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Why should I bother renewing my membership?

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  • #16
    Man, what did your issue get sent stateside via Africa??? I think you deserve a re-issue. I wonder if Louie got his??


    • #17
      I was just at WalMart, didn't see one, Rickeieio


      • #18
        The mag alone is worth it to me and I really like the forum. But the best reason I think for being in the AMCA. The People that have become friends that I have met through this club. Some truely special folks , some of the best I have ever known!. I have made several runs and one or two meets - no where near enough. But their are some fantastic folks in this out fit, many very dedicated people.
        Try to get active in your local chapter even just alittle, seems to me the more you take advantage of the club. The more you get out of it. People are people and we have some characters for sure, but by and far - darn good folks in this out fit. Only one club I am in even compares, the model T club :-) Hang in their Barry and thanks for the responce on the head light question.


        • #19
          The Mag would be worth it should it ever arrive promptly and if it was delivered to the entire membership at the same time. Currently due to the well documented distribution problems by the time it's received the private vendor adverts in the back are already out of date and the items you ring up for are 9 times out of ten already sold.

          The VMCC here in the uK operate a service to email the magazine private vendor advertisements out to the international members on the same day as the UK members receive their magazines in the post, thereby making it a "level playing field" for the entire membership.

          This forum is open to non-members as has been proved by the appearance of those phone/dvd ads, I also know several people who post on this forum who are adamantly not AMCA members, and without Admin Guy who is moderating the forum members applications and posts these days ?

          The decision to renew is not a straightforward one, after all the AMCA isn't the only organisation/club serving the Vintage bike community, and for some people funds might be in shorter supply than for others.


          • #20
            The magazine could also be posted on the Web Site. Everyone would have the same opportunity for parts and dealer specials. I have offered to help with Web Site work several times. ...bill


            • #21
              the vintage chevy club I belong to has a link from its homepage to a newly posted directly from the monthly magazine the exact want ads that are printed in the magazine. the page is posted at 12:00am the first of every month. the administrators give the membership the "password" to access the page. as long as members don't handout the password then only paying members can access the want ads - maybe the amca could try the same

              just my 3 cents worth - love that high canadian dollar

              aka HAWG


              • #22
                good points smarty . I was actually one who lobbied for the emailing of adverts from the VMCC. It seems to now be a very fair system except of course for the minor error last year when the secretary emailed the adverts a month ahead of time and after realizing the error beseached everyone not to buy anything!
                I didn't realize anyone can post here which is not the way it should be in my opinion. aka hawg's idea for posting the adverts sounds good.
                don't get too ruffled smarty about missing out on stuff. in my 30 or so years as a member every single rare and desirable item I called on was sold and after inquiries sometimes before the ink hit the presses. it's still an old boys network, far from a democracy.
                as far as camaradarie, there's plenty to be had at the meets and you don't have to be a member to attend a meet


                • #23
                  hi barry as others mentioned you will no longer be able to buy it on the news stand but your dues also covers things like insurance for a amca local chapter meeting ,amca meet,or show so for the extra couple of bucks we have somebody to back up the amca events,you also can advertise your parts for sale in the amca magazine because you are a member and i am sure there is more


                  • #24
                    it sounds more like a bargain all the time, I'll be renewing today!


                    • #25


                      • #26
                        Nothing for nothing but how did you end up with a name like Barry Brown in Soviet Canukistan?


                        • #27
                          I was adopted


                          • #28

                            G'day everyone.
                            Just back from an enforced stint overseas for 7 months, and first time with access to the list. I missed it!
                            Whilst we're commenting on the issues with membership and ways to improve the magazine for MEMBERS I still want to push the need for a waterproof envelope or bag. My magazine arrives damaged due to weather regularly, as i live in the tropics, and I can't be the only one. Other magazines send the material in suitable plastic or weather proof bags, why can't the AMCA?
                            Enough winging. I still love the mag, and it's worth my membership dues, and I'll probably never attend an AMCA run as I'm in Australia.
                            Best wishes, and Happy New Year. Hope your head feels better than mine right now!


                            • #29
                              That's odd Baytown, all my mags here in the states come in a sealed plastic envelope thingie


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by hogluvr
                                That's odd Baytown, all my mags here in the states come in a sealed plastic envelope thingie
                                Mine comes in a white envelope, which is often torn (overseas mail handling) and the magazine has been damaged on more than one occasion. I'm sure there is some weather resistance to the current envelope, but I've seen better. Just constructive criticism that it seems I'm the only one who has issues with, as I've raised it before. It really is my only concern with what is otherwise the best magazine of its type in the world (that I've seen any way!)

                                Best wishes mate.


