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Eustis 2012 - Should it move?

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  • #61
    Are you saying "we have to pass this bill to see what is in it" As one of the old Geezers who has spent his adult life, 45 years, working on the older bikes that Harley has cast off as oboslete, investing my time and money to preserve a vast collection of NOS and used parts for the future. At the meets I answer anyones questions to pass on what I know about what fits what, how to repair the right way or any other help I can give. I refuse to sell low quality parts to unsuspecting customers.

    I am not the only old "Geezer" that has many years of dedicated service to promoting the club. While working within our "business plan" We must constantly replace worn out vehicles, from all the miles spent going from one event to the other, keep them is ready shape to make the trip and back and keep our expenses as low as possible. With the fuel cost going up as much as $2.75 a gallon over the last few years, and the slowdown in spending at events, it is harder to justify even going to some events. As far as my business plan, I will go to a well thought out proven venue such as Eustis, but a venue that is all sand, dirt and covered dirt arenas is to high of a risk of bad weather costing me additional losses. With all the years of doing Volusia County a flat grass covered field, A light rain would cause foot and vehicle trafic to make an impassable mess. The Cabbage Patch spent a fortune raising the level of their land for their events, Thousands of tons of beach sand and crushed shells made their land higher than the Silver Sands Arena.

    If the Sunshine Chapter wants to turn the event into an RVfest and beer drinking social, that is fine just be truthful about the conditions the vendor will face at new venue. We will vote with not comming to an event that is anti vendor. I am also a out of state member of the Sunshine chapter who pays dues more to support the club than to have an involvment in local politics.

    Us old Geezers tell our grandkids not to touch the hot stove once but know until they get burned by making the wrong decision, they will never understand the wisdom we tried to share to prevent pain. When one says we resist change, maybe we resist repeating mistakes already made, but learned from.


    My partner in swapmeets for the last 30+ years, Jack Horner and his wife went out there last sunday, to evaluate from his prespective, took pictures, and with his small truck made deep tracks in sand road one time around, there was standing water in the field from a Friday rain. From both our experences in 35 years in doing Volusia County, on a perfect dry weekend with no wind blowing the dirt around it would be marginal at best, not a good risk in Florida spring.

    At the fairgrounds there are paved roads for restored motorcycles to ride on


    • #62
      it is $385 in county

      anyone can use the phone number on this form to verify the county position not Daytona City permit. call Deland number ask for tax office option 4.
      Click on form for larger view. I was told that only the club booth would be exempt as non-profit the rest were for profit vendors.
      Vendor permit2.jpg


      • #63

        It is obvious that every Sunshine chapter member that has posted a response to this in favor of moving is hoping that the rest of the membership is totally stupid, and cannot find out any information on their own. It is also obvious that they are either A) totally unsure of whats' goin on themselves, or B) lying to us to solidify their position.

        Neither option is winning any friends or swaying the membership opinion.


        • #64
          Hello Tom, I am trying to offer a view based on experence dealing with Volusia County since 1978, Every year something new comes up we have to deal with. The best thing we ever did was move to a better location that open up at the Daytona Flea market, and I was the first to want to move from the Volusia County Fairgrounds, where the cost of the Expansion of the Fairgrounds was being passed on to the promoters with no improvment in conditions for vendors.

          I am not opposed to change but will resist change that will be harder on me. The National has aproved and set the venue at Eustis For 2012, and as for me that is what I am going by. My crew sets up at the Daytona Flea Market 125 feet of tent and trailers the same day Gloria and I wait to get in Eustis. I do the meet Friday and Saturday then have to load everything back up then go the the other meet, unload and start selling Sunday Morning for the next 7 days. I could do all 10 days at the Jam-On meet without this hassle, and those customers that need parts from me can drive 5 miles north.

          I will go to Eustis in my old spot where, I have hard road frontage, everyone knows where to find me, but will not move to an open field where I have no knowledge of the problems that await me in whatever spot is chosen for me by someone who doesn't care what the vendors go through while they drink beer.

          I thank all my friends and customers who have supported me through the years, and to all the Sunshine chapter members who have made Eustis the pleasant experence it has been. I await further info.



