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Cut downs

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  • #16
    Eric's answer is the short one. A "cut down" is exactly that, the frame is cut down to make it shorter and lower than stock to improve handling. the tanks were also generally shortened and modified to fit. It was a practice that generally died out by the early thirties as bikes became larger and more difficult to modify in that way. Lots of the old JD series H-Ds could run with just the magneto so the short frame wasn't a problem for electrics. Later stuff was not so easy to do. So the "cut down" became the bobber of the '30s through '50s where stripping off excess weight became the goal.
    Robbie Knight Amca #2736


    • #17
      Eric's answer is the short one. A "cut down" is exactly that, the frame is cut down to make it shorter and lower than stock to improve handling. the tanks were also generally shortened and modified to fit. It was a practice that generally died out by the early thirties as bikes became larger and more difficult to modify in that way. Lots of the old JD series H-Ds could run with just the magneto so the short frame wasn't a problem for electrics. Later stuff was not so easy to do. So the "cut down" became the bobber of the '30s through '50s where stripping off excess weight became the goal.
      Robbie Knight Amca #2736


      • #18

        Has the frame been cut on the Green 28 Pic you attached?




        • #19
          hi john,nothing was cut on the green 28,just "stripped down" i guess.i think rub is correct on the definition of a "cutdown". although i wonder how old the term "bobber" is. as far as i'm concerned "bobber" is getting really old and should be retired. "old school" can go with it.


          • #20
            from steve wrights last book



            • #21
              Originally posted by jurassic View Post
              hi john,nothing was cut on the green 28,just "stripped down" i guess.i think rub is correct on the definition of a "cutdown". although i wonder how old the term "bobber" is. as far as i'm concerned "bobber" is getting really old and should be retired. "old school" can go with it.
              So, because you tire of hearing something you think it should be changed? Maybe things like Hot Rod, Street Rod, or lead sled should be retired too?
              Are you serious? A Bobber, or Cut Down is a time honored trerm to describe a specific type and vintage of motorcycle. To me the term Old School is the one that should die. I am an Old School Guy who has been riding since the '50's and I don't recall anything that looked like these so called Old School machines.
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              • #22
                as far as i'm concerned "bobber" is getting really old and should be retired. "old school" can go with it.[/QUOTE]

                You can say that again.
                Eric Smith
                AMCA #886


                • #23
                  The terms were fine for what they were meant for. The trouble today is everybody and their dog just assigns a title to their freshly built bike. The incorrect use of these terms is what makes me twitch. How many guys today are calling their catalog bolt-on bikes bobbers or even worse boardtrackers??? Old School is thrown around like it belongs in everyday conversation. It's all a little taxing for those who really know. The only solace I can find with it all is there are people kicking around that actually know the proper use of these terms and as long as that continues I can grin and bear it (albeit barely)..... (Man the "New School" folks that may read this thread must really think we're snobs! Heh..Heh....)
                  Cory Othen


                  • #24
                    I forgot about boardtrackers. Cripes ! There were very few in their day, now there must 3 times as many. Slang and euphamisims have to be used sparingly or they lose their impact.
                    Eric Smith
                    AMCA #886


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by exeric View Post
                      I forgot about boardtrackers. Cripes ! There were very few in their day, now there must 3 times as many. Slang and euphamisims have to be used sparingly or they lose their impact.
                      Cory Othen


                      • #26
                        heres a real old school boardtrack bobber i've been working on.its a real hotrod


                        • #27

                          It's BOBJOB! Never was bobber. That's his weak kneed cousin. As far as I'm concerned I'm Pre-school period. Was that when you started to ride a tricycle Chris? Rich


                          • #28
                            Lance Tidwell had a really neat cut down I saw a photo of once. When he was like 18 or something, I think in the 40's. You might know of that bike Rich or Chris? I would of liked to have got a copy of that photo but did'nt.


                            • #29

                              I think you have a good plan there.........Very good.

                              Is it going to have any brakes?


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by jurassic View Post
                                heres a real old school boardtrack bobber i've been working on.its a real hotrod
                                I'm sure that bike would be accepted in any Bob-Job, Bobber, Chopper, Hot Rod, Street Rod, Lead Sled, Old School magazine!!! As always nice work Jurassic!!!
                                Cory Othen

