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possible bike raffle??

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  • #76
    50/50 raffle

    The 50/50 raffle is drawing to a close if you haven't sent your pledge in you are not likely to get your stubs and reciept before next thursday 3/3/05 I will be leaving for eustits sometime that morning. I will have the funds for the winner and the club.


    • #77
      The AMCA is a registered charitable organization. Having a raffle, (which is a form of gaming) needs a license, and is usually done to raise funds for a specific cause.  At present, the AMCA has no specific cause requiring money, and has no financial problems.

      So the bike raffle is a no go. And please don't use the site for 50/50 draws or gaming. Sorry.

      Against better judgement I'll force myself to go close the deal on the 1974 Police Special. My intensions were good and I hope to sort the bike out mechanically, paint it white, and try to enjoy it. If I can find the time. Looks like a retired mounted officer friend may be willing to part with an old pair of his patrol boots, and some other stuff. A great addition to the bike I feel.


      • #78
        the Offical End

        I will not post or ask questions further about raffles of any kind. Since the National has no interest in raising funds and is in no need of them, I will not seek to force funds upon them that they have to deal with. To date only $144.00 total was rasied the winners ticket will be drawn and notified the balance of the funds will be donated to my local amca chapter since nearly 90% of the funds came from them to start with. A special thanks to Dave and Georgia, Pa and Kat, "Fat Dog" Bruce, and "Old Dude" Clete. Only two pledges to date have not been recieved putting the winners total at $72.00 If their are any questions do not use this forum contact me personally at my e-mail

        A very important lesson is to be learned here.....Volunteers are the first to get shot!


        • #79
          Well there you have it!! Gov ends a perfectly good idea as a building tool for an organization. License !!!! You fall in love with a gal and you have to get a permit [marriage license] to marry her ! You work you ass off for a living and you need permission [license] to work called a work permit !! License to drive, license to build, license to fly, license to sell goods, dog/cat license, license to hunt/fish, license to to to to to !! Sorry a bit carried away for a moment. It was worth a shot anyway. A special thanks to everyone who did the research and posted input on this topic. If that shovel is not what you want sitting around your place, just give me a holler and we will find a home which will gladly welcome it at their place. My head is beginning to itch ! Maybe it is LICE-ING ! Paps


          • #80
            Originally posted by AFJ
            First off, the AMCA is not, as I read the financial statement in any financial difficulty at all.

            Secondly, yes there is a place for a bike raffle to raise money , preferably for a worthy charitable purpose, but it has to be properly organized acording to the laws of the particular state or place where it is being held. And such a raffle with proper prizes and tickets and such is not what you guys on this thread have been talking about.

            Thirdly, small 50-50 draws are usually tolerated by most jurisdictions because it is too difficult to monitor them and the amount of proceeds which can go awry. Large ones, like you seem to be trying to start - without the aproval of the AMCA Board of directors, as I understand it, are probably illegal in many places.

            Surely you can think of some more positive and legal way to help the AMCA.

            The above quote was my advice to you guys over a month ago regarding this so-called volunteer effort at "fund-raising". I have no idea what your thinking was in promoting this fiasco without finding out the proper, legal way to do a fund-raising raffle of an old motorcycle but it has obviously soured the AMCA on it.

            Don't go blaming "government" or the AMCA board. You were going about this without following quite simple rules and procedures which are in place not only to protect the ticket buyers but also the raffle organizers, the eventual beneficiaries of the proceeds and the prize winners.

            The way you were proceeding from the organization, the selling of 50-50 tickets, the purchase of a bike, the lack of approval by the AMCA and any civil authority was all haphazard and likely to lead to problems and recriminations.

            There is no use trying to put a bold face on it that you had "a perfectly good idea" or that "a very important lesson is to be learned here....Volunteers are the first to get shot". That is just a spreader load of cow manure.

