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3 Silver Sands pics

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  • #31
    And a few more.



    • #32
      And after 2 days of antiques, we rode the modern bike to dinner, and of course the mandatory trip thru town.


      Nice event in Florida!


      • #33
        The gem of our annual FL bike week trip has always been the AMCA SUNSHINE meet. With regards to all of the opinions that have been voiced by folks on both sides of the fence, I've tried to remain objective and without prejudice. I've attended both meets these past three years and would like to voice my opinion on the subject. Please understand, I'm not itching for an argument, nor do I have a dog in the fight, I'm just sharing my experiences.
        From a vendor, spectator, or vintage bike owners perspective, the Eustis location is a much better location for these reasons. It has ample parking, it has a large open vending field with easy access, it has a large amount of paved isles, it has both a large covered pavilion and a large enclosed building.
        In comparison, the New Smyrna location is very short on parking, the vending field is laid out around the existing horse facility creating a fractured vending field with a main road which is sand that can be problematic for anyone with limited mobility, the covered central building has limited narrow access on and off the main floor with limited hard / paved surface.
        Over my 40 years of making bike week trips, I've been wet almost every one, maybe only a day, maybe on the first weekend, maybe on the last weekend, but you can count on some rain. A bike week without some rain is unusual, making the question for any event planner, will it rain on my day. Having said that, I'm puzzled why an event would be moved to a location that is affected so dramatically by wet weather. I've experienced the rain during the meet, and watched the road & field turn impassable almost immediately. I've experienced the event being affected by previous days rain, making the parking of cars impossible. In fact this year, vehicles were just parked in the middle of the main road making access in and out of the meet extremely difficult.
        The first trip to New Smyrna was underwhelming, but I realized there are always bumps getting a new event up & running. The second trip was better, until the rain hit! This year was the icing on the cake for me. The parking in the road proved to me that there is no effort being made to improve the situation.
        It's my opinion that the new location is workable when the weather has been good for just the right number of days. Too much rain and you're faced with the issues above. Too much dry weather, and the sand road offers the vendors a wind swept gift of sand. Anyone with limited mobility has the pleasure of walking in the loose sand. Last but not least, riding your vintage motorcycle in these conditions leaves it's mark for sure.
        In closing, I would ask all of the parties involved to put their egos and politics aside, search out the opinions of the membership, and either fix the problems at the current location or return to the original location. Our beloved meets have enough wolves at the door what with online market places, an aging membership, etc. Let's not cut off our nose to spite our face as grandma use to say.
        Bill White


        • #34
          you said it best bill with 4 letters EGOS. it's sad to say but once your a pickle you cant go back to being a cucumber
          rob ronky #10507


          • #35
            its hard to sell a pony when its really a donkey no pun intended if the members and venders were not bound by club loyalty where would they choose to go eustis or silver sands why not let free enterprise settle this let the folks who are willing stick there necks out have a go at it they are club members too thanks to them all paul bergeron minot me 7989


            • #36
              Originally posted by rwm View Post
              you said it best bill with 4 letters EGOS. it's sad to say but once your a pickle you cant go back to being a cucumber
              Rob, I'm with the rest of you and the dissenting fellas on several issues, other than the "Egos" suggestion.

              I feel that the meets are OUR meets, not just the host chapters', and the vendors', shoppers', parking, riding, etc are legitimate issues that all members and participants refer to in attendance enjoyability. Biffers and showers too, dammit, let's not forget that.

              However, I've been introduced to the other side of the coin by a long-time member of the Blackhawk chapter, and I'd like to invite more comment by our hosts. Comments by national and chapter OFTEN discuss ONLY POSITIVES, and it seems that discussion of less-comfortable details is largely AVOIDED. I know, the details discussion usually devolves into un-attractive insults and such, but if we can be civil perhaps we can accept some sound reasoning for the why-and-how things have evolved. Maybe with a little git-along we can participate in gaining back some of that which we feel is missed.

              Again, I want to invite comment by the hosts. Let's drop the incendiary charges for now, and let's presume more honorable intentions, ... please.


