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  • #16
    I must voice my agreement with D.Mac. I really couldn't believe the level this thread took. I am all for sharing information, both good and bad, but we have demonstrated an inability to handle this privilege with professionalism and respect.

    Let's use this forum for the enjoyment of our hobby rather than as an outlet for our disagreements.
    George and Kyle Marakas
    K & G Cycles


    • #17
      This can work for Customer and vendors

      1: If there where moderators even 1 these would have not got out of hand.

      2: if you have a problem with a vendor and you post use your real name if not the post should be removed.

      3:The vendor can reply to the problem and only the vendor (So no one that has no idea of what is going on with the customer and the vendor can start a pissing war)

      4:If any more contact is needed for the problem Private Message or email, or phone should be used not posted here.

      5: If any other post are made by any one but the two Party's it should be removed (Start your on post).

      6: Say give it 3 weeks and and the customer and vendor can post problem resolved or not resolved.

      7: it is dropped from there , and if it is a bad vendor they will get more bad post from different customers

      I think some thing like this can help
      Jeff Bowles
      Membership # 14023
      1957 Sportster


      • #18
        I would like to see the Venders Rated forum continued.It can be very informative.The discussion on seat tread colors should be settled.I need a seat pan covered for a 1944 U model and I would like to have the correct color tread and rivets used on it.At Davenport there was only one seat maker there and I didn't like the color or the leather used.I am still looking for someone to make me a correct seat.Members should also tell us who did good work for them.Tom Faber did a great job at a very fair price repairing a set of handlebars,I left with him at Davenport 2 years ago.
        Ken Kalustian
        amca #2065


        • #19
          Entertainment it is

          Originally posted by jwl View Post
          This seat topic has kept us all entertained if nothing else. I know I will pay closer attention in the future to see how many different colors I can actually find. I personally don't think the factory stopped making seats if they ran out of one color thread or another. They probably used whatever they had.
          I too agree and strongly believe that many times when supplies were low adjustments were made to keep the line moving. I've been a member and have had motorcycles judged in the old system as well as the current one and have heard many different opinions "mostly educated" from several meets on details as small as plating washers to horn faces as well as speedos, etc. I've never gotten worked up over it either...maybe a little frustrated when I changed the screw heads only to change them back after another opinion LOL I just enjoy riding them and having a good running motorcycle. Merlin in Reading Pa.


          • #20
            It is good to hear from customers about vendors they have dealt with. Long delays in service. Poor quality workmanship. Refusal to do a job correctly. Poor customer service. I understand that sometimes a vendor will have a problem with customer.
            Thanks to the Vendor Rating I have read responses from three different seat restoration vendors. Two of them are argumentative about everything, saying I have been doing it this way so it must be right, or the customer is wrong and I said so and so to him before the project was started. The other offers sincere, sound, documented advice and a willingness to listen and respond. I know who I am going to use.

            In the Model "A" Ford world there is a magazine, Model "A" Times, which acts like a Consumer Reports magazine. They buy and test products and give reports on them. They rate vendors by the quality of parts they stock and their willingness to help customers. Perhaps the club could do something like this.
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            • #21
              I say if it were to be fair, we should rate vendors and customers both or dump it. I do think that jeff bowles suggestion is a possible remedy and he makes a good point about EVERYBODY keeping thier yap shut and let those 2 work it out. reread your posts and lets keep this from happening again. I would reccomend that that entire thread should be purged from this site. if you post on a thread make it a suggestion to resolve it, dont jump on a bandwagon and fuel the fire. I have become annoyed with some of you and if I ever meet you at a meet I will walk away


              • #22
                I agree with Chris and like his idea.
                Ken Kalustian
                Amca #2065


                • #23
                  But if the club did do this purchases would have to be made by anonymous persons so the vendors wouldn't make things "Special" for the club.
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                  Be sure to register at the site so you can see large images.
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                  • #24
                    Chris has a good idea with the products being evaluated by our accredited long-term judges. As long as the analysis is not destructive, the part could be resold to recoup the investment by the club.

                    Initially the vendors rated section was where we could point out those vendors who met our needs in an exemplary manner. Lately the tone has changed to one where a disgruntled customer could publicly vent his dissatisfaction with a vendor over one instance. In effect some seem to want this section to function as an arbitration panel and that is not its purpose.