            I have been the lead organizer of several legally conducted and successful old motorcycle raffles done in aid of a registered charity - a motorcycle Museum in fact, and am familiar with what is required in the legal and organizational sense. I have recently let the AMCA know that if they ever want to get involved in such an effort I would be only to willing to volunteer advice and help in organizing such an effort.

            Perhaps you should swallow your injured pride in all this and, as I suggested earlier, find a better way to help the AMCA.

            (AMCA member for 27 years)


            • #81
              Hey, I got an idea. How about dropping all the political BS, get off your computer and come on down here in Dixie and ride your old motorcycles! Remember, no glitzy bike shows down here, just riding and having fun.....Mill Run March 19th.......



              • #82
                Originally posted by LouieMCman
                Hey, I got an idea. How about dropping all the political BS, get off your computer and come on down here in Dixie and ride your old motorcycles! Remember, no glitzy bike shows down here, just riding and having fun.....Mill Run March 19th.......

                Not riding to-day Louie, 6 inches of fresh snow on the roads up here. But I have gotten an old bike out on the road in both January and February for brief spins. March will be no exception. And then the real riding season begins.

                Sorry all the bureaucratic chat gets you down but these guys were going to cause a lot of unnecesary trouble for the AMCA through their actions.



                • #83
                  Come on guys, lighten up, no harm/no foul here. We all live and learn. The added activity on the forum has been interesting. Lets just all relax and go to Eustis see ya there


                  • #84
                    Thanks AFJ for your comments but you are way off base with your conclusions. All except for the pride part which is now swallowed that is. LOL ! Not knowing now or before what political position you hold or held within the club, your initial responce to the topic was still well taken. All input was well taken. It would have been nice if the leadership and governing authority within the club had participated earlier on in this thread and made it known to myself and others of the exact rules and regulations for such ventures, including the laws. Doesn't the governing body of the club read the posts here on the official AMCA board? Did none of them know this topic was being discussed? I personally assumed the topic was being monitored by them. I figured they were just sitting back waiting to see how it would play out with respect to the membership and whether or not the membership would want it or not. Many of the comments posted by folks brought up the legal implications to such activities. Answers to the legal implications came from many other sourses except the sources who are in a place of authority to spell it all out correctly. The topic started out as an idea. It gained input over it's life span. Most input including my own was "can we?", "Maybe this.", "Maybe that.", "What if?", and so on. Nothing concrete was given to those who participated in the topic, what so ever, from those who definately knew the facts surrounding the title of the topic. Kind of like a Fireman issuing you a traffic ticket....Where was the Police Officer? Apparently the laws surrounding a raffle do not allow our club to hold a raffle in the way we have thought it possible. I say apparently because no one with announced AMCA club leadership authority, holding a position as such authority, has posted this within this topic for all to read as of yet that I know of. I would have liked to have seen someone as I discribed say in a post in this topic something like the following statement...[example only]...Hi fella's...My name is **** *****. I am ****** of the AMCA. I regret to inform you folks that a raffle just is not possible for our club because....... Maybe the leadership was not sure intially if it were possible or not? Maybe it took time to check it out? Hense the lack of an official posting to the topic. If it is not possible, it is not possible. The answer has then come. We all now know that it is not possible. The major majority of us did not know this at first. I enjoyed the topic probably the most. I have no regrets in bringing up the subject. It was contoversial yet informative to say the least. Am I still a bit bummed out over the must have a license to do it? Yep!! Still am!! Why?? Because the suggested raffle activity isn't a gambling session promoted by organized crime. Only one winner would have walked away with the prize while leaving the bulk of the proceeds to our club. In need of funds or not, the profit was club bound to be used for club activities. I know I can't change the law and rules on my own governing what is what isn't a legal raffle but I don't have to agree with them either. I do have to obey them though. Well I wrote another short story so I better leave the floor to the next person. Since I can't purchase a raffle ticket from a legal organization because of legalities that don't allow such I am still feeling the urge to try and win something ... Think I'll go pick up a state lottery ticket where the proceeds do not go to a charitble organization and see if I will have any lady luck there. Paps

