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California Motorcycle Clubs

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  • #16
    Cuffed levis

    Here in England we like our big 'E' levis big we call them monster rock n' roll lunatic turn up's!!!! And to all you 50' rock n' roll, Bobber biked, greasey quiffed hell kats i'd liked to say keep on being that way dont let a classic, kool way of life fade away.


    • #17
      Cuffed jeans actually started with cowboys using the cuffs to hold farrier's nails while shoing a horse.


      • #18
        Dear all, going by this forum the Rockabilly, bobber, rock n' roll and 50' life style is still strong in California. Here in the UK we love this lifestyle and and have a strong following of this Kulture.
        I think this is a milestone era for the American motorcycle way of life and should be documented, a completely as possible.


        • #19
          I like the ferrier nail story. Anything that dates back further sounds more believable. Robrat, yes the rockabilly scene is strong out here in California, but let talk about the clubs, bobbers and history. Alright you are forcing me to do this. I'll ask a loaded question that might spark a reaction. When was the bobber era? Can a panhead be a bobber? Can a Triumph be a bobber? Talk amongst yourselves. Get fired up. Then let er rip.


          • #20
            Maybe start a new thread?


            • #21
              Life Style?

              The AMCA is a great club and I feel that our talk of the 1940's era
              has sparked a new line of thought. The AMCA's publications have always had pictures of the 30's,40's and 50's in them and these breed that feeling of a age were by motorcycling was romantic and carefree ( just read the Boozefighters book ). For me this is how life should be within certain parameters. In England life gets to fast and restricted and this life style sees biker's rebel ever more so that ever and desire freedom. I feel this subject warrents further discussion via another thread. All those who love this era let's rally around to preserve those glorious day's!!


              • #22
                I'm all for a new thread about the golden era, but that's kind of what I started with. I was just focusing on the clubs and still would like info, but let's talk post war motorcycling. I'm all for it. I've posted a pic of my bobber. This is where I'm coming from and this is the style I love.
                Attached Files


                • #23
                  Jedd love your flatty read the artical in the Horse a few months ago.

                  Can I just say one thing and I know it is just a pet peeve of mine and most people wouldn't notice or care but the repop tank badges bug me. If it had original badges on it that would make it perfect.
                  Sorry to be cridical but the repops look so poor next to the original badges. I don't know why harley had to make them wrong. If you are going to the trouble of making dies do it right.

                  Love the paint job it looks period but very original it is a nice break from all the scallops.


                  • #24
                    I hear ya on the badges. Anyone got a set for sale? If that's all you can find wrong then I feel lucky. Hard to do things right on a budget. Seriously though,I'm in the market for tank badges.


                    • #25
                      Try eBay. Type in Harley tank badge or medallion. You can also save your search under Favorites. Then when one pops up, you'll get an email.


                      • #26
                        Already checked. Just the repros like mine. thanks though. I'm all self conscious about my badges now


                        • #27
                          Yup! Nice paint- like it. Clean and simple.

                          I feel the bobber era ended in the earily 50's.
                          TRI no, Pan no. Knuck yes.

                          Brit bikes were so fast and light - what did you need to strip off?
                          Alot of guys figured this out during WWII.

                          The golden era of the bobber I feel -was before the war.

                          Back from the war on the GI bill? American bikes were just plain old cheap and plentiful.


                          • #28
                            Why not Pans? Bobbers are pretty much "class C" stripped. no class C in the early 50's? I know Knucks and BTSV were cheap and plentiful, but I'm sure someone was buying newer bikes and stripping them. There wasn't (in my opinion) too many "custom" parts availiable until the late 50's early 60's. Everything was pretty much performance based and to me that is what defines a bobber. Function over form. Yes I know for dressers there was tons of stuff, but that's a whole other animal. A true bobber then had a purpose, to be raced or at least ridden fast. Seems like if you were dedicated to speed the newest motor from Milwakee would be the way to go if you could afford it. I have more thoughts, but I'll save them for later.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Flathead Jedd
                              Already checked. Just the repros like mine. thanks though. I'm all self conscious about my badges now

                              jedd , i know how you feel .5 years ago a buddy of mine was killed on his bike leaving his fiance'and a 2 year old girl .me and another bud went down to pay our respects a few days before the funeral , mainly to see if there was anything we could do to help .well, his dad pulled us aside and said yes can build his casket for me. we were takin aback , but took on the project.(i never want to do that again)as we were finishing i decided to put a set of wooden tanks on the casket we had made . couldnt get the profile just right so i took one of the tanks off of my 48' wl and used it for a pattern after putting on the wooden tanks they looked naked so.....................i removed the original badges off the tanks and put them on the wooden ones .they looked awesome /.everyone complimented our work and they loved the wooden tanks.a guy at the funeral told me he had a set of originals and he would send them to me . never happened.but whenever someone sees =the 45 now they ask if the badges are original


                              • #30
                                I am moved. Old American communities used to be that way; you did what you could to help, because you knew you might have to ask someone to help you. This spirit should never die. Think about it...

