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Eustis 2012 - Should it move?

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  • #46
    Thanks Bill. I am lucky enough to attend a number of motorcycle events during the year and am happy to hand out marketing materials for the club whenever I cam able.

    Please send them to my attention at Wheels Through Time. I will be there Sunday night through Friday early morning.
    Buzz Kanter
    Classic-Harley.Info Classic Harley History
    [Classic American Iron Forum Classic Harley Forum
    [American Iron Magazine Harley Magazine


    • #47
      Shelbyinparadise asked that I post the below card that was being handed out at Wauseon.

      Eustis 2012 card.jpg

      In an earlier post I stated: "I have heard that "it is a done deal" but National venues are decided at the year prior's Davenport's Meet." I received that information from a past National Meet Coordinator. However, reading the Board Minutes for March 4, 2011, as published in the Summer 2011 club magazine, I find that 2012 venue was proposed and approved by a vote of 9-0 (page 78). The Sunshine Chapter 2012 Meet is listed as Eustis both on page 78 and earlier on page 16.

      If the venue site is to be changed for 2012, I should believe that our by-laws would insist it be done by a new vote of the National Board at a National Meet, the next one being Davenport.

      Joe Gimpel (Sunshine Chapter President) was present at the March 4, 2012 Board meeting as a guest. From what the minutes read, moving the meet to Volusia was not raised.

      It appeard that besides Joe, Marty (who is not a Board Member from what I can find out), and Carl, very few of the Sunshine Chapter members have ever heard of this relocation action (I refrain from calling it a proposal since it was presented to Wauseon vendors "as a done deal").

      The first mention of this to the Sunshine Chapter's general dues paying membership is in the Spring/Summer 2011 Chapter newsletter postmarked 7/20/2011 (two days ago, three days after this thread was started). The newsletter states, in reference to a meeting held after their 4/23/2011 Spring ride, “the possibility of moving the 2012 Sunshine Meet was also mentioned”. Nothing stating that a new site was being scouted much less a "done deal". It was simply "mentioned." At this point, I am guessing that few of the Sunshine Chapter general members know anything of this.

      RF, in response to "I don't really want to touch the Florida thing, that is at the CHAPTER LEVEL", this Florida thing should well be a National concern for the National Board. This is NOT a local meet we are discussing, we are discussing a National Meet that concerns all National members and the National Board. Every National member has a right to express concern about the future of a National Meet. For the sake of the National AMCA, the National Board needs to be sure that a venue promoted to its members meets the criteria of the organization and is safe. The National AMCA does not need to be embroiled in a lawsuit where a National member attends a National Meet and is harmed by the location of the meet. The chances of motorcycle theft are greatly increased during Bike Week in the Daytona vicinity. The possibility of an anti-theft task force member observing our judges disqualifying a bike with unsuitable numbers exists. Members with slow moving motorcycles are at greater risk on the Volusia area roads due to the increase of Bike Week traffic. Further, a National Meet does not need to be located in a vicinity where it becomes just another piece of entertainment for the Boardwalk crowd and posers. Why not move the Davenport meet to Sturgis or, better yet, Branson?

      The above card, with the prescence of the National logo, is infering to all the involvement and approval of the AMCA National organization. Furthur, with the prescence of the Silver Sands logo, it is impling an association between the National AMCA and the Silver Sands exists. Was the placement of our National Logo on this card approved by the Board or can anyone of us place the logo wherever we please?

      Below is a ground level look at the proposed site. Shelby's partner took the photos last Sunday after a rain. It appears that the covered pavillions have soft dirt floor for the horses to perform.


      Bruce Palmer III
      AMCA #667

      How to Restore Your Harley-Davidson

      How to Restore Your Military Harley-Davidson


      • #48
        I've been to the Eustis meet, and liked it, but it's too darned far away to attend without a few more "excuses" (like relatives) to visit. If Eustis discontinues, I cannot advocate a substitute location that isn't a lot further inland. .. and I don't like Florida, too hot and humid even in January! But I wish you all good fortune there.

