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Eustis 2012 - Should it move?

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  • #16
    No meaning to confuse Fred. Sunshine board voted for it. It is now before National. National board members have also been very encouraging. Just waiting the final word as part of our due diligence.


    • #17
      I'm not sure I agree with the idea that our club will "die off" if we don't solicit youth at large metro meets. That thinking sits cross-ways with me. ...... no matter how old I am, "and the survey says" , and what the survey means. .. besides, I'll be dead, ...

      Please bury me in a lonely pasture. That's where the best meets are held.


      • #18
        As someone who was at the Sunshine meetings when the Eustis site was first voted on years ago and a vendor there since it's inception, I have a few comments. First a little history (we all like that right?), before Eustis the chapter held all it's meets in hotel parking lots and Masonic lodges and the like, and all the meets sucked. Then the Lake Co fairgrounds were scouted out and layouts made and brought in front of the chapter to be voted on, all the officers voted NOT to have it there because it was to expensive, but the members voted and prevailed the the meet took off and has been the best meets the chapter has ever had. But the fairgrounds are VERY expensive, probably the highest of all the meets. Not to mention the lack of showers and other things. So what to do? Logically look for a better venue that is lower cost to the chapter but no more cost for the vendors who make a living selling parts. Moving toward Daytona seems to me would be in the wrong direction, where's a person not vending going to stay? Hotels around Daytona are outrageous that week if you can git one. Still people resist change, even for the good. I hope the chapter resolves the problems with Eustis or find a place even better and makes everyone happy. After all we used to call the meet the "happy" meet.........
        FaceBook >>>Modern Antique Cycle
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        • #19
          Bikerdds, when and where did the Sunshine Chapter Board vote take place and who were the voting members?

          I've spoken to three of the people listed on the Sunshine's "about" page under 2011 Board Members,

          One said that only the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary are the voting members. The other two responded that they thought they too were voting members yet they were not part of nor even notified of any meeting where said vote occurred.

          I find it interesting that Louie suggests that the Sunshine Chapter's membership voted on having it at Eustis, this has not occurred with this decision.

          I have heard that "it is a done deal" but National venues are decided at the year prior's Davenport's Meet. For 2012, that will be this September. Further, no contract has been signed committing the Sunshine's resources to the Silver Sands.

          If I may, I suggest that the Sunshine's Board take a step back. Support Eustis as their site for the 2012 National meet. Between now and the meet, collect the data needed to prove that the Horse place is the best place to be for all. At the meet, present a case for moving to the Chapter membership and to the vendors. Show with facts what the costs (all costs) of the new place will be, that the area is safe for a vintage motorcycle road ride at that time of year, that the hotels/motels are the same price or less than Eustis, that the local communities have as good an offering to the members as Eustis, Mount Dora, and Tavares. Show in writing that there will not be problems with the Volusia Police, Sheriff, Fire Marshall, Code Enforcement, Commisioners, and the rest (let us not forget, that Volusia also has the motorcycle anti-theft squad, while the club simply disqualifies bikes with questionable numbers, they will seize the bike).

          I do not know if it is desire of the majority of the Sunshine Chapter members to move or just the desire of one or two individuals. However, I do know that this has not been presented very well to the Chapter members, to the National members, or to the Vendors.

          I have been attending the Sunshine Chapter's National Meet since 1977. I have seen it at McCoy Field (wonderful old airfield when it was NOT raining, HoJos on Lee Rd in Orlando (overall good), the Ramada in Tampa (no comment), Cypress Gardens (really liked that place), the Shriner's in Jacksonville (just about always too damn cold), and Eustis. That covers 34 years of meets. One thing all of the past meets have had in common, none were held in Daytona or vicinity and with good reason. Vintage motorcycle meets and Daytona Bike week are not a good mix. A vintage motorcycle meet the weekend prior in a vicinity not too near has proven to be a better mix. At the end of the Winter National (old name), participants could either go on to Daytona, go home or to some other place.
          Bruce Palmer III
          AMCA #667

          How to Restore Your Harley-Davidson

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          • #20
            Yes, saw the business card at Wauseon announcing the Sunshine Chapter move from Eustis (Lake County) to the new location in Volusia County. Had the AMCA logo, Sunshine Chapter logo and the Silver Sands logo,,,,, suggesting a done deal. Hasn't passed the AMCA sanction at Davenport has it? Vendors are already kicking up a fuss over the Volusia County politics ($385. vendor fee), close proximity to nefarious activities, minimal security, poorly suited grounds (flooded at this time and photos to prove it's been that way for days). In my opinion, as a respected vendor at seven AMCA events per year, Lake County / Eustis is the ideal location. They have more than adequate grounds and services and in an area with perfect surrounding ammenities and night time security. I'm with Tom on this, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"! If you want more detractive details give me a shout!


