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  • #46
    paps i think yer right the worst is yet to come. i don't think it will come from our government though. i think it is going to come from each other. i hate to say that but i've seen the power of scare tactics. it's the oldest and cheapest trick in the book. it needs no funding just time and willingness to read and believe what you read. personally i think the wizard of oz was fictional and i also think the people running this country are smart enough to know that they work for us and if they aren't doing what we want them to do we have the freedom to tell them so---in person if we want to. i'm not afraid of any of them


    • #47
      Originally posted by Robert Luland View Post
      Came across this the other day. Figured this would be a good place to post it. You know something funny? I don't know anybody thats into restoring bikes that also isn't into firearms. Enjoy! Bob L

      The Story of the Boiling Frog
      Kevin Michalowski’s editorial in the April 13 edition of Gun Digest on the looming assault weapons ban is interesting but does not go far enough, so I will. It is the story of the boiling frog. You put a live frog on the stove in a pot of cold water, and then over time, steadily turn the heat up until the water is boiling and the frog dies. The Obama Administration is just beginning a four-year term of bringing socialism to America, and if re-elected for another four-year term, he will have the roots of Karl Marx’s dream firmly established in this country.
      In order to bring gradual control to its citizens, governments must institute a plan of progressively removing weapons from its populace. The first steps are small, but need to be cloaked in an excuse that an administration can justify. What better excuse could our administration have than to ban “assault weapons” and to say they entered Mexico’s drug wars illegally through America?
      The “ban” will eventually lead to the seizure of all classes of firearms from the public. Once they get all semi-autos outlawed, they’ll work on hunting rifles and shotguns, then revolvers and ammunition. Then, the mere possession of a bullet would lead to incarceration. It will be like the Wicked Witch of the West’s line in the “Wizard of Oz”. These things have to be done delicately.
      Don’t think it hasn’t been done in the past. Hitler did it in Germany, Stalin did it in Russia, Kim Jong-Il has done it is North Korea, and the UN’s friend, George Sotos, wants it done globally. Obama’s road to socialism cannot be threatened by an armed populace. One anti-gun law leads to the next, the next, the next, until we all are disarmed. Socialism takes time, conditioning the minds of the populace requires patience and methodical, diabolical planning.
      Is the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution dead or will Obama try to modify the Third? Obama’s campaign claimed he was not after our guns is like a wolf in sheep’s clothing. He can’t personally do the dirty work because of Clinton’s failure to hold Democratic rule when he pushed the assault ban in the 90’s, Obama will let AG Holder do it, or get VP Biden to ramrod it, or have some other lackey appointee like Napolitano of Homeland Security to create another excuse for gun grabbing.
      Obama wants to fundamentally change America from allowing power originating from the people, to the government imposing its power on the people. He has to put us to sleep with “change and hope” long enough to let that happen.
      It took ten years of King George’s tyranny to bring the American colonists to Bunker Hill. Obama will move us much faster to the tyranny of socialism by spending trillions, making us dependent and subject to government control, and keeping us unable to rebel. He is partly there, our GDP is almost 48% created by the government, our largest industries, banks and insurance firms are now under Washington, DC’s thumb and we have millions of Obama supporters who willingly follow their messiah off the cliff into the destruction of our Constitution and America itself.
      On a unique document, dated 1776, fifty six courageous men signed their death warrants willingly in rebellion of tyranny. Are we as a people willing to sit still while the heat slowly cooks us, or do we demand that our rights are unalienable and derived from ourselves, our God, and not the government or the actions of a President rushing us toward socialism?

      Bikes and guns = FREEDOM!
      AMCA Member#1848


      • #48
        Originally posted by flat-happy View Post
        paps i think yer right the worst is yet to come. i don't think it will come from our government though. i think it is going to come from each other. i hate to say that but i've seen the power of scare tactics. it's the oldest and cheapest trick in the book. it needs no funding just time and willingness to read and believe what you read. personally i think the wizard of oz was fictional and i also think the people running this country are smart enough to know that they work for us and if they aren't doing what we want them to do we have the freedom to tell them so---in person if we want to. i'm not afraid of any of them