              • #37
                Tell ya what: I don't know a hosts' position, but I'll take a stab at covering for them. Let's say I'm a Viking chap host, and I'm defending/promoting the move to St Paul State Fairgrounds from the Farmington venue used 5 (?) years ago, and I'm hearing "why, why, why?" ...... okay, here goes:

                I think we've been rained on about 4 out of 5 meets for the last 75 years haven't we? Near-tornadoes even! Flooding and limbs down, remember? How about the year Main street had water up to the doors of the steak house? Good one, huh? Never seen so many clotheslines next day. Everybody and his dog had tried to camp in the display hall, which was too full anyway, and left little to NO room for expansion. Yes, vending and bath/rest rooms were very friendly and sufficient, but we had run out of protection, roofs specifically, and there weren't a lot of PAVED or hard surfaces for vendors and shoppers to use. When we got rained on, we got stalled.

                So the choice of the huge display hall at the State Fairgrounds did this for us: When it rained, the hall became more than shelter. It became an avenue for the show to go on, rain or shine. It afforded a much better "gate fund", attendance by the general public, and a promotion venue for member recruitment. Sure, we'd like to get our vendors back, and maybe we can work on that harder, (oops, breakfast is served, gotta keep my priorities in line)


                • #38
                  I was vocal about the move from Eustis to Volusia, but my opinion was in regards to the politics of it, and my personal opinion of Volusia County. This year was my first visit to Silver Sands and I thought it was a nice venue. I still prefer Eustis but at the end of the day, the location is completely up to the host chapter. The alternative is NO National meet if the host chapter doesn't want to do the work. I give the Sunshine Chapter a lot of credit, and a big thank you for making it happen every year.
                  Eric Smith
                  AMCA #886


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by fillibuster View Post
                    Rob, I'm with the rest of you and the dissenting fellas on several issues, other than the "Egos" suggestion.

                    I feel that the meets are OUR meets, not just the host chapters', and the vendors', shoppers', parking, riding, etc are legitimate issues that all members and participants refer to in attendance enjoyability. Biffers and showers too, dammit, let's not forget that.

                    However, I've been introduced to the other side of the coin by a long-time member of the Blackhawk chapter, and I'd like to invite more comment by our hosts. Comments by national and chapter OFTEN discuss ONLY POSITIVES, and it seems that discussion of less-comfortable details is largely AVOIDED. I know, the details discussion usually devolves into un-attractive insults and such, but if we can be civil perhaps we can accept some sound reasoning for the why-and-how things have evolved. Maybe with a little git-along we can participate in gaining back some of that which we feel is missed.

                    Again, I want to invite comment by the hosts. Let's drop the incendiary charges for now, and let's presume more honorable intentions, ... please.
                    There has been several well thought out postings showing a lot of positive comments. The Eustis meet continues with support from Vendors, Sponsors, and committed AMCA members to preserve the venue for the Future enjoyment of all. Destination Eustis 2015 has City and County Fairgrounds support that want to see the venue grow. We have had talks with several AMCA National Board Members about being a part of a week long Antique Bike week in Lake County, which with the inclusion of the 3500 member VJMC and other National Vintage Motorcycle organizations at our venue, will become a reality.

                    The involvement of the Sunshine Chapter, Gulf Coast Chapter, and many others is up to those Chapters. We did not move from this Venue and still maintain the Lake County area is the best location for a very large Antique event drawing many new people to Florida not for just two days but for a series of events, road runs, races, camping and of course one of the best Swap meets in the South. There are many examples of multiple groups hosting events. We have offered to talk with anyone who wants to return to Lake County but to date it appears the Sunshine Chapter is committed to Volusia County. We are equal in our resolve to maintain Eustis Swap meet for those that support us by working on a multiple year contract with the Fairgrounds.

                    I maintain my Paid membership with the Sunshine Chapter whom I have supported for many years till this issue of location. I am still available to talk about any of these issues for the Future. Shelby Withrow
                    Last edited by shelbyinparadise; 03-23-2014, 08:38 PM.


                    • #40
                      Everyone involved should go back and read the posting by Mr. White at least a couple of times, in my opinion he hit the nail RIGHT ON THE HEAD ,a great posting Sir.



                      • #41
                        I always think to myself how magnificent an antique motorcycle event we could have in the great state of Florida if we were all together again... It would be spectacular!