            • #21
              This is my first time posting, but this issue of moving the Eustis meet without input from the Vendors who travel from all over to support the Sunshine Chapters meet surprises me. Every year we work hard to encourage our customers to visit us and hopefully purchase a needed part for their project. As vendors we make decisions based on current facts about the economy, make decisions on how to draw more people to the event, and work with other vendors to make the event a good experence for all.
              I have vended with Jam-on in Volusia county for ever year starting in 1978, over half my life, And have had nothing but bad experences every year dealing with the County offices, task forces, and deal with the Florida Department of Revenue every year paying sales taxes. I called the Volusia County Tax office this morning, and they assured me that if Iset up at a different location in the county I will have to buy a second permit. I was informed the Club could set up their booth for free being a non-profit but all other vendors would have to pay the $385 Itinerant Merchant License fee per Volusia County Ordinance 2005-05. Anyone feel free to contact me for more details. I will email a copy of the card handed out at Ohio meet, it has all the info on move. Shelby


              • #22
                This notion that the fair grounds is nickeling and dimeing us, try spending $1000 for fuel plus spot fees to bring parts to the meet, fuel was .85 cents higher than the year before and $1.00 higher than the year before. The vendors have always paid when asked, one can count the spaces rented last year and divide the rent paid to fairgrounds to see that the club is making money at the meet. We as vendors do not need any help from the club to go broke faster, our goverment is doing a fine job of that by themselves. Shelby


                • #23
                  As far as the sales tax issues go Florida revenue code allows for the garage sales and the small events in most counties get by with lax enforcment as they do not have the manpower to visit every remote function. We are allowed to do up to 2 events per year without getting Florida vendors license, except for the special Volusia County Permit. Florida allows us to mail in an amount after doing inventory at home after the meet, and if all Vendors would send in a small amount they would not bother us at the fairgrounds. We pay our meager sales tax in Ohio, Florida , and Iowa based on estimated sales which of late has been low.



                  • #24
                    I was involved in starting the meet in Eustis and the former vendor registrar.

                    We are fortunate enough at Eustis that 80% of the spaces are permanently marked and we only have to mark yearly about 20% of them. Even at 20% that can be a lot of work especially on a rainy day hours before the meet.

                    Unless a person has done this before, you no idea how much work is involved in getting a space and making sure that a vendor fits in the space. I was fortunate enough to know 80-90% of the vendors and therefore what kind of space they needed.

                    I am curious if there are enough volunteers who will mark and map the new proposed facility prior to the beginning of vendor registration.

                    Eustis has continued to grow for 15 years we have been there.

                    As for my vote I would like to stay at Lake County Fairgrounds/Eustis

                    And Marty, I have a question for you.., how long have you been a member of the Sunshine Chapter? I find it strange that you are suddenly involved.

                    Jim & Susan Dingess


                    • #25
                      [QUOTE=Phil Mast;111597]I'm not sure I agree with the idea that our club will "die off" if we don't solicit youth at large metro meets. That thinking sits cross-ways with me. ...... no matter how old I am, "and the survey says" , and what the survey means. .. besides, I'll be dead, ...

                      I sure agree with that Phil. Why do people think our club needs to "sell" our our motorcycle passion to the young. Motorcycles have always sold themselves to the young, and if this next generation isn't interested (i.e. insane) about motorcycles then this will become a world that none of us would want to live in. I could understand if we were trying to interest the youth of tomorrow in health and fitness; I mean, how boring is that, but MOTORCYCLES! I think we need to keep it like it is because if we (the walking dead) still think it's fun, kids will think it's fun. Youth may lack experience but they aren't stupid. If we pander to some phoney vision of what kids like, they'll run the other way.
                      Last edited by exeric; 07-20-2011, 07:47 PM.
                      Eric Smith
                      AMCA #886


                      • #26
                        Is the main issue getting a better location, lowering the cost or attracting new (and younger) members?

