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Eustis 2012 - Should it move?

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  • #76
    hello all vendor since 1976 amca eustis/yes. dayton /rather stay in buffalo.thank you l.n.b.


    • #77
      Originally posted by pete reeves View Post
      Is the club really going to die? I joined this club because I liked the meets, I liked what the club was about, and I enjoyed meeting like minded people all with a common interest in old bikes. I did not join the club because of its size.
      What would the consequences actually be if over the years the membership dropped by a half or even to a quarter of its present size? I’m sure this was a great club to be a member off when it only had 2000 members we might have less or smaller meets, we might have less road runs, we might not be able to maintain the high quality of the magazine. We might have to cut back on some of the more costly aspects of maintaining the club, less interest in old bikes might mean the value of the bikes I own might go down. None of these scenarios would affect my enjoyment of being a member of this club or my enjoyment of riding old bikes.
      Pete Reeves 860
      I agree with Pete whole-heartidly here. He said it better than my literary skills will allow. As a Club, we are neither a nation's economy nor corporate entity. Therefore, we are not committed to a 'grow or die' mandate. I do believe that our passion is 'genetic' in people of all ages and certainly will survive, regardless of the expansion or contraction of the club's membership or services. You can't 'force' our love of old machinary and the history to which it links us, just like you can't 'force' younger people to appreciate these things until they are ready, if at all. It will 'come to' some of them, just as it came to us. And when that happens, they will be a small segment of the motorcycle population, just as we are. But they will be as 'special' as we are and they will perpetuate our passion. Nobody needs to 'drag' them into our mindset.

      I was also a chopper guy in my youth who now laments the things I did to some machines back then. But eventually I matured and was exposed to our corner of the motorcycle world, just as I see other young people becoming exposed at the 3 or 4 Northeastern meets that I attend as a Vendor every year.

      So if necessary, our club will respond to our interests by either expanding or contracting. If contraction is in the cards as it will (in my humble opinion) not be a bad thing, as it returns us to the purpose of our club's foundation. Don't think that I don't enjoy some of the bells and whistles. But the important fact is that despite the direction of growth, the passion will survive whether or not the club mantains its fancy magazine, its 'Super Meets' or its teashirts. The passion needs only a parking lot, experienced members and comrodory to survuve. We certainly have all of that in spades. The rest is icing on the cake (although I would cry if this forum had to be cut).
      Last edited by billpedalino; 08-07-2011, 03:55 PM.
      Bill Pedalino
      Huntington, New York
      AMCA 6755


      • #78
        Beautifully put Bill.
        Eric Smith
        AMCA #886


        • #79
          As long as the breweries are producing beer, this club ain't going no where.
          AMCA #3149


          • #80
            Well, I think it is time we as club members, either Sunshine members or National members put a stop to this foolishness that the current Sunshine board (4 people) are up to. The entire Sunshine Chapter should be the ones to vote on a meet location change! I think the current board is self serving and up to something, just can not put my finger on it? Time to either vote them out or throw them out! I will be interm President for the Sunshine Chapter after the board is thrown out if that is what it takes! I am sure there are quite a few people who would help me run the chapter to make it right! The town of Eustis is a great small town with great people! They welcome us with open arms every year and welcome or business! We make money every year, if you would need to make more, for some reason, slightly raise admission rates, ect. How much money is enough? This is a NON PROFIT! We only have a few weeks before Davenport, lets get this done before the meet! Please fell free to post all your comments and IDEAS!
            Thanks a bunch,
            Kris Hilles
            AMCA #5182


            • #81
              I am a Sunshine Chapter member. I never got asked. As far as I know, it was never posted in the news letter (until after the fact) and there is a small blurb on the new chapter web site saying they are "looking into it".
              I would vote to keep it where it is, when it is. If I can vote, that is....................
              Wayne E. Feltham


              • #82
                I guess everyone have to go to Davenport to see the proposed vendor layout? Not everyone goes to Davenport, Why not put all the cards face up on the table and see what the chapter is up to. When something stinks it is time to remove the source of the odor. This issue as had over 5000 views in both threads on this subject so there is plenty of intrest in full disclosure of why this location? As to the rain in 2010 just wait till there is a steady rain at new location, At Volusia County Fairgrounds, I have seen flat areas become mud bogs, people go in and out at night and the traffic will create a increased cash flow to local wrecker companys. I urge ALL the amca membership contact the national Board members to not allow or vote toapproval of the change until 2013. The 2012 schedule was voted and approved 9-0 at march meeting and this is not an emergency action.



