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Vintage Pics of the Day
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Vintage Pic of the Day - January 2, 2021
Do you know the way to Weirs Beach?
Mike Love
Screen Shot 2021-01-03 at 8.13.04 AM copy.jpg
Vintage Pic of the Day - January 3, 2021
Competitive fun at Laconia events.
Mike Love
Screen Shot 2021-01-03 at 8.10.33 AM copy.jpg
Originally posted by ihrescue View Post
Like this photo and Linda's upright name plate.
Mike Love
Plus this one of her between Dot Smith and Dot Robinson:
Her last name is either Duglan, Dugean, or maybe even Douglas?
Dot&Linda&Dot text.jpg
Last edited by T. Cotten; 01-03-2021, 08:21 AM.AMCA #776
Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!
Originally posted by T. Cotten View Post
I have three more portraits of Linda, Mike!
Plus this one of her between Dot Smith and Dot Robinson:
Her last name is either Duglan, Dugean, or maybe even Douglas?
Dot&Linda&Dot text.jpg
Mike Love
Screen Shot 2021-01-03 at 9.28.01 PM copy.jpg
Vintage Pic of the Day - January 4, 2020
More tour competition this time from the Boozefighters Club. Classic bobber of the the day.
Mike Love
Screen Shot 2021-01-04 at 7.18.39 AM copy.jpg
Originally posted by ihrescue View PostAssuming that was the Takoma. Washington Gypsy Tour they all traveled a pretty good way to get there. Cool pics Tom
Mike Love
Of the four or five pics I have of Dot Smith, this is my favorite:
....CottenAMCA #776
Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!
Originally posted by T. Cotten View Post
Or the Laconia N.H. Tour, the oldest in the nation, Mike?
Of the four or five pics I have of Dot Smith, this is my favorite:
Mike Love
Sounds like a book I might actually read, Eric!
When pics are 'shared' all over the 'Net, its hard to know where they originated.
Here's a couple more of her...
Dot Smith 1939.jpg
Unfortunately, we must rely upon the accuracy of any descriptions that we can snag with them, and most lost their descriptions when they became snags themselves.
Or worse, mis-labeled: This one was labeled as Dot Robinson, but isn't she much too tall, Folks?
PS: If it showed her teeth better, there would be no question which Dot it is...Last edited by T. Cotten; 01-05-2021, 07:25 AM.AMCA #776
Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!
Going back to the Servicar/Cadillac question. Harley advertising at the time said the shop mechanic would drive to your house on the Servicar, tie it to the back of your car, drive to the dealership for the car service, then return the serviced vehicle to your house the same way and drive back to the dealership on the Servicar. On that logic, it looks like the mechanic has just arrived at the dealership with the car for service and is unshackling the Servicar.