          • #65
            Perhaps the Sunshine boys should contact all of their vendors and see how many will be willing to pay the Volusia County tax fee?
            Be sure to visit;
            Be sure to register at the site so you can see large images.
            Also be sure to visit


            • #66
              I would like to put in my two cents worth . love the eustis event many thanks to all involved.Did anyone notice anti theft teams operating in volusia county well you should be aware that our beloved antiques would be for the most part unable to pass there what happens is they take your bike and you have the task of recovering enough info to prove you own these bikes also be forwarned about bringing bikes to be sold make certin that you have valid state titles in your own name (here in maine titles are only given on vehicles 95 or newer )what about the salestax police they like there pound of flesh over in volusia county i question the part where they required sales tax could be exempt to anyone but the chapter good luck with that if it aint broke why fix it paul g bergeron #7989


              • #67
                Chris, Novel idea! Sunshine Chapter, why not ask the vendors?
                I'm sure those who provide project bikes, NOS, oem used and quality reproduction parts for vintage motorcycles would appreciate a say in the matter. I do not need to load and unload parts for sport, and am already quite experienced at long distance driving.
                We all want a venue that is financially feasible, that commands an enthusiast crowd but not a public entertainment spectacle and an event social among our peers. Tom


                • #68
                  I emailed the Sunshine Chapter about Eustis, Here it is:
                  On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 12:30 PM, Leesburg,FL wrote: to Joseph Gimpel jr

                  To Who it concerns, A Lipsky has vended at the Florida Meet since the 80's. And we have been in the same spot at Eustis
                  since it has been held there. If you all decide to move the meet to Volusia, Co. I will be staying in Lake Co. And will not
                  even attend. Sorry about this BUT Volusia Co. sucks during Bike Wk.
                  Yours Respectfully
                  SKIP (James) Lipsky #441
                  -----Original Message-----
                  From: Joseph Gimpel jr
                  To: Leesburg,FL
                  Sent: Fri, Jul 22, 2011 3:13 pm
                  Subject: Re: moving the Eustis Meet.

                  do you know when bike week is?

                  On Fri, Jul 22, 2011 at 3:38 PM, Leesburg,FL wrote:

                  Yes, It's March 9th- 18th and you have the Sunshine Meet March 9-11 the first weekend of bike week
                  as always, so what's your point? you know mine.

                  AND he never replied back!
                  Last edited by Skiplip; 07-26-2011, 10:58 AM.


                  • #69
                    Looks like the Volusia County Sherriffs Dept. will be able to tune up their skills at our meet. Personaly I like all the meets I attend no matter where they are. I like where the Sunshine Chapters meet is held but if it moves I will probably go anyhow. I just wonder what people that may want to join our club think of us as they read all this infighting. I, years ago used to attend bike week but the people, authorities, and myself have changed and don't really want to go back. As I have said before, I joined this club because of the original intent of the founders. It seems we keep moving further away from that.
                    Last edited by D.A.Bagin; 07-27-2011, 07:37 AM.
                    D. A. Bagin #3166 AKA Panheadzz 440 48chief W/sidecar 57fl 57flh 58fl 66m-50 68flh 70xlh


                    • #70
                      The original intent of the founders was to collect and restore old motorcycles, and to socialize with like-minded people. Not only has the AMCA gotten better, and bigger, it does more to support it's members than ever before. There are Chapters all over the U.S. and now Europe. I can understand where the Sunshine Chapter is comming from, but I can also see the view of the vendors who have years of experience and money on the line. There are going to be problems in every organization but we'll get through it. There are many internet forums and sites that cater to all kinds of motorcycles, and a lot of them are critical of the AMCA. The big difference is; they are virtual organizations. The AMCA is real.
                      Eric Smith
                      AMCA #886


                      • #71
                        Hey Tom Feeser, what's wrong with a few nefarious activities, i.e., close proximity to cole slaw wrestling! Many fond memories of watching the "folk dancing" at Southern Comfort during Davenport.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by exeric View Post
                          There are many internet forums and sites that cater to all kinds of motorcycles, and a lot of them are critical of the AMCA. The big difference is; they are virtual organizations. The AMCA is real.
                          Great Quote! A lot of people still believe everything they read on the internet. You have to get out to the meets and road runs to enjoy the fellowship and our antiquated machines.
                          FaceBook >>>Modern Antique Cycle
                          Blog Site >>>
                          YouTube >>> LouieMCman


                          • #73
                            Well said (as usual) Eric.
                            Thank You, RF.


                            • #74
                              Eustis swap

                              Hello all, Been going to Daytona Bike Week since 81. Been hitting the AMCA swaps since Winter Haven. I have lived in Volusia County for 2.5 years & have seen many cop vs biker episodes....Does anyone know how many professional theft crews target Volusia county for bike week ??? Answer - Many X Many....I like my spot @ Eustis & like the security, Big plus- it's QUIET !!!!! I vote for Eustis ! Carl Estes PUSHERMAN RACING


                              • #75
                                Do we have a final answer yet about the possible location change?