                • #83
                  A boy lived out in the country. He got along fine. Then his parents moved into the city where the city toughs (Volusia) would take his lunch or extort him for his lunch money (Volusia).
                  So lets add it up
                  $50 AMCA deserved
                  $30 County fee
                  $350 another county fee
                  $250 tax fee up front because nobody pays tax if nobody collects it and lie about it if they do. (me)

                  $680 total
                  I vend at Eustis and do about 8 or 900 bucks at Eustis sometimes a little more. This means that I would be taking in $320 it I do $1000. Hardly worth the effort. Feels like Jesse James without a gun. I do it to do it for the same reason I race my boardtracker, which I think everybody should do at least twice.
                  I've found that when some powers and non-powers, who be, don't notify anybody when they're trying to make a big move like moving AMCA weekend to a new venue that very few want or need, it's because they don't want anybody to know which seems to be happening here. Seems like simple smuggling. 18 months does not, an experienced member, make.
                  The rank & file should make the rules and that's all there is to it.
                  Like the man said "Follow the money"
                  Peace to all who read these words.
                  Keep em running,
                  Fla George Quinn amca 6362 It says member since 2008 in the upper right corner but I've been a member since before Jacksonville about 92 or 3. Hadda put that in.
                  29 JDH
                  37 U
                  42 WLA
                  47 FL
                  60 Cushman Eagle
                  68 BSA A65L
                  73 FL
                  82 GL1100 standard
                  84 XL
                  93 FLHS
                  2009 80cc-electric hybrid motorbike
                  Last edited by ngquinn; 09-05-2011, 03:02 PM.


                  • #84
                    I've been a Sunshine chapter member for about 20 years and I can tell you that this change was done without at least most of the members knowing. It was not in the newsletters or did I see it in any kind of meeting minutes. Like I said in post #18 at least Eustis was voted on and Approved by the members!

                    I have no problem with the move as long as it's a chapter decision, and not those who live in or close to Daytona. I will probably go to the meet but seriously doubt that I will vend. Now all I have to do is find a motel that does not cost $200 a night....wish me luck I'll probably need it.
                    FaceBook >>>Modern Antique Cycle
                    Blog Site >>>
                    YouTube >>> LouieMCman


                    • #85
                      I visited the Sunshine Chapter booth at Davenport, spoke with Joann, and the move is a done deal...I am going to be optimistic about the move, because I would hate to see the Florida meet go the way of the Volusia county meet, when Paul Jackson moved it to Bunnell, 40 miles away, and then moved it back to Volusia, but not in the same part of the fairgrounds, and as you all know it was even though I had one of the best spots at Eustis (right as you came in the gate on the left aisle) with electric & water, I picked out a great spot at the New Smyrna location along with my buddy Marvin in the adjacent spot and I will hope for the best...everyone in the sunshine chapter says "you'll like it better, wait and see" ...I hope they're right, and maybe being close to bike week and getting our event in that bike week booklet that they hand out free to tens of thousands of people will work in our favor for sales...maybe we should stock up on bike week hats & T-shirts to sell...who knows?? I will see all the rest of you vendors for this grand experiment in 2012...Rick Newman (thesportsterguy)


                      • #86
                        Well I wish the Sunshine Chapter the best of luck, and hope it is all everyone wants it to be.


                        • #87
                          Well those Vendors that went to Davenport to ask questions about the move from Eustis Fairgrounds, got to see first hand how disfunctional the National Club and the Blackhawk Chapter was about trying sort out what local chapters decide to do on their own. There was so much involved in making the Davenport meet a regional meet, I can see how none of us members or vendors were given a single thought with the Eustis matter.

                          I for one will not stand by and let others direct my business plans for next year, when the deck is stacked against us with high fuel prices, a low turn out of people each of the last 3 years in Daytona overall, and someone else deciding where I should start over at a new venue.

                          We have other options than the sunshine chapter coleslaw wantabe meet, with all the Volusia county support.

                          Shelby, a soon to be x-member of sunshine chapter


                          • #88
                            I have heard rumors of an "Outlaw" meet in Eustis at the Fairgrounds.
                            A.M.C.A. Member Since 1986


                            • #89
                              There is one undenialbe fact about successful AMCA meets. The good meets have a lot vendors. If you don't have vendors, your meet will die.
                              Eric Smith
                              AMCA #886


                              • #90
                                I was referring to the new Sunshine chapter meet.
                                Eric Smith
                                AMCA #886