        Nothing is fictional about this situation. A small amount of time spent, researching existing gov documents, policy, and law, both domestic and foreign, proves it is not fictional. Official records of the organizations, and the agenda these organizations represent, and the list of members in these organizations, speak for themselves. People would be shocked at who belongs to those organizations. Work for us ? No they don't. They are planted puppets on strings. If they worked for us, then why.....would they have allowed our industries to abandon our nation ? Were they not intelligent enough to realize what this would do to our economy ? Could they not see the tax base drying up over it ? One step at a time. One law at a time. IMO... all deliberately aimed at destroying our nation, with the end goal of total globalized rule, law, currency, and control. Here is a simple act they used to hurry this goal along. CLEAN AIR ACTS ... Clean air acts may sound all well and good. Clean air is a good thing. Industry had to meet these generated epa regulations. This cost them dearly. This led to out sourcing. Except.... the out sourcing was solicited in third world poor nations. Nations where epa regulations mean diddly and wages are basically non existent. Were our gov people considering this then ? Do they really think the atmosphere over the USA stays over the USA ? And....The atmosphere and poluted waters, stay in those third world nations ? Polution doesn't stay put. Water evaporates and becomes clouds. Clouds build and become rain and storms. Weather travels the globe, spreading those polutants. Polutants cannot escape the earths atmosphere. Bottom line is....allowing unfair out sourcing via imports, is destroying our financial skeleton and poluting our earth even more than our industries did in the past. What does this have to do with the topic ? Plenty ! A crushed economy in the USA is the largest tool the globalist elites are using. They know full well the citizens of this great nation would resist such a goal. That fear of resistance is why the firearms laws of registration and possession are being put into place. They know they can't get all the arms from the people. They do not have to. They only need to reduce that fear of resistance. What will the loss of firearms do to the people ? Here is where I agree with you. The people will do what ever it takes to insure their families survive a total economic crash. Your neighbor will be your worst enemy ! He will steal and kill to survive ! Food, clothing, and shelter, will be the targets. Those who possess such things will have to fight to retain them. Once this senerio evolves, The UN will enter into the picture. It will restore law and order. What about our troops ? They will not be here ! They will not have a clue what has gone down. Even if our own troops got wind of the situation, they couldn't do a damn thing about it. The very equipment they operate, can be destroyed right under their asses, via remote. All mil spec equipment is now computerized. Remote control or destruction, of this equipment, is a simple task. I can go on and on and on.....of how this is truely going to occur. I did the research. I didn't believe what I was hearing, as I take everything with a grain of salt, till I learn first hand, the facts. What will take place, is not an overnight event. The plans for this was introduced several decades ago. One brick at a time, the structure has grown. Those who doubt....did not research it. They believe the globalist controled media reports and propaganda. They spend none of their time policing their goverment. Most don't even research issues on the ballot, before they vote on them. If they did....they would see what such issues really contained. Oh Yeah !! I was taught voting was a private thing and no ones business whom you cast your vote for or what issue you said yea or neh to. All one needed in order to vote, was the basic proof of registration and identifcation. This basic proof obtained you a ballot. Not even the gov, knew whom and what, your voted for or on. The legally cast ballots wre counted and the majority votes won. It is not way anymore. Most people think it is though. They are to dummied down to realize what takes place when they vote. They don't realize their ballot is attached to their name ! Their ballot contains a number. This number is placed on the election boards register, beside their name ! The ballot is now counted electronically. John Doe leans this way on issues ! John Doe could be a threat to our agenda ! My point on the voting system is this....there is no good reason to put a ballot to a name. Unless !!!! I'm done for now.


        • #49
          paps i read your whole post twice and when you're right you're right. i think everything is just as you say except for one little detail---i don't think it was orchestrated by the gov't. i think the whole thing was planned and executed by private business and done so because they found or created enough loopholes in the law to make it happen. private business knew that the gov't couldn't stop them from doing everything you say has happened. by the time we as people tried to get laws changed to prevent it the factories were already devoid of all machinery. my father in law lost his job to this as a shoemaker in dexter maine. initially i went in the military from 1968-1970 and the military was completely self sufficient at that time. after that i did 12 years national guard. next i moved from maine to tennessee and and was out of the military for 15 years. after sept 11 and seeing planes flown into the trade center---which i was on the roof of only 1 year earlier with my son---i went back in the NG and did 2 years more of active duty. during that time everything had been privatized including feeding the troops. i was a mess sergeant and that put me out of a job. the pans in the kitchen were all new and still wrapped in newspaper that was written totally in chinese. so all the rest of the world has to do is shut of our supply lines and it will cripple our military like you said. i still think that the gov't didn't orchestrate this though it was private business AKA free enterprise being totally irresponsible. i know i am being a little naive but as i look around the world i think we still have the best country on earth except where it comes to criminals. we need to start making the lawyers for these criminals share the burden when their client is found guilty. they won't be so quick to defend them if they know there is no money at all if they lose the case. man i hope we don't meet at wauseon or davenport----we'll miss the whole damn swap meet!!!!!


          • #50
            Right after gun control…… Then what? Our right to gather in public places and talk amongst ourselves as we do at places such as Wauseon or Davenport? I’d be willing to bet that this very conversation is sending up a yellow push pin on someone’s wall map somewhere. Everybody say cheese.
            AMCA #7300


            • #51


              • #52
                Paps, It is frustrating without a doubt. Slowly our rights are fading away and we are told that is for our own safety. Remember about five years ago when an attempt was made to change our ability to move freely about our own country? Cooler heads prevailed that time and I’m hoping cooler heads will prevail again. This home land security thing is certainly bull dosing a lot of freedoms.
                AMCA #7300


                • #53
                  Cheeeeeeeeeeze !

                  Not industry Bro.... Corporation is more like it. Banking is the heart of it. Gov positions are filled by these banks.


                  • #54
                    Kevin we need a new category on this forum. You don’t have to call it Firearms. How about Freedom First! Bob L
                    AMCA #3149


                    • #55
                      Cheese and FUBO!!!!!
                      Ride 'em. Don't hide 'em.
                      Dan #6938 FUBO


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Robert Luland View Post
                        Kevin we need a new category on this forum. You don’t have to call it Firearms. How about Freedom First! Bob L
                        Okay. So the next topic can be abortion, or illegal aliens, or legalizing drugs. I come here to get away from the misery and horror of this mean, dirty world. I don't disagree with what you're saying, or your right to say it but I don't think it belongs on the AMCA forum. This is not the place.
                        Eric Smith
                        AMCA #886


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by exeric View Post
                          Okay. So the next topic can be abortion, or illegal aliens, or legalizing drugs. I come here to get away from the misery and horror of this mean, dirty world. I don't disagree with what you're saying, or your right to say it but I don't think it belongs on the AMCA forum. This is not the place.
                          Ditto, my friend.


                          • #58
                            Your right Eric It doesn't belong here. Now that the Washington hoser just showed up. I don't wan't to be todays bag guy. Bob
                            AMCA #3149


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Robert Luland View Post
                              Your right Eric It doesn't belong here. Now that the Washington hoser just showed up. I don't wan't to be todays bag guy. Bob
                              Always a pleasure to read your comments, Bob. (puke)


                              • #60
                                i'm with you eric---i would rather talk about motorcycles and leave all that crap for the rants and raves section on craigslist and the wanna be talk radio stars

