremost historian and highly talented author.

                  Saturday evening Bill had a great dinner planed for all that showed up at his home, nothing could go wrong with this combination of events that ran it's course like a well oiled Ghost.

                  Sunday morning, after two days of excellent weather, motorcycles, food, and for those who partake, adult beverages, the return trip was to break up a perfect weekend.

                  The Ferry across Michigan Lake was smooth again just a bit late for my likings due to scheduling restraints. A high speed run for the Ghost to get home prior to curfew time (street lights) forced us onto the freeways for three hours (180 miles) of continuous 55 to 60 MPH running. With a 47 MPG average throughout the run and the 2.9 gallon gas tank a new land speed record must have been set for the Ghost in this distance.

                  Wauseon right around the corner I will be forced to check and probably adjust the valves and chains for that short ride in.



                  • Wauseon Ohio

                    With maintenance pulled on the Ghost valves adjusted, it was off to the races. Destiny, Wauseon Ohio.

                    Twisty back roads through Dexter Michigan in route to visit a good frind Mike Hanes in Clinton township. Next step bypass the construction on M 52 followed by a cautious trip through Adrian Michigan where, you guessed it ticket town USA, these guys give out tickets for being ugly in a no ugly zone. Escaping Adrian unscathed (YEA) and making it down to 109 Ohio was a cool breeze (sweet heart) on a hot day. Across the 120 west through the corn fields about 8 miles and on to 108 south (note the marker, an old farm house on the S.E. corner), just prior to the fair grounds is a fuel stop where the Ghost gave up the Ghost. Our first mechanical failure.

                    Mike Gross (hauling my 1911 double) appeared about five minutes later with a simple solution to the problem, unload the 1911 double and ride it in to the meet. Out comes the double and in the trailer went the Ghost.

                    The 1911 has not been fired in about six years so we gassed then fired it off with out a problem. The ride in was strange the 49 inch motor combined with the 1911 double chassis is a completely different feeling bike, all of a sudden the Ghost is HEAVY and fast.

                    Once in the meet a tour around on the belt drive double including a little socializing and back to work. With the cam cover removed from the Ghost the problem became apparent. The rear cylinder intake cam follower roller became dislodged from its arm, decapitated. The flange that retains the roller broke off for no apparent reason. This defective cam follower is from a NOS stash of parts and should be covered by a warranty claim,, How about it Willie?

                    Dale Walksler produced a good cam follower to get me running and then Rick Wolf came in to play Rick knew right where to find another replacement part, For twenty bucks a tight assembly was in my hands, oiled, rolled around to become free in operation and installed into its new home the Ghost gear chest.

                    Following the transplant, the engine reassembled and timing set the 14 fired up and ran around the meet throughout the remainder of the weekend. I must bring to attention the rear brake cam also broke while on the fair grounds, so a new one will be made this week from the same high alloy steel used throughout much of the bike build.

                    While at the meet I was able to put some miles on the 1911 double, this bike is good fun. Saturday morning Matt Olsen asked if I would start the double for his viewing. Of course Matt, mount the bike, tug on the belt tensioner, set timing, set decompression, turn on the gas and oil, adjust the throttle position, pedal until she fires.

                    Once fired up I release the belt tensioner and dismount the bike. While standing along side the bike, from the corner of my keen left eye I noticed some unusuall movement. I immediately grabbed the double when from nowhere, a crusty, heavy set unprovoked Indian Four cowardly attacked the back side of my elderly and fragile double just as a wolf pack attacks your pet pit bull, from behind. Fortunately no damage occurred as the Indian Four (precariously balanced) fell to the soft ground and only hit the rear stand latch and rear tire knocking the double forward about a foot. Tragedy narrowly avoided.



                    • Originally posted by Slojo View Post
                      While standing along side the bike, from the corner of my keen left eye I noticed some unusuall movement. I immediately grabbed the double when from nowhere, a crusty, heavy set unprovoked Indian Four cowardly attacked the back side of my elderly and fragile double just as a wolf pack attacks your pet pit bull, from behind.
                      What a visual I got from that description!!!! Sounds like something you might see in a "silent" flick!!! I can hear the player piano and everything!!!

                      Man, that's got to be a good feeling to have another "Double" as back up.... you still got to arrive in style. Wow, what a story about the near mishap!!!! If that Indian was red, I'm guessing the pilots facial coloring matched it!!! Crashing is never particularily good for one's ego. Glad to hear no damage was done.
                      Cory Othen


                      • Cory

                        The Indian was not accompanied by a owner operator pilot it attacked on its own in front of several witnesses.



                        • Good to see the Ghost is out and running well. Off to Wheels Through Time next week to rebuild Selma and get her back on the road.
                          Buzz Kanter
                          Classic-Harley.Info Classic Harley History
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                          [American Iron Magazine Harley Magazine


                          • Originally posted by Slojo View Post

                            The Indian was not accompanied by a owner operator pilot it attacked on its own in front of several witnesses.

                            Joe!!! Maybe that bike from Springfield was aware of your playful thoughts on the Harley vs. Indian battle of old and thought it would make a move. Good save by the way!!!
                            Cory Othen


                            • Buzz
                              Get Selma running we need to ride again. The Ghost now has 6500 miles under its "chain" (belt would not work here). I need to make some exhaust valve guides and a brake part for the Ghost and change the primary chain, all else is in good working order

                              The Indian four appeared to mean no harm it was just kidding around with the elderly double. It did knock the double of its stand and push it forward a bit prior to my catching it by the bars.

                              Matt Olsen stopped by today with some friends. We went to Hell for lunch and ice cream. I put Matt and Brittany on my Honda Ruckus for the ride to Hell they had a blast. Back at my place the two of them ran the Ruckus through the woods and trails. They came back with some great videos and smiles on their faces. We then went to bike night at a friends house to see some fantastic Ducatis.



                              • Originally posted by Slojo View Post
                                Get Selma running we need to ride again. The Ghost now has 6500 miles under its "chain" (belt would not work here). I need to make some exhaust valve guides and a brake part for the Ghost and change the primary chain, all else is in good working order

                                We are heading down to Wheels Through Time Sunday and expect Selma will be back on the road by Tuesday night. From there we head to Morgantown, WV for the Mountainfest. They are looking for as many Motorcycle Cannonballers and our bikes as possible. Care to join us with the Ghost? Jim Petty will be there with his Indian.
                                Buzz Kanter
                                Classic-Harley.Info Classic Harley History
                                [Classic American Iron Forum Classic Harley Forum
                                [American Iron Magazine Harley Magazine

