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question about the forum

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  • question about the forum

    sorry to everybody for not being able to watch the forum. I am still out of town with very limited internet, so have devoted my time to block spammers.
    I see where some people would like the "vendors rated" section to be dropped from here, what is the general feeling about this, if enough people think it is a waste of time I will have it removed.
    Kevin Valentine 13
    EX-Chief Judge

  • #2
    I vote to get rid of it.
    A.M.C.A. Board Member


    • #3
      Yeah, I Vote to Drop it, too.
      Gerry Lyons #607


      • #4
        In theory it could be a good thing. But given what's went on lately I'd have to say that it is not a productive thread on this forum. My vote would be to get rid of it. These sort of issues should be sorted out in another outlet. But then again, will bickering just take up residence in the Parking Lot section?
        Cory Othen


        • #5
          I concur

          With recent pi$$ing back and forth put a cloud over our forum when this was intended to be helpfull. We all have had unsatisfied dealings with others and's best left between 2 privatelty so others don't get caught between friendships as well. Just my thoughts here. We can endorse vendors through people asking for them. Merlin in Pa.


          • #6
            It could be a good thing if it was used the way it was set up for. BUt we need a moderator some one that comes here every day to take care of the problems before they get out of hand .I know it is a big job for KVAL but he needs to trust one of us to help.
            Jeff Bowles
            Membership # 14023
            1957 Sportster


            • #7
              vendor rating forum

              I vote get rid of it. It's a crybaby forum.

              I've been a member 20 some odd years, and I've never been so embarrassed of something this club had, that other people could look at and see...................and think "what a bunch of dinks"


              • #8
                I don't see anything wrong with keeping it. I can see why some vendors would like to see it dropped though. There is a better chance of someone running them down than there is of them getting the praise they deserve when they deserve it. That's just human nature and one of the laws of being in business. I do believe that all posts and opinions should be made in a civil and gentlemanly like manner. No personal attacks or name calling. If I get a crummy deal or sloppy job by one of the vendors I will try to work it out personally first but if the vendor is a jerk then I will post that in another topic if this topic is removed. This seat topic has kept us all entertained if nothing else. I know I will pay closer attention in the future to see how many different colors I can actually find. I personally don't think the factory stopped making seats if they ran out of one color thread or another. They probably used whatever they had.


                • #9
                  The question of thread color, (in and of itself) is fine. This is an historical discourse that could answer questions for a lot of people. It's nit-picky but still important. This is fine as far as I'm concerned. It can even get heated and a bit angry, and that's still fine because people are trying to get to a truth. What I have a problem with, is the way that thread started which was by a guy with an axe to grind. Even that's fine, but he should have done it somewhere else. The "Vendors Rated" catagory is very lopsided in favor of the customer and can really hurt a vendor. No mattter how much of a whack job a customer is, he can always find someone to take his money. A vendor can do great business for years and one highly visible black mark can kill his business. This is a small club and the cottage industries that serve our intrests are extreamly valuable. I know there is a flip side to what I have stated and there should be a way of warning fellow members about scam artists and crooks. Maybe this comes under the jurisdiction of an AMCA board member who would be willing to act as an arbitrator or referee. Regardless, the "Vendors Rated" catagory should either be re-worked or dumped.
                  Eric Smith
                  AMCA #886


                  • #10
                    I agree with Tom that it’s not being use as intended. It was to inform and protect and instead it’s become a mediation room for two year olds. Bob
                    AMCA #3149


                    • #11
                      Well......after what has occured ??? I inclined to say dump it also. !! Paps


                      • #12
                        In my opinion each section should have a moderator(More than one say a group of 3-6) and when things get heated and are not constructive they could be shut down the thread,I think this is what the forum needs more than closing down the section.Kevin thank you for using us as a spring board and Im
                        sure we all will support your discission in this matter, now keep this in mind as well, if this happens in another section do we close that one down as well?????


                        • #13
                          I stated sometime ago that one or two people (members) are going to ruin it for everybody. I see that it has now happened. Whats going to be next? I see some members disagreeing over decals(transfers). Let's go ahead and get rid of the paint section while were at it. Or how about this. Lets do away with these one or two members that can't act like adults.

                          AMCA #11302


                          • #14
                            I vote to drop that forum area

                            It seems like it was one of my unhappy customers that got this whole mess started. There was a lot more that went on between me and Mr. Rice that was never reported on the forum. I choose not to continue with that since I thought it was not correct to put it on the forum.
                            A number of other members who were not invoved and did not know all the facts started to add their 2 cents worth. I felt that I had to defend myself and that much of what was going on in the forum might adversely affect a business (and service) that my father and I had worked so hard at for so many years (over 30 years).
                            While it may have provided some entertainment for some, in the end it seems like nothing was resloved and there was much damage and bad feelings generated.
                            I feel that my business was unfairly judged and interfered with and I could not have a fiar chance to defend myself.


                            • #15
                              Drop the "Vendors Rated" section

                              As much as I would like to be informed about a "bad" vendor, I don't beleive there is any way to moderate such posts and be fair to all concerned. Perhaps if we all endorse those we have good experiences with, any losers will be conspicuous in their absence?
                              Also, I believe everyone should re-read their posts before they hit send, in any of the sections. I read the posts on thread colors with interest, but some of the replies were getting a bit heated. Let's try to keep it civil, hopefully friendly, and most of all informative. We all have at least one thing in common, we love old bikes.

                              PS, Is their any way to have a spell-check feature when writing a thread?
                              Doug McLaughlin #6607
                              NorCal, USA