                        Other than the wonderful job Matt Olsen has been doing, I have seen the club do little to attract younger members. I suspect that is the most significant long term issue we face if this club is to survive. Why is the club not actively promoting itself to the twenty-somethings and the machines they enjoy and can afford?
                        Buzz Kanter
                        Classic-Harley.Info Classic Harley History
                        [Classic American Iron Forum Classic Harley Forum
                        [American Iron Magazine Harley Magazine


                        • #27
                          So, is this topic dead? It seems like there would still be a lot to talk about. The "new" AMCA is suppose to be all about transparency yet we are not getting any hard facts from the powers that be at the Sunshine chapter. I would like to hear everything before I make up my mind about the change in venue. I think we all owe that to the people that put in the leg work to investigate a new facility.
                          Eric Smith
                          AMCA #886


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Buzz Kanter View Post
                            Is the main issue getting a better location, lowering the cost or attracting new (and younger) members?

                            Other than the wonderful job Matt Olsen has been doing, I have seen the club do little to attract younger members. I suspect that is the most significant long term issue we face if this club is to survive. Why is the club not actively promoting itself to the twenty-somethings and the machines they enjoy and can afford?
                            You're the hip magazine publisher Buzz. You tell us what kids like. Should we all wear baggy pants down below our butt crack, and play hip hop music on a P.A. at all the national meets? I hate to be so cynical but short of dragging people off the street; you can't make people like what you like. I contend, there is not a member in our club that wouldn't gladly share their knowledge and enthusiasim for old motorcycles with young people. For whatever reason, young people are not at our meets. Are we doing something wrong? Are we guilty of keeping young people away?

                            Buzz, I'm getting a bit tired of hearing people say us old, dying, selfish bastards are killing the AMCA. I'm open minded; and I would really like to hear constructive ideas that could make this club more accessable to young people. And while you're at it, tell us how to bring the average price of a knucklehead down to 5 grand.
                            Eric Smith
                            AMCA #886


                            • #29

                              Eric, No one has come back to reply to my specific questions, because I don't think they have the answers. Marty commented that all of the issues have be be looked into thouroghly......and I agree. I know you want to make up "your mind", but consider, and of course do not discount, the power of the disgruntled vendor, which are many, and which have ultimately decided the fate and future of both Rhinebeck, and The Viking chapter meets. I also think that in the end, when the dust settles, it will be at Eustis. At most national meets the other vendors are always around 70% of my sales. What does that tell you about those who vend?

                              As far as the "Club dying off problem" alot of the problem is our own fault, and we can't see the forest through the trees. We have currently 10 thousand some odd members. But the latest recruits' AMCA numbers are around 20,000. It is easy to calculate that 9000+ members have fallen off along the way. Some of which I'm sure the club has pissed off, and they wont renew......obvious from the survey results, somewhere just under 10%....probably, per year. What's making them leave??? ..............oh, I don't know, maybe the in-fighting about the judging system? ......the personal attacks on this very site...maybe?? The unprofessional, secretive way the board has handled delicate issues? The list goes on. We need to get our collective Sh-t together, and fix our existing problems, before creating new ones.

                              I'm sure there would be more comments about this Eustis issue from veteran members on this forum, but according to the survey OVER 50% of the members do not have internet accesss, and I'm sure it's many of the older guys.

                              Buzz, you are right on about the bikes young guys can afford.......again, another survey statistic, the biggest percentage of vintage bike ownership in the club is 1960-later. There will probably never be a 5k knuck again.


                              • #30
                                Our kids will be the legacy of the AMCA. When you’re born, you either have the motor head in you or you don’t. I’m convinced it’s not bread in to you. The next generation of two wheel fuel bandits will find their way to the AMCA without needing help; it’s like a calling for them. Every meet I go to, there are already a lot of them there and their numbers will grow. The later model Iron Head Sporsters are already being yearned after. If ya go onto the Sporster forum, you will see the word restoration more and more and then there is still British iron for the young ones which there is still an abundance of floating around. Just my two cents, Bob L
                                AMCA #3149

