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Why should I bother renewing my membership?

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  • #31
    Same back to you Ken. The New Year isn't quite here yet stateside, so I'm sure my head's still feeling better than yours, actually maybe a bit TOO good

    Seriously, maybe there are some restrictions over there against using plastic mailers, maybe something to do with exporting?? Anyone else on the other side of the world having similar problems? Wouldn't seem like a big deal, but what do I know...



    • #32
      With out our membership AMCA would not exist and you could not get a mag. It is supputed by us for us.


      • #33
        I started reading this thread the other day and just realized a few minutes ago that I still hadn't renewed my Membership for 2008.

        Done....Membership 3232 reactivated for 2008 and so far its the best money I've spent this year. Hrdly


        • #34
          Just to fill you all in, the Winter issue is the last one which was sold on the newsstands. The exercise got us quite a few more members, but on final analysis wasn't worthwhile costwise.
          Pete Gagan


          • #35
            Whom would I contact to get my copy? I'm giving up on ever recieving my issue unless they can send out another.


            • #36
              I looked through the magazine and it says that for non-delivered or damaged magazines to contact Pat Williams at

              I hope this helps.


              • #37
                I email Pat on Dec 16th to get a replacement magazine which arrived (First Class) on Dec 19th at a cost of $2.89. The next day, Dec 20th, the original copy arrived (mailed Bulk Rate) after being mailed on Nov 20th. I was told to complain to the local post office. I guess my question is when do you request a replacement copy? After 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 4 weeks?


                • #38
                  why should I bother renewing my membership?

                  fill out the form and mail it out.
                  the magazine is no longer for sale on the newstands
                  the only way to get it is by joining the club


                  • #39
                    As a past ABATE President, I want to share my appreciation to those who keep the AMCA going. Not everyone understands the work involved to keep a club going, let alone a website and publication. As a new member, an owner of one new classic bike and one that's been around the family for years, let me personally thank each and everyone of you for keeping this organization alive. Keep in mind that a new group of classic bike owners are coming up through the ranks and others are following. We need the knowledge of "The Legends" to pass on their knowledge and keep the fires buring. This goes much further than just a motorcycle for me. Everytime I ride my 42FL I wonder what things were like back then, who rode this bike over the years and I'm more thankful for those who have fought the wars of past for my AMERICAN FREEDOM. I understand your burnout from years of being a club member but take a minute of your time, grab the kid down the street and show him how these old machines work and watch the magic in their eyes and you'll get that old feeling you had in the past. When you take a dirtnap that kid might own that bike and carry on your legacy, this magazine will be his link to the brotherhood of those who get the big picture of the classics.
                    I mean no offence, you are one of my fellow CLUB MEMBERS.