        I think that the youth issue could be helped with a more active web site, and perhaps that is too easily said (by a tech idiot!), but I think that the web site offers far too little. I also feel that tech sessions at meets could help some of us idiots learn how to access the web site's material.
        I also feel that we might "challenge" some of the young 'uns to something at a national meet, absent a race track.
        But I also feel that we must remember how unique (and small) our club is, and that we should be recruiting our members one at a time (kinda).
        Went to an auction recently, watched a lot of WL stuff get bought by folks just like me, except that they were non-amca members. Seems to say that this club'n thing is a people business.

        Speaking of people, Buzz, I think you're a good sport, so I can say I had a good laugh at exeric's post. It really was cute, wasn't it?

        Maybe the commercial makeup of our club has pressured the focus on broadening the customer base (just a question, observation, not a complaint). It may look like any modern market that grew too fast, went through contractions, then survive(s) at a leaner pace. Have to hope they all survive.


        • #49
          Hello all,
          Again, lots of excellent opinions, views, and delivery here. OldSouth again really hit the nail on the head; Local Chaters apply for hosting a National Meet to the Co-ordinator, Ricky. He then juggles all these requests and locations with the schedule, and tries to provide an itinerary that does not offer conflicts, or logistical & location over-laps. When Ricky (Rick Najera, National Meet Coordinator) formulates this recipe, he then passes it before the BOD for approval. It then gets published in the mag, and now this web site, for all to see, and plan accordingly.
          So far, the BOD has only heard a "suggestion" about this new venue, and it has not been voted on. If I'm not mistaken, (dealing strictly with my memory here, and not refering to any notes), I beleive that 2012 is already nailed down and official, with Eustice as the venue.
          On a side note, the BOD holds 2 national Board Meetings. Usually, but not always, these are held during the Florida Meet, and the D'port Meet. We are now looking into Oley as an alternative to Florida, and I am heading this venue change.
          SO, for the Florida meet to be a National, it must be presented to Ricky, then passed by the BOD. As far as I know (Ricky lives 6 blocks away from me), he hasn't received any requests. Although, Ricky is a HD guy, and I'm an Indian guy, so we don't always chat as frequent as one may think : ). That is just a joke.
          HTH, RF.


          • #50
            so what is the above postcard for the march meet in new smyrna fl.? i can't see why somebody would waste time making it if it were not a done deal.
            rob ronky #10507


            • #51
              ALL AMCA members, vendors, enthusiasts, builders, restorers and collectors should read in entirety all the previously posted ideas and opinions. There are several important issues being evaluated that start with vending locations and attendance and then morph into demographics of members and demise of membership.

              The following are my opinions and all are based on facts amassed while vending and attending associated events.

              Eustis is the premier location for the AMCA Sunshine Chapter event due to;
              - it's relative dislocation and distance from the Daytona scene
              - commendable ammenities and layout of the Fair Grounds with major arteries paved, shelter, security and ample lavatory facilities
              - congenial and ammiable attitude of the Sunshine Chapter Volunteer members
              - local surrounding support businesses with reasonable costs
              - existing tenure offered to vendors and enthusiasts alike
              - easy highway access and non congested local roads

              I have done Volusia County and will not return as a vendor under any circumstance. I have vended at Eustis for 14 years and refuse to leave.
              I can provide a list of more than eighty contacts that I have made in the last week that share this same opinion.

              Concerning the general statistics of members and diminishing enrollment, it' all bunk. With age comes wisdom! My only regret about youth and aging is that 'I wish I knew then what I know now". Our obligation as "mature / seasoned" members is, when we notice a potential motorcycle head, no matter of age,,,, plant the vintage seed, fertilize with wisdom, cultivate and water when necessary. Invite them to an event, offer a ride, buy him lunch, crack open a beer and he will ask for you to share your wealth of experience. This has happened repeatedly to me. Have recently exposed a 25 year old, a motocrosser to Board Tracking and he is pumped, wants to know how to build, what's the rules, where to get, how much it costs,,,, all the questions. I'll hook him up to whoever he needs to meet to get on the track. Another previous AMCA inductee met me after he got his bachelor's degree at 22, was intrigued with the vintage bike scene, now 12 years later after passing his bar exam in 7 states he owns and rides 6 bikes from 1931-1969. Billboards and magazine ads don't do that. Members need to bring it on!

