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Vintage Pics of the Day

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  • Both motors were available for a short time. I think the Shovelheads were still available on (some?) FLH models in '85 even though the Evos were introduced the year before.
    I love my Shovels but I think the Evo was a great motor... runs great, lasts forever. I'll take an Evo over a Twinkie any day!

    '85 FLHP from (pirated from Mecum Auctions)

    1985 FLHP.jpg
    Last edited by droptopford; 05-07-2021, 01:22 PM.


    • I've never owned a Shovel, DropTop!

      (Nor an Evo, Twinkie, or even a Sportster that actually ran.)

      Nowadays, I walk the dog by the tracks every evening, and wonder why we didn't have one of these when I worked on a track gang....


      I like the return spring on the footbrake.

      PS: The steel mill where I worked only had one of the comical kind. We replaced the wheel bearings with sawn pieces of half-inch rolled rod stock.


      PPS: Wrecked a train once. Wasn't even driving.
      Last edited by T. Cotten; 05-07-2021, 02:39 PM.
      AMCA #776
      Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!


      • 1eaa63a5c6a0e9d198377819dfb2fe04.jpg
        Bob Rice #6738


        • 1f0b40f4f8b1f9f52a1586a84c9d76a7.jpg
          Bob Rice #6738


          • 1f6dbc726ce7aaa4722ae5e08ccd6ab3.jpg
            Bob Rice #6738


            • Originally posted by MojoJunky View Post

              1985 shovelhead??
              I was born in 85 and would love to get a motor from my birth year but since I always thought that would mean an evo I never really cared. I would way rather have a shovel!

              Yes, a few leftover shovelhead motors were used in 1985 model year FLHs, mostly for police to complete a contract. I prefer my shovelhead too.
              AMCA #41287
              2020 Heritage Classic 114
              1989 Springer Softail project
              1972 FX Boattail Night Train
              1972 Sportster project
              1971 Sprint SS350 project
              1982 FXR - AMCA 99.25 point restoration
              1979 FXS 1200 never done playing
              1998 Dyna Convertible - 100% Original
              96" Evo Softail self built chopper
              2012 103" Road King "per diem"
              plus 13 other bikes over the years...


              • The young lady in post #1053 is identified as "Gloria Raysor", Folks!

                But I gotta keep on track while I can,...


                Railbike 6.jpg

                Railcar Cyr.jpg

                AMCA #776
                Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!


                • 1047 I do believe is around a 15 Cleveland single 2 stroke, and i think had a B and B carb


                  • Originally posted by Ross View Post
                    1047 I do believe is around a 15 Cleveland single 2 stroke, and i think had a B and B carb
                    Thanks Ross. That's one old bike there.

                    Mike Love


                    • Vintage Pic of the Day - May 8, 2021

                      In the shop

                      Mike Love

                      Screen Shot 2021-04-30 at 8.47.45 PM copy.jpg


                      • 1fead2a5db7350c1d84b73199a4e614c.jpg Danny Lyon photo.
                        Last edited by BigLakeBob; 05-08-2021, 03:06 PM. Reason: Spelling
                        Bob Rice #6738


                        • 1motorcycle_zpsb433a6dd.jpg
                          Bob Rice #6738


                          • 1odm.jpg
                            Bob Rice #6738


                            • Originally posted by BigLakeBob View Post
                              Mom, can I go out and play?

                              No, honey, those biker boys will only get you in trouble.
                              AMCA #41287
                              2020 Heritage Classic 114
                              1989 Springer Softail project
                              1972 FX Boattail Night Train
                              1972 Sportster project
                              1971 Sprint SS350 project
                              1982 FXR - AMCA 99.25 point restoration
                              1979 FXS 1200 never done playing
                              1998 Dyna Convertible - 100% Original
                              96" Evo Softail self built chopper
                              2012 103" Road King "per diem"
                              plus 13 other bikes over the years...


                              • Originally posted by Ross View Post
                                1047 I do believe is around a 15 Cleveland single 2 stroke, and i think had a B and B carb
                                I wouldn't know a B and B if it bit me, Ross!

                                Is that a Carter in post #954?

                                carter carb shirt.jpg

                                AMCA #776
                                Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!

