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Back Door Gun Registration

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  • #31
    Originally posted by INLINE4NUT View Post
    We will NEVER see what has been described here overseas!!! Remember where you live the good ole U.S.A.! Some of usfought for freedom and I for one do not believe for one second that our gun rights are in danger!!!! Dont fall for the hype!!! There would be a second revolt here,I can not and WILL NOT believe the present government or any other government will ever be able to supress this of all rights most sacred!!!! They can have my guns when they pry them from my hands!!! Mr Heston was right!!!!
    Nope! They'll just suppress amunition which is not covered by the second admendment. These self serving Mother F--kers are all ready trying to get this legistraion though. This is the same crowd that sold the rug out of our childrens feet. We need criminal control. Not gun control.

    AMCA #3149


    • #32
      Originally posted by INLINE4NUT View Post
      We will NEVER see what has been described here overseas!!! Remember where you live the good ole U.S.A.! Some of usfought for freedom and I for one do not believe for one second that our gun rights are in danger!!!! Dont fall for the hype!!! There would be a second revolt here,I can not and WILL NOT believe the present government or any other government will ever be able to supress this of all rights most sacred!!!! They can have my guns when they pry them from my hands!!! Mr Heston was right!!!!
      I feel as you do Bro ! Except for the danger of losing our rights. BUT !!! Don't Blink ! They are at it as we watch ! Do you leave your doors unlocked ? Fill your fuel tank before it is emptied ? Let us keep it the Good Ole USA ! Prepare, Stash [not at home], Watch !


      • #33
        Originally posted by Robert Luland View Post
        Nope! They'll just suppress amunition which is not covered by the second admendment. These self serving Mother F--kers are all ready trying to get this legistraion though. This is the same crowd that sold the rug out of our childrens feet. We need criminal control. Not gun control.

        That is already in position. Shelf life ammo, ammo priced to high to buy ! Taggeted, identifiable ammo ! Sign for ammo ! Registered ammo ! No ammo !!!!!!! If ya see a fly on **** ??? Do ya kill the fly before it breeds maggets...or do you get rid of the **** ???????


        • #34
          personally i think gun shops and gun and ammo suppliers are behind the hype to boost sales and no other reason----here in tennessee there are a lot of shops sold out of ammo and much of it is way overpriced. if the weather man says a half inch of snow is coming you can't get in the grocery store----any wonder the weather is sponsored by kroger the local supermarket chain? it ain't rocket science. i imagine if you know what you're doing you can kill someone with a q-tip


