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Attention Any Board Member Our Club!!!

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  • #16
    Hell the last time I checked. That was my name! LOl, Bob
    AMCA #3149


    • #17
      being as this board was recently moved to this new site, you would've thought that better security should have been part of the package. Guess not. I don't remember having this problem with the old message board.
      Brian Howard AMCA#5866


      • #18
        I have offerd my time to help but the post went unanswered
        Jeff Bowles
        Membership # 14023
        1957 Sportster


        • #19
          Originally posted by Earl View Post
          I totally agree with you Kevin.

          What started out as a web site where people were honestly sharing valuable information, and a few of us were using this site as a teaching instrument, soon got turned into a turn off because someone was able to hide behind a alias name and post whatever he felt. If that person would have had to use his real name, he probably would have entered the discussions in a civilized manner.
          This board has been a real education to me I have been able to meet some real interesting and extremely inteligent people in the world of antique motorcycles.

          Seems funny that Our current President doesn't like the internet says it is a waste of club money but.......sells items on an online internet auction site.

          Bottom line we need to evict the spamming scum ,Baytown may be on to something with reporting them.......hey you never know
          AMCA Member#1848


          • #20
            Originally posted by Geoff Ringle View Post
            We are aware of the problem and will begin removing the spam messages one by one and block that person's email and/or server.

            However, this may only be a temporary solution.

            The answer to the problem is new forum software, that will allow the administrators to guarantee that only club members are on the forum.

            Budget and policy issues regarding the website will be discussed at the Davenport board of directors meeting.

            Please, give us some time to combat the problem.

            Geoff Ringlé
            The Antique Motorcycle Club of America Inc
            Business Development Manager
            Wow Geoff, the Board is going to discuss the budget for this website...maybe if we don`t have the money we can get a grant from the Foundation.


            • #21
              Ziiiiiiiing !
              Eric Smith
              AMCA #886


              • #22
                As of 6 PM Thursday "Imno939" has been banned and his posts deleted.
                Geoff Ringlé


                • #23
                  That was easy enough, thanks!

                  I agree that the Forum is great stuff. Like others, I might not post every day but I almost always check out the scene. I also agree that the tone of the Forum (with one exception) has been above reproach, and yet everyone is able to express their views and opinions quite freely.
                  Herbert Wagner
                  AMCA 4634
                  The TRUE beginnings of the Harley-Davidson Motor Co.


                  • #24
                    Website and Forum Concerns?

                    Hello AMCA Members;

                    As an AMCA Member I must also repeat that this website and the Forum are very valuable to it's members if: 1) Members use them, 2) We try to stay ahead of spammers, update our technology at realistic intervals and 3) Treat all subjects and other members with respect regardless of the topic. When you consider the almost infinate range of ages and backgrounds of our members it should be no surprise that some are significantly more adept at computers than others. Be patient with those who are not as savy or choose not to be.

                    I try to check The Forum once a week but sometimes cannot look at it for several weeks.
                    I enjoy The Forum for multiple reasons....I can learn much reading technical information and members helping members on specific projects...I can ask questions on any specific make, model or individual part thereof etc... and I can also catchup on other topics I may or may not have been aware of, find out how a swap meet or road run was that I could not attend etc....

                    I also agree with our non-American members that this website is a valuable tool for them. I am also a member of The Brough Superior Club and believe me, without a website, technical forum, spare parts section etc... I would be lost. My only connection with England for technical advice, occassional parts etc... is through this service to its members.

                    I can tell you that The BS Club has far less parts for sale, questions asked / answered, complaints / suggestions for the improvement of offered etc... due to its significantly smaller membership.

                    I have no issue with using full member names and AMCA numbers, however we need to ensure privacy for our members. I use the same name and password for all my memberships
                    and numerous other internet usage so as to not have to remember a different name and password for each. Life now has too many passwords, access numbers, codes, activation numbers, membership numbers etc.... Better check when my wifes birthday is?

                    Steve Klein
                    AMCA Member #12176 (I think?)
                    Steve Klein
                    Collector . Conservator . Enthusiast
                    American Pre-teens - 1965
                    AMCA Member 12176
                    Cherokee Chapter President, Editor
                    Georgetown, TX USA


                    • #25
                      Dear All, here's a Board Member who shares many of your concerns. Following the previous Webmaster's resignation, we now have the AACA Website guys helping us out. We'll be making software changes, and doing a better job of checking AMCA numbers when registering. We've also drafted a Website use policy, as I'm afraid the old trust method no longer works against spammers, and we have to guard against libellous or obscene postings that could damage our Club. If members want to volunteer to moderate parts of this site they will be welcomed.

                      Don't underestimate Rocky's commitment to the Website just because he's not as fast on the keyboard as the rest of you. The Website is a great communication tool, as well as a forum for exchange of technical information and an aid to recruitment. The Board knows we need to do a better job of communication, and the Website will play its part. Board Members will be at Davenport, and contact details are in each magazine, if you want to understand the workings of the Club in more detail, have constructive suggestions to make, or just want to get those beefs off your chest. There is a plan to give each Chapter a named Board member, so that we make a positive effort to communicate, visit, shoot the breeze, listen to feedback etc.

                      We're just recovering after a period of turbulence, and there is much to do to drag the AMCA into the 21st century. There are a lot of improvements planned, but they all take time and resources. Please let the Board know if you have good ideas, and I hope you will see positive changes to our Website and to Club communications over the coming months.


                      • #26
                        Real Name

                        [Kevin, recently when the list was discussing the growth of Spammers within the ranks, we discussed including your real name and member number in you signature block. Some of us adopted this. Just go to User Cp and make the changes to your sig block.

                        Ken, thanks for that bit of advice. I was trying to figure out how to change my sign-in name, but the "signature block" will do just fine, I think. Also, although I'm not saying it should be required, I think it would be great if everyone would also include their general location. It's interesting to know where everyone hails from.
                        Sure looking forward to canning those spammers. (heh-heh)
                        Doug McLaughlin #6607
                        NorCal, USA


                        • #27
                          I am glad to see more people stepping up and signing their real name. someone also suggested putting in your location, I like that.
                          thanks for being honest enough to let everyone know who you are and where you are located
                          Kevin Valentine 13
                          EX-Chief Judge


                          • #28
                            Howdy Chaps,

                            Think I'd be more inclined to add my full name and membership number in my sig rather than alter my userid to reveal any of same if one was concerned about web visibility. Robots/spiders crawl sites to feed info to search engines which via importance/rank formulaes capture those items for listing far more often than info in your signature.

                            Just do a google search of various userid's here against the owner's names where listed.
                            1950 Vincent - A Red Rapide Experience


                            • #29
                              Kevin Valentine is the only board member that regularly contributes to this forum. The rest of you guys are very conspicuous by your absence. Everyone talks the talk but they don't contribute to this forum. Our club has a vast resource of brilliant historians, mechanics, painters, machinists, and motorcycles geniuses, but a lot of those talented people will not make themselves known on this forum. I am very cynical about the AMCA board expressing concern about the health of this forum because they proved their lack of commitment with the last razzoo when we lost our huge, priceless photo library due to new software and some other B.S. You can say whatever you want about what happened but the fact remains that it was a tragic loss.
                              Eric Smith
                              AMCA #886


                              • #30
                                This sounds better. I'd dropped out for a week because I was upset by the perceived lack of spammer control. I am back and things seem better. Thank you to those that could effect change! I shall renew again this year. ...Bill Gilbert in Oregon
                                Bill Gilbert in Oregon