                        • #42
                          if one is good maybe 2 is better
                          rob ronky #10507


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by rwm View Post
                            if one is good maybe 2 is better
                            I don't know how most of this works, but as big as Daytona bike weeks are there could be a second meet in October. The weather is always better in the Fall so maybe the mud would not be a problem at the Sands and you could do Eustis in March. Just throwing that out there. Like I said I don't know how it works and it may had been suggested or even done already. I do know one thing, Daytona in February is a lot more entertaining because of going to the AMCA event and Eustis, unlike going to Sturgis and the October bike week in Daytona, where its all about riding from one bar to the next for most. I enjoy the meets, either one big one or two small ones.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by fillibuster View Post
                              Rob, I'm with the rest of you and the dissenting fellas on several issues, other than the "Egos" suggestion.

                              I feel that the meets are OUR meets, not just the host chapters', and the vendors', shoppers', parking, riding, etc are legitimate issues that all members and participants refer to in attendance enjoyability. Biffers and showers too, dammit, let's not forget that.

                              However, I've been introduced to the other side of the coin by a long-time member of the Blackhawk chapter, and I'd like to invite more comment by our hosts. Comments by national and chapter OFTEN discuss ONLY POSITIVES, and it seems that discussion of less-comfortable details is largely AVOIDED. I know, the details discussion usually devolves into un-attractive insults and such, but if we can be civil perhaps we can accept some sound reasoning for the why-and-how things have evolved. Maybe with a little git-along we can participate in gaining back some of that which we feel is missed.

                              Again, I want to invite comment by the hosts. Let's drop the incendiary charges for now, and let's presume more honorable intentions, ... please.
                              Thanks for the well thought out post Red Dog. The entire reason for staying at Eustis was as you say, it is our meet too, the members, shoppers and vendors needs are every bit as important as the host chapter officers decisions that effect the meet.

                              I have suggested to the National Director of Chapters before the March Board Meeting that the National could form a committee to explore being involved with the creation of a Antique Bike Week in Lake County that is currently being developed with the three AMCA members who formed the Vintage Motorcycle Alliance to preserve the Eustis Venue. This Committee is within the scope of the Policy and Procedures manual, and could contain members of the Sunshine Board, the VMA and the National. The ground work for a week long series of events in 2015 with many Vintage and Antique Clubs, road runs, Camping, Social events such as the Eustis Block Party, and antique motorcycle races nearby is well underway.

                              The Lake County Fairgrounds and Eustis City officials have indicated the potential growth of such an event will help justify the need for building the new fairgrounds. Working with the Chamber of Commerce and the tourism board has brought up the possibility of funds made available to advertise the events drawing in a target group of visitors to all Antique events in this area.

                              The Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club has indicated their support for the concept developing for Destination Eustis, and commitment to again doing the Bike Show at Eustis 2015. The involvement of groups like the VJMC, BMW, Notron and others is key to any future youth program. The National Board took note at Barber how big the non AMCA events can grow to when it is about the Fun of the Sport.

                              If the AMCA is to grow it should embrace the concept of being behind a series of events, in Florida in the spring, that already has the draw of Daytona Beach Bike week crowds from all over the world, and this would be one more reason for people to plan vacations around multiple events in and around Lake County 2015 and beyond.

                              The Idea of forming a committee to see what resolution or healing is possible between members, Vendors, Hosts, and Chapters, and allowing for civil discourse over the issues for the betterment of the AMCA can do no harm but may help cure some of the misunderstands of the past 4 years.

                              Shelby Withrow, Membership and Events Director of the Cherokee Chapter AMCA, member of Sunshine and Gulf Coast Chapters.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by shelbyinparadise View Post

                                The Lake County Fairgrounds and Eustis City officials have indicated the potential growth of such an event will help justify the need for building the new fairgrounds.
                                this kind of dream most often ends with the local voting tax payer.
                                eustis is one of the nicest towns i have been through. the first year they had a street party for washington's birthday. the second year i got pulled over. the police officer was the only one to ever let me go without a ticket. in 27 years of driving that was a first. it's a nice town filled with nice people. but when push comes to shove i don't see them voting to spend a dime of their tax money on a new fairground.
                                it looks like you guys put on a nice show and will do well for several years. until those who made the changes leave office expect to visit two sites a year in fl.
                                rob ronky #10507