              I was part of the "AMCA Vintage Ride In" at the Limpknicki Lot a couple years back. Absolutely infectious, these guys are our future club members. Amazing cutdown / bobber / chopper machines made on a shoestring budget with ingenuity and creativity. Their hulks came from scrap yards and they transformed them into rolling art. They were more than appreciative of the vintage iron, questioning form and function. A fine time was had by all. AMCA trailer was the focal point with a line of Flatties, Pans, Knuckles, Chiefs, Shovels, a Henderson KJ and a couple sidecar rigs. Club was well represented and highly respected. I felt honored to be a part of the event and glad I did the run.

              Next up is Mountain Fest in West Virginia, next weekend. Not necessarily an AMCA event but a great happening with diverse music, vintage machines, road rides and comraderie.

              Seems as though we need to open up to any venue that has relativity to the AMCA, spread the knowledge, share the fun, go out of your way, break a sweat, get involved. Be proactive for the AMCA. Never will understand the Foundation's illusive benefits, if any?

              Reflecting on AMCA Wauseon last week I can count half of my gross sales were to enthusiasts under the age of forty and probably half of that to those under thirty. Can mostly tell you their names and what they do for a living, just the personal nature of vending at a vintage swap meet. I'm sure that's not the same for all due to the nature of products and events. Again, just my opinion.


              • #52
                It seems to me that the Sunshine Chapter is just trying to upgrade to a better facility to hold the meet. It's larger, actually has real RV sites, Showers are good. Vendors have been flooded out of Eustis before, this new site is Ok. I've been there after a good rain. I ride thru Volusia during Bike Week and problems with the police.


                • #53
                  There's one very easy way for the Sunshine Chapter to find out if the meet will be a sucess in it's new location. Get the Eustis vendor list, and mail out a survey to find out how many vendors will show up for a meet in Volusia county.

                  Problem solved.

                  If there's a majority of support it could work.

                  If there's more than 50% that won't show, your new meet is doomed.


                  • #54
                    Let us stop dancing around the issue of the card obtained in Ohio Meet, Click on card posted to see larger view. Does any reasonable person not view it as an official notification of "A new and exciting Venue"?

                    Is this the proper use of the AMCA Logo? Was it done in accordence to the procedure mentioned in the last several posts?

                    With the increased cost of the 1250 mile one way trip, as a vendor among others, come to the National meets for more than to try to sell parts, we come to support the Club, to promote growth and share our knowledge. Not all years will be profitable, but if we do not show up, the meets will shrink. On the other hand Quallity Vendors such as Tom Feeser, and Tom Faber have spent large sums of time effort and money, developing Repro parts of the highest standards, making it possible for more bikes to be restored. The efforts of people like Ted Doring and David Sarafan have had parts made that helped keep these older bikes, that H-D had stopped supplying parts for long ago. Paughco, Eastern, and others have produced parts for shops to be able to overhaul motors and keep these machines in top shape for generations to come. The efforts of people like Bruce Palmer and others to publish books sharing their knowledge of details for all of us to benefit from showes the true sprit of what this club means.

                    If People want showers, Paul Jackson had rented shower trailers for his events, and the same could most likely done at Eustis,

                    I am glad the forum exists for us to have discourse about issues like these.



