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motorcycle website design

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  • motorcycle website design

    can any one recommend an antique motorcycle savy website designer that needs a pays good.if so please PM me.thanks

  • #2
    I'm not sure this Parking Lot is that big, jurssic. Are we allowed to talk like this here? LOL.
    AMCA #7300


    • #3
      the pre 15 transcontinental motorcycle race is coming together next year ,and i need to get a website up pretty quick.


      • #4
        Originally posted by jurassic View Post
        the pre 15 transcontinental motorcycle race is coming together next year ,and i need to get a website up pretty quick.
        A pre-15 race! Awesome! Let's hope somebody helps you out. I'd love to follow such an event!
        Cory Othen


        • #5
          Hey! Talk to me please about this event, this is the first I've heard about it.
          Is it definately pre1915 or would my 1915 Militaire or 1915 Dayton be eligible. If they are I would seriously think about coming.
          Peter Thomson, a.k.a. Tommo
          A.M.C.A. # 2777
          Palmerston North, New Zealand.


          • #6
            hi tommo,the main requirement is that the motorcycle be single speed.this is why we have said pre 15.but no rules have been set in stone.if we allow transmissions ,then we would almost certainly have to have two this point the first prize is 50 grand,which might entice more people to beat the hell out of their very valuable machines.there are quite a bit of logistics involved in this event so this year we would like to just have one class with a 30 bike field,about a 12 day event,i already have 11 participants.although if we can not reach 30 bikes ,then we may have to have two classes.once the web site is up it will be interactive where the interested parties can vote on proposed routes ,stopovers ,and some vehicles ,support teams,judges,safety equipment ,lights,discovery channel,lodging,sponsors,museums,the list is long,and alot of work to be done.i am hoping to find a motorcycle guy that can setup and run the website,but if not i'll go with a professional.we are really hoping for a diversified group of bikes,a militaire,or dayton would be absolutely amazing.i think i got a cyclone coming.this will be a race of endurance ,as well as speed.
            Last edited by jurassic; 09-08-2009, 11:41 PM.


            • #7
              I've got a fixed engine 1913 Abingdon King Dick with a vee twin 750cc JAP in it that would be ideal but I fear the rider might be the weak link as he's got a pump that's a bit suspect.
              Seriously though if you do something for 1915 and earlier bikes with transmissions I'd be really interested as I don't think I'm capable any more for a run and jump on trip like that.
              Peter Thomson, a.k.a. Tommo
              A.M.C.A. # 2777
              Palmerston North, New Zealand.


              • #8
                Originally posted by jurassic View Post
                can any one recommend an antique motorcycle savy website designer that needs a pays good.if so please PM me.thanks
                Check with this guy


                • #9
                  hi tommo,your questions are the ones i am getting the most.there are alot of guys on 15 harleys,excelsiors and indians that want in we all know motorcycles changed drastically in 15 ,and got alot more reliable and fast.this morning i talked to alleydude {thanks X90},and the website should be up in 2 weeks or less,and then all the prospective riders can weigh in on whether or not to have 2 classes,and possibly a 40 bike field. right now i need suggestions for a name for this event ,mainly for the domain. cannonball ,transcontinental ,coast to coast,sea to shining sea,pre 15 something that is catchy,and will also come up in searchs.


                  • #10
                    what if you changed it to 16 and earlier and had all bikes with transmissions leave 2 hr later. the field would be huge generating a lot more revenue along the way and call the race SWEET SIXTEEN


                    • #11
                      had a good talk with dale today,definatly our best supporter,he convinced me that 3 classes was the best way to go. #1"single cylinder ,single speed" up to 1915. #2"twin cylinder, single speed" up to 1915. #3"singles,twins,and fours, multi speed " up to 1915. 15 bikes per class.we still want input from the participants before we nail it all down. considering " The Wyman Cup " .


                      • #12
                        The six day trials handles multiple classes and have no problem. Just send the trannies off last so they all end up at the party at the same time. What a great idea. Any idea were this would be held? Bob L
                        AMCA #3149


                        • #13
                          hi bob,exactly what i was thinking,the transmission guys get to sleep in .and most likely get to the party early.its a timed event of now we have 6 proposed routes ,with starting pionts from vancouver all down the coast to san diego. when the site is up we will let the registered participants study each route ,weigh the pros and cons ,then a consenus or vote will be held ,and the route will be confirmed,hopfully by the end of the year.the guys riding the route will chose the route.


                          • #14
                            x90 rider i think i owe you a great debt. ken is one of the greatest bikers i have ever met.i talked to him first on wed. last week and today the website is as good as done.and he is passionate about old was great to work with a true professional. check out what he's got so far


                            • #15
                              Yep, Ken is a good dude and he will do an awesome job for you. I am happy that I could help you both out.

