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  • It's remarkable how (inspired ?) Harley Davidson was by the Merkel. Other than the small motor, the H-D was a Merkel clone.
    Eric Smith
    AMCA #886


    • I meant to say that other than Harley Davidson having a big motor compared to Merkel's small motor. It's obvious that the big motor and the Merkel frame was the winning combination for H-D. I wonder if any of the Davidson brothers or W. Harley owned a Merkel. You would almost have to have one in your possession to copy it so closely.
      Eric Smith
      AMCA #886


      • Cool pic Scott!

        I'm with you Eric on the Merkel influence on H-D. One only has to put a picture of each side by side and the resemblence is unmistakeable.
        Cory Othen


        • A friend just e-mailed me this picture.............. Any ideas?

          Cory Othen


          • someones better mousetrap.
            Brian Howard AMCA#5866


            • The bike in this picture is a 1902 Mitchell.


              • Originally posted by PSANTORA View Post
                The bike in this picture is a 1902 Mitchell.
                Somebody always knows.....thanks!!
                Cory Othen


                • 1911


                  • I wonder has anyone ever really put any time or research into the notion that at first H-D perhaps bought frames or even complete chassis from a vendor such as Merkel ,AKA Miami mfg? Middletown OH, and Milwaukee are not all that far apart. I always thought there was no way they made everything from scratch themselves in such a small shed. And after all it is the "Harley-Davidson Motor Company" not motorcycle company. Maybe the initial idea was to manufacture motors and the bike was a great way to showcase them.
                    Brian Howard AMCA#5866


                    • Originally posted by bmh View Post
                      I wonder has anyone ever really put any time or research into the notion that at first H-D perhaps bought frames or even complete chassis from a vendor such as Merkel ,AKA Miami mfg? Middletown OH, and Milwaukee are not all that far apart. I always thought there was no way they made everything from scratch themselves in such a small shed. And after all it is the "Harley-Davidson Motor Company" not motorcycle company. Maybe the initial idea was to manufacture motors and the bike was a great way to showcase them.
                      Many parts , like hubs, rims, spokes, seats, ETC. were over the counter parts. The frame was their own design but i have always wondered where they came up with the neck castings. That unused lug on the neck casting has always given me question.
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                      • Cool pic found on the www

                        Just came across one cool motorcycle photo that I thought was worth sharing.
                        Imagine landing when totaly unsprung frame, looking at the car this is a rather early shot, 1910?

                        And then there is the idea that we are here on earth to get a certain amount of things done before we die.
                        This is a great theory.
                        If it is true, I am so far behind that I will never die...



                        • That is brilliant!
                          Thanks for posting.
                          (How did any of our Grandfathers get past 21?)

                          Ken Kemp
                          Nth Queensland
                          Member # 8756

                          47 Chief
                          2006 BMW K1200S
                          Getting seriously interested in Vincent
                          2010 Can Am Spyder RSS (The Wife made me do it!)
                          SYM 125 Scooter


                          • Very cool photo Sverre! Thanks for sharing it. I only wish we could know more about these photos. In many cases we are left to wonder about the story behind the image...... I've always liked the look of this Bradley racer............

                            Cory Othen


                            • Cory Othen


                              • Awesome photo's, that one doing the jump - my gosh. Wonder if the frame joints broke, or the clinchers blew, or the spokes let go, or anything else? I would guess it had to damage it. Anybody got a guess what brand it is? That guy was really moving pretty good, his height and the distance travelled, very impressive. It looks like the back stand is already coming down. Iam amazed, especially that early! Thanks Sverre and all the rest, neat stuff !!