                    • #55
                      easiest way to get an answer is to call each fairground to see if the date is available for renting.
                      rob ronky #10507


                      • #56
                        I think the Sunshine Chapter needs to have a recall election.
                        Be sure to visit;
                        Be sure to register at the site so you can see large images.
                        Also be sure to visit


                        • #57
                          I need to reply to several of the complaints I have been reading.
                          If it wasn't so sad, these objections would be comical. sounds like a bunch of old geezers chanting "we always did it that way". Actually the Sunshine meet has had a couple other locations in the past. Isn't possible there is a better location? I am a volunteer helping with the new location. I am also a vendor. In both roles I see the new sight as much nicer. There is almost an acre under a roof. The fields are linear and easy to mark and access. The Chapter has done extensive work in finding this location and has examined the components. Same people that improved last year's show, many of you noticed. All their hard work should be applauded. Barring the improvements,what is the difference where we meet? A petition? what to boycott it? grow up.
                          I go to have a good time and see friends. A chapter has the autonomy to run a meet. National micromanaging? sounds like Washington.
                          Why doesn't everybody relax, come on down for some sunshine and good times. Beers all around at my spot.
                          Richard Gaudio


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by dixchief View Post
                            I need to reply to several of the complaints I have been reading.
                            If it wasn't so sad, these objections would be comical. sounds like a bunch of old geezers chanting "we always did it that way". Actually the Sunshine meet has had a couple other locations in the past. Isn't possible there is a better location? I am a volunteer helping with the new location. I am also a vendor. In both roles I see the new sight as much nicer. There is almost an acre under a roof. The fields are linear and easy to mark and access. The Chapter has done extensive work in finding this location and has examined the components. Same people that improved last year's show, many of you noticed. All their hard work should be applauded. Barring the improvements,what is the difference where we meet? A petition? what to boycott it? grow up.
                            I go to have a good time and see friends. A chapter has the autonomy to run a meet. National micromanaging? sounds like Washington.
                            Why doesn't everybody relax, come on down for some sunshine and good times. Beers all around at my spot.
                            Richard Gaudio
                            i'm not a vendor just a buyer of old rusty parts.a vendor tax permit of $250 us. does not seem comical to me. can you say that the county will not charge that?
                            rob ronky #10507


                            • #59

                              I have to say thank you for all the volunteer work you've done for the Eustis meet. I appreciate each and every person who does his part. I have to say though, that it is easy for you to say "everyone just come down and have a good time and relax" The point we are trying to make is that with this change we can't AFFORD to come down and have a good time. I can't help but evaluate your whole post as an irresponsible attitude toward this whole issue. And I have to wonder why you use your low AMCA number at the end of your post, as if it adds validity to your member status, when I can't find you in any roster I have which are all before 2005. You appear to me to be relatively new at this, and your statement "Why doesn't everybody relax, come on down for some sunshine and good times. Beers all around at my spot." Is what YOU can do because it is your HOBBY, this is our BUSINESS. There is a big difference between endagering someones' good time , and threatening their income.

                              You're right, the Sunshine chapter has the Autonomy to do whatever they want with their meet. If you guys want to hang around, and pass out the beers at the new venue......great, I'll be elsewhere trying to earn my living. I compare this to like if you ever need my services or parts that I sell, And I make it this hard on you? Oh... just go have a few more beers, you won't even miss that motorcycle part I won't sell you.......the shoe don't look so good on the other foot does it?

                              I spent 20 years in the capacity as an engineering consultant in Tool & Die, to the Automotive industry, where they PAID me for my opinion. The thing is, everyone always has to pay dearly for making the wrong decision. The right decision pays you.
                              Last edited by fabercycle; 07-24-2011, 09:22 AM.


                              • #60
                                let's trust them

                                Originally posted by rwm View Post
                                i'm not a vendor just a buyer of old rusty parts.a vendor tax permit of $250 us. does not seem comical to me. can you say that the county will not charge that?
                                As of this week's meeting, the county has verbally stated that the AMCA is an umbrella for the vendors. The $250 is for individual street vendors. The organizers would not go thru with the switch unless this is a given.
                                The interest of the club members is primary and will be the main determinant in the move.
                                Let's trust them.

