Correct me if I'm wrong. But the AMCA is not a club in the true fashion. It is a non-profit org that sells subscriptions. The org cannot make a profit, but it can raise money to pay for programs and such it supports. That would include salaries of folks who provide a service to the org, like mangers, directors, etc. The subscriptions pay for those provided services. They also pay for the magazine. At the end of the day, the money in should equal the money out with some allowed in a bank account to meet IRS regs. So, the example given of somebody getting paid $80K to run the museum, they can do things like sell copies of literature and use the proceeds to pay that salary.
Nobody gets to vote for anything in the AMCA if I am not mistaken. Only at the chapter level do you vote on how to spend chapter money, etc.. I know I've never been asked to vote on anthing by the Mother Ship. I see there is a National Board, although the website link does not work. Is the National Board elected by the chapters? Do they have any power or do they just make suggestions?
It' ain't a club, guys. It's a business. The only vote you get is to send in your dues once a year or not.
Nobody gets to vote for anything in the AMCA if I am not mistaken. Only at the chapter level do you vote on how to spend chapter money, etc.. I know I've never been asked to vote on anthing by the Mother Ship. I see there is a National Board, although the website link does not work. Is the National Board elected by the chapters? Do they have any power or do they just make suggestions?
It' ain't a club, guys. It's a business. The only vote you get is to send in your dues once a year or not.