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3 Silver Sands pics

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  • #16
    what do you suppose the 11 hr exec board meeting was about all a big secret us mere members in the club need not worry our little heads about .but rumers abound in the absence of real info .heres one ive heard another chapter applied to run meet in eustis and were denied hope this whole thread is not deleated for the mere mention of eustis one might wonder about the direction these meets are going seem to have a life of there own is silver sands going to end up like davenport meet paul g bergeron minot maine 7989


    • #17
      every meet has problems. you can either go and deal with them or stay home and buy from ebay.
      rob ronky #10507


      • #18
        Paul, there is no big secret, the board met for eleven hours to do the business of the Club. You are invited to attend any upcoming board meeting. All you need to do is apply to the Secretary in a timely manner and a seat will be provided for you. Please don't put too much faith in rumors, you may want to check with Rick Najera, National Meet Coordinator, but there was no mention at the board meeting of anyone requesting an AMCA national meet (or any version thereof) in Eustis.

        Keep in mind that it is the presenting Chapter(s) that choose the venue for their National meet. The Sunshine National, like all AMCA National meets, will thrive or decline on its own merits.

        If you , or any member would like to talk one on one with me regarding operation of the Club, please call or email, I will be happy to speak to you. No smoke screens, no candy coating, just the facts as I see them.

        419-929-0291 or

        Best regards, Fred.
        Fred Davis AMCA #9176


        • #19
          Hey Fred don't you have a cone of silence and a shoe phone???


          • #20
            Dr. Denise. The AMCA Board does have a Code of Conduct, regarding the actions of Board members. (pg. 51 of the AMCA Policies and Procedures Manual, available on line at My offer to discuss AMCA business with members does not violate this Policy. As my Mom used to say to me, "tell the truth and you won't have to remember what you told someone".

            BTW: My shoe phone reception stinks.
            Fred Davis AMCA #9176


            • #21
              So only Don, and I took pictures at Silver Sands? That's kind of sad, especially since I only took 3 pictures. I guess I'm going to make an effort at future meets to take more pictures.
              Eric Smith
              AMCA #886


              • #22
                Sure it isn't your socks or underwear that stinks!!

                Jus kiddin of course!
                Where is the riding weather???

                Tom (Rollo) Hardy
                AMCA # 12766


                • #23
                  Originally posted by riverbend View Post
                  I was there from Wednesday night till sat afternoon, I personally witnessed 1 big motor home with a trailer get pulled out by not one (too small) but two very big tow trucks , also seen the john deere pull 4 different units out from being stuck my personal opinion is that this is not a very good grounds to hold a motorcycle event, it is very good grounds for horses , but not a motorcycle swap meet , for one there is hardly no concrete or black top , only one shower that had a very sandy floor, the biggest covered area or pavilion is a dirt floor, but my biggest complaint is the lay out of the grounds the biggest area of the hole place is the stables that take up the middle of the grounds so you have to walk around a big dead area of nothing , and man did they ever fudge my spaces up , I will not be getting a space there next year, also like to add that they assured us no tax man, well I got a tax form with my packet ?? , just my opinions see you at oley, Jamie sharp amca 12632 .
                  It is good to see there are still people that are not afraid to report the facts as they see them. It does not rain every year but when it does a field without paved roads can become a large problem for heavy Vendor rigs getting to their spots. It rained very hard Thursday morning at Eustis, but by 4 in the afternoon our Vendors were able to go to their spots without any problems. Every Vendor knows it is a crap shoot to go to Florida as far as the weather goes, but the choice of locations to vend is a personal choice.

                  Watch out for the word smiting going on about what was or was not brought before the National Board about Eustis location, there are actions in the works that have not yet played out. Shelby VMA


                  • #24
                    Hey Fred the cone of silence is only for Maxwell Smart, but maybe you could get one to go with that shoe phone with reception that stinks.
                    Dr. Denise


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by shelbyinparadise View Post
                      It is good to see there are still people that are not afraid to report the facts as they see them. It does not rain every year but when it does a field without paved roads can become a large problem for heavy Vendor rigs getting to their spots. It rained very hard Thursday morning at Eustis, but by 4 in the afternoon our Vendors were able to go to their spots without any problems. Every Vendor knows it is a crap shoot to go to Florida as far as the weather goes, but the choice of locations to vend is a personal choice.

                      Watch out for the word smiting going on about what was or was not brought before the National Board about Eustis location, there are actions in the works that have not yet played out. Shelby VMA
                      your nani nani boo boo rants grow real tiring. oh my god they picked a place with mud. come to jefferson it's knee deep. move on, promote your meet and don't piss on someone else.
                      rob ronky #10507


                      • #26
                        two amca swap meets same area what an idea let the chips fall where they may paul bergeron 7989


                        • #27
                          I love the Jefferson meet, have been there many times. I recall parking in the field across the road and almost couldn't get out. I had mud on top of my trailer. They had a big John Deere pulling rigs out for several hours. Have seen it so muddy along the creek that the vendors there either had to move or else set up on wooden pallets. So when I go there I always make sure I have my mud boots with me. I've also been to meets where it rains from beginning to end, but you know what? Those seem to be the meets where folks actually get to sit around and talk and get to know their fellow enthusiasts, fellow antique motorcycle addicts. Folks still come, buy parts and more importantly they meet people they never knew before and depart as friends, strangers no more.
                          Last edited by Lonnie; 03-21-2014, 08:32 PM.
                          Lonnie Campbell #9908
                          South Cackalackey, U.S. of A.

                          Come see us at the Tenth Annual AMCA Southern National Meet - May 17-19, 2019 at Denton FarmPark, Denton, N.C.

                          Visit the website for vendor and visitor information at


                          • #28
                            To me it seems the club misses a huge opportunity to document and record its own meets.I realize the magazine does this with a couple of pages and usually less than 10 pics of a meet but it seems it could be so much more.
                            How much could it cost to hire a videographer/historian to film at the meets to provide content and history for the club and its members?


                            • #29
                              The Sunshine Chapter website has pics posted from 2012 & 2013. My guess is they will eventually get 2014 pics posted...


                              • #30
                                I went by both events, and enjoyed the weekend in Florida. Saw some neat stuff and talked to a lot of good folks. It was all good. Here are some of the few pictures I took.