          • #35
            Originally posted by flat-happy View Post
            personally i think gun shops and gun and ammo suppliers are behind the hype to boost sales and no other reason----here in tennessee there are a lot of shops sold out of ammo and much of it is way overpriced. if the weather man says a half inch of snow is coming you can't get in the grocery store----any wonder the weather is sponsored by kroger the local supermarket chain? it ain't rocket science. i imagine if you know what you're doing you can kill someone with a q-tip
            Folk do hoard or prepare, when they think they should, based on media reports, weather included. Common sense tells many people when to prepare. For the weather, they look at the horizon, smell the air, test the wind direction, interpret the cloud formations. Those with little common sense, take weather predictions as gospel. Not that the forecast doesn't have some merit to it but how often is a forecast ever accurate ? An hour view of the weather channel will show just how accurate their predictions really are. One moment it is going to climb to a high of bla bla bla. Next minute it is not. It is going to storm. Next minute it is only going to rain. The chance of severe weather is 50%. What is that ? Does it not also make it a 50% that it will not be severe ? ETC ETC.... Weather forecasting would be better off using a crystal ball, fortune teller, or a soothsayer. Would save billions of dollars as well and get basically the same results. As for the ammo rush, the main reason the cost is so high, is because the ammo is at a shortage. This shortage is caused by wars. The manufacturers must meet military demands before they can meet civilian demands. There are other factors which add to the high cost as well but retail plundering isn't one of them. As far as the need to prepare goes...... All one needs to look at are the chunks, large and small, of our constitution rights, getting torn away, bit by bit, until we will have none. Acts of treason, with even the gull to submit law bills for action, and possible implementation, enter our law making houses regularly. Some are passed outright. Others are edited to make it look like the bill is ok, but in actual reality, another small piece has been taken from our rights. Some are amended, with additional restrictions. None are ever spelled out to the populas in whole, prior to passing. Small tidbits of skillful editing of media reporting, is all we get about any particuliar bill. We voice our opposition to our representatives and they turn a deaf ear to us. Even if we approve a particuliar bill, and it passes both houses, as the bill we approved [ which is not likely as it gets ripped apart with compromising ], the executive branch will edit it, before signing. Last but not least, the supreme court will interpret the bills true meaning and this interpetation will be decided by agenda setting judges, on that court. A court, where agenda setting Presidents, have placed them in those judging seats. All members of the Council On Foriegn relations, and or, the Trilater Commission. If you know who these two groups are....their membership roster...and their reason for existance [ they do not hide their reason for existance ] you will know where we are going....and where we will end up. The eye will be clearly opened when armed with this knowledge. Why bills are introduced, why laws have been passed, why digital media is now a definate, why homeland security posts have been set up in every county of every state, etc... etc... will all become very clear to a person. Yep..... you can kill with a Q-tip....but you won't get close enough to do so. When a gov has all the weaponry and you have nothing even close to equal to that weaponry, you will have placed yourself at their mercy and every whim. There is only one reason to make firearms registration law. So it can be confinscated when ever they choose to do so. Registration has no other true value. An individual can place a mark upon it themselves, if they fear it may be stolen, and they will need to prove it was theirs in the first place, in order to have it returned to them. Registration has only one purpose. Rights to keep and bear arms restrictions coincide with registration. An armed populas is a threat to the agenda at hand. An armed populas represents resistance !! Resistance to the agenda !! An agenda which desolves the United States sovereignty and creates a One World Government ! A One World Currency ! A World Court System !! They can't pull this agenda off, if we the people remain armed ! The mightiest Nation on the face of the globe must be part of this agenda. The globalists need the might of this nation and the resources of this nation, to operate this World globalist agenda ! A New World Order !!!! As I said already... NO SOVEREIGNTY !!! All nations will be states !! Examples....The State Of Israel... The Palestinian State....rouge states.....The globalist control medias and leaderships, even call the nations states !!!!!!! What signs must a person see....before he sees clearing enough to comprehend, what is taking place ?? It is to late to stop them. They have already placed their tools where needed. They have filled space with surveilance satilites, place cameras on every street, built a united nations military, monitor a communications [ yes.. even this one ], raising bridges for military use, built detention centers across the nation [ they claim they are not detention centers but why does the barbed wire face inward ? TO KEEP YOU IN ! NOT TO KEEP YOU OUT !! ] I'm done................


            • #36
              Do you need more evidence !!!! ?????



              • #37
       watched this video....while it still is viewable ! Don't...I say again ....DON"T ! let the readerick of the words used fool you ! The goal is to provide the UN armies... foriegn troops !!!..... know where to confinscate !!!! Remember what I said !!!! Our troops will be elsewhere in the world... and will not know....what is going down !!!!! Thanks again to the new digital change over in communications !


                • #38
                  Since The Sky Is Falling

                  I'd Be More Then Glad To Buy Those Old Bikes Off You Guys So You Can Buy More Ammo. One Thing To Ponder ( Being Mid 50 Ish) It's One Thing To Get In The Prone Position With A Rifle, And A Completely Other Thing To Get Back Up And Run For Cover. With 50-60 Years Of Wisdom Learn The Game And Beat Them At It.


                  • #39
                    Ya can't beat them ! The point about hording ammo and unregistered firearms, is to protect your loved ones and families. Can you imagine what the majority of the populas will do....when they have no job, no money, no food, no fuel, no transportation [ including our bikes ], no home ??? And they can't defend them ???? Because a Mickey D's visit, a trip to the sports arena, etc... was more important !! ???


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Paps View Post
                      There is only one reason to make firearms registration law. So it can be confinscated when ever they choose to do so. Registration has no other true value.
                      Last survey I read stated that there are 80 millon guns in this country. If Uncle Sam believes he can get $50. tax from each of them then Paps you are correct. They will attempt to do so at any cost. But the truth will remain the same and the truth is, we as a population have more guns than our goverment and that shall remain constant as the founding fathers intended.
                      AMCA #7300


                      • #41
                        Sure hope you are right Bro ! One thing we know for certain..... It will cost dearly to take em !