                    If someone wants information on a particular vendor, he can request that private messages be sent to him with feedback. But it remains a fact that no one can please every single customer and the more work you put out there the greater likelihood that you will not satisfy some customer's needs. Not saying that this is the situation in any of these recent cases we have witnessed, but some people cannot be satisfied no matter what. And a person like that on a forum like this could ruin a good business.

                    If you have a problem with a vendor, get it resolved with that vendor. If you can't get resolution, pass that information on to your friends in the hobby, privately. But be prepared to be able to back up your claims. Just don't vent here.

                    I'm on several other forums and if things get out of hand, the entire thread or part of it is deleted by the monitor. It makes for some interesting reading trying to follow the thread when it a post or two is redacted but that is the best way to handle it. The vendors rated section is a great way to get out the word about a vendor that others may not be aware of.

                    I woud suggest that the vendors rated section is kept, but closley monitored and redacted as required.

                    Thanks - Lonnie C.
                    Lonnie Campbell #9908
                    South Cackalackey, U.S. of A.

                    Come see us at the Tenth Annual AMCA Southern National Meet - May 17-19, 2019 at Denton FarmPark, Denton, N.C.

                    Visit the website for vendor and visitor information at


                    • #25
                      I think Chris's idea has some real merit. I don't want to see anyone's reputation dragged through the dirt, but I would sure like to see some of the repo parts tested. I have purchased repo parts that I thought were going to be a good alternitive to expensive or unavailable parts, and had them be poor quality, or even just plain not be usable. Some parts fit and are usable, but are obvious repop from 25 feet. Sometimes I'll mention that I've bought one of these p-poor parts to someone and they'll say "Yea, I bought one of those several years ago, it was junk", it would be nice if we didn't have to find out the hard way that a part is junk. I've stopped buying any repo stuff unless I can confirm it's quality. If we quit buying the crap, maybe it would inspire the production of some better stuff!
                      How about an AMCA "seal of approval"?
                      Doug McLaughlin #6607
                      NorCal, USA


                      • #26
                        That would be great Doug but what manufacturer will make the future parts batches ? That is one of the biggest problems with signing off on a parts quailty. The one batch may be great. The next batch ???? Quality control begins with the manufacturer. If whom ever solicited the batch of parts does not inspect all of those parts, junk will prevail. The key to quality parts is to find out who it was who placed the order in the first place. If they do not insist on quality, we won't get quality. Paps


                        • #27
                          Hopefully when Kevin gets back in town, he’ll have a solution to this problem. All this bickering would not look good to perspective new members.

                          I don’t think having the AMCA putting its stamp of approval on any product would be a good thing. This club has enough on its plate to deal with rite now. It would leave our club open to a lot of scrutiny by those who may suggest that some type of pay-ola scenario was arranged between our club and the manufacturers. Or who knows what other rumors it could start?
                          AMCA #7300


                          • #28
                            Good observation Steve.
                            Eric Smith
                            AMCA #886


                            • #29
                              Ditto Steve. Paps


                              • #30
                                Jeff's post #17, in combination with the following (copying from "Vote Now" post on Vendor's Rated ...

                                "Just got a brain flatulation ... may not even be a good idea, it may be too convoluted and not a workable alternative, but thought I'd throw it out.

                                What about a vendor voting button (from 1 to 5) that each member only got to vote once for and was then locked out. Aside from that, no comments, or only positive comments could be made. Thereby, you'd get the opportunity to score a vendor low but one voice wouldn't be a difference maker ... it would take a number of disgruntled customers to influence the score significantly. Anyone could start a new vendor rated button with an initial vote, and others who saw the button pop up could join in either positive or negative. If Larry Hiel had 300 postives and two negatives, then the quality of his overall body of work would be reflected, and one or two difficult customers wouldn't threaten to ruin his reputation. If a vendor had 15 of 10 disgruntled customers, then I would be more likely to stear clear, or at the least, engage the "grapevine".

                                This might appeal to vendors more than the existing default "b*tch" method, but also not keep folks from sharing feedback in a way that is not out of proportion to their number (i.e., 1 of many). It may also be a way to generate interest in the site. I may or may not think of mentioning a vendor, but if I saw a vendor rated who I have dealt with, I would participate. While we often don't act unless our feathers are ruffled, I really do think that most of us enjoy sharing favorable feedback more than negative. This would prompt us to do so. Just my 2.5 cents."
                                Vic Ephrem
                                AMCA #2590