                        • #42
                          you see what the media can do to a food store with a claim of a snow storm say 3 inches.the store is empty.for days .only to be'll see real fear when that store is not restocked.because of a real event? but hay most people will want a large screen tv. or new sneackers. let them have it you can't eat it can't view it may not have power to use it.some day you may keep your guns in goverment lock up you still own them you can use them when they say or just at there ranges some one will say o where dose it state YOUR GUNS MUST BE IN YOUR HOUSE so we will hold them for you come any time you like to our range and use them
                          rob ronky #10507


                          • #43
                            Came across this the other day. Figured this would be a good place to post it. You know something funny? I don't know anybody thats into restoring bikes that also isn't into firearms. Enjoy! Bob L

                            The Story of the Boiling Frog
                            Kevin Michalowski’s editorial in the April 13 edition of Gun Digest on the looming assault weapons ban is interesting but does not go far enough, so I will. It is the story of the boiling frog. You put a live frog on the stove in a pot of cold water, and then over time, steadily turn the heat up until the water is boiling and the frog dies. The Obama Administration is just beginning a four-year term of bringing socialism to America, and if re-elected for another four-year term, he will have the roots of Karl Marx’s dream firmly established in this country.
                            In order to bring gradual control to its citizens, governments must institute a plan of progressively removing weapons from its populace. The first steps are small, but need to be cloaked in an excuse that an administration can justify. What better excuse could our administration have than to ban “assault weapons” and to say they entered Mexico’s drug wars illegally through America?
                            The “ban” will eventually lead to the seizure of all classes of firearms from the public. Once they get all semi-autos outlawed, they’ll work on hunting rifles and shotguns, then revolvers and ammunition. Then, the mere possession of a bullet would lead to incarceration. It will be like the Wicked Witch of the West’s line in the “Wizard of Oz”. These things have to be done delicately.
                            Don’t think it hasn’t been done in the past. Hitler did it in Germany, Stalin did it in Russia, Kim Jong-Il has done it is North Korea, and the UN’s friend, George Sotos, wants it done globally. Obama’s road to socialism cannot be threatened by an armed populace. One anti-gun law leads to the next, the next, the next, until we all are disarmed. Socialism takes time, conditioning the minds of the populace requires patience and methodical, diabolical planning.
                            Is the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution dead or will Obama try to modify the Third? Obama’s campaign claimed he was not after our guns is like a wolf in sheep’s clothing. He can’t personally do the dirty work because of Clinton’s failure to hold Democratic rule when he pushed the assault ban in the 90’s, Obama will let AG Holder do it, or get VP Biden to ramrod it, or have some other lackey appointee like Napolitano of Homeland Security to create another excuse for gun grabbing.
                            Obama wants to fundamentally change America from allowing power originating from the people, to the government imposing its power on the people. He has to put us to sleep with “change and hope” long enough to let that happen.
                            It took ten years of King George’s tyranny to bring the American colonists to Bunker Hill. Obama will move us much faster to the tyranny of socialism by spending trillions, making us dependent and subject to government control, and keeping us unable to rebel. He is partly there, our GDP is almost 48% created by the government, our largest industries, banks and insurance firms are now under Washington, DC’s thumb and we have millions of Obama supporters who willingly follow their messiah off the cliff into the destruction of our Constitution and America itself.
                            On a unique document, dated 1776, fifty six courageous men signed their death warrants willingly in rebellion of tyranny. Are we as a people willing to sit still while the heat slowly cooks us, or do we demand that our rights are unalienable and derived from ourselves, our God, and not the government or the actions of a President rushing us toward socialism?
                            AMCA #3149


                            • #44
                              Thank You Robert !!! I have been telling People this since BEFORE the election & all they tell me is that I am Racest, I am NOT Racest I am a Social Realalist !!!
                              ONE COUNTRY BY THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE !!!


                              • #45
                                I'll be damned !! I got to reply this time ! Bob !!!! You are right on the money ! But !!!! The republicans are at fault as well. They put the tools in place for this action. Homeland Secutiy....etc.... There is no two party system. There is only one which consists of two so called parties. The worst is yet to come !

