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Fires on prime, no run- what was float level set w/ foam?

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  • #16
    Chug, chug, chug, chug, dies.

    I haven't checked tappets. Valves need lapping for sure. Tried the up-right center kicking. Idle passage clear. Timeing checked -it's good.
    It's like it's just not ****ing up the gas? Any suggestions? I've got the throttle wide open.

    I want to try everything before pulling the barrel. IT SHOULD RUN! This is killing me. I'm stumped. Help me get this thing running!
    Attached Files


    • #17
      It isnt something so simple as an obstruction in the gas tank??is it??
      By the way thanks for the pic looks like a lady killer to me!!


      • #18
        No -zee gas is a flowin. I have period HD filter on it (no wise cracks) it was free and what most guys used at the time. Bowl is full.

        I'm feeling the 20lb compression diff. is enough to upset the balance of nature with this engine. Will try to check tappets tonight. All though I usually do a couple rotations and am very careful with setting them.

        If I find a really cute woman attracted to rusty, oily, dirty old motorcycles I'll let you know. But don't hold your breath.

        I have better luck on the 2-step dance floor. Women love to twirl and spin, a timeless fact that hasn't been lost with me.

        I was thinking of getting a couple of different ladies to dress up in period clothing to take some pictures with the bike in a period correct location. I think that would be great fun. If there good enough maybe Rick would run them? --- the photos.


        • #19
          I am wondering about your ignition timing procedure?

          Revolve motor until both valves on the the front cylinder are closed. (Compression Stroke) With piston 3/8" BEFORE TOP of stroke ignition points should just be starting to open with the spark control fully advanced.

          I had a Chief once that would start after setting the timing then quit until I reset the timing. A pin in the distributer drive gear was sheared allowing the timing to slip.

          Neat Bike.


          • #20
            Paul ,
            Wasnt trin to be funny with the gas but ya gotta ask!
            Now for the ladies period dress up !! What a hute! would like to see that myself ! I have known a few gals in my time that would love to get on that MC and go for a spin !!! And just maybe end up on the dance floor!!! Lookin good at any rate!!


            • #21
              Yup - that's method used. little more retarded. and thanks.

              Both valves closed on comp stroke. Exh valve front open.

              Jim Mosher has a great tech web page he put up. I've been talking to him a bit. He's a great guy. It was real nice of him to publish his research. Very tempting kit he's offering. Take a look.


              4nut - that's OK. I understand. You gotta ask.

              The vacuum is not pulling new gas into the engine. This is so primative a system I can't believe I'm having these problems. I'll unscrew highspeed needle some more. Try some B7HS plugs.

              Bike ran for 10sec. when I tilted let the prim flow into manifold. But at full throttle it should pick-up.


              • #22
                OK, my inexperience is clearly shown now. I was wondering why the plugs were getting fouled so quickly all day. Too rich. So it dawns on me like a ton of bricks that the old style choke "moves the needle" So as the bike fires on prime you should immediately move the choke up a couple of notches. Obvious to some - but not for the new guy. ME.

                So after if figured that out. The thing fires up tonight like the unholy beast that it is with straight pipes. Engine sounds great. Window pains rattle, babies cry, fuddy dud neighbours scowl, my cop neighbours applaud (they all have hot rods and/or muscle cars). I need some baffles in there. My ears are still ringing.

                I've set the idle (sort of), and adjusted the clutch. Did a little zip up and down the street. Quite a proud moment for me. One of lifes little mile stones. Now I've identified the oil leaks and can get down to business. Redline oil in the primary/trans helps alot. Its red.

                Oil return shot up about a foot when I took the cap off. So thats working. Pipe redirected forward, breather at back.

                Another Indian back into service after a 50 year sleep. Life is good in the wigwam. Who knows what trouble I'll get into with this thing.

                Now to get it fixed up (sealed up) and some miles on it quickly. I may still have a chance for an Indian summer.


                • #23
                  Glad to see your glad!!!Remember if all isnt well this year with GODs grace there is next year,Ive found its never a good thing to rush!Hope you have many hours of pleasure!


                  • #24
                    Not to worry. I feel and look like an eight year old kid riding for the first time on the bike. The fear of GOD is in me. It's a real hand full (foot clutch, hand shift, left hand throttle, etc). Clutch has a nice smooth transition. King clutch (kevlar plates). I may have to lengthen the trans. shift linkage rod (poped out of first).

                    I'm going to trailer it out to an isloated area to practice on. Maybe make use of one of those mega movie theater parking lots.

                    Two club road runs I'd like to participate in this summer. WA, SD.


                    • #25
                      Hey Admin-Dude! Bravo! I just scooted in from a two week outing and thought I'd check the forum. You've been a busy boy! I think it's awesome that you've got her together! It's good to hear that another Injun has hit the road! Don't let that grin crack your face! Har!Har! Good on ya!


                      • #26
                        Hey Cory, Thanks. Was just at local swap this weekend. Flat track racing around the horse track, and some short track up front. I'm too chicken for such play yet. Ron's (WR) newly aquired compound fracture of his lower leg did help either. Show inside. My bobber was a big hit. Most people seemed to like it. It's covered in my sweat, blood, and some oil now. Had fun burning around on the board track moped indoors and out. Some older more knowledgeable guys were kind enough to offer me some starting/running advice. It's a first kick bike now. Prime and then all the way up and down one on the choke seems to do the trick. Broke the boardum at 3pm by starting it up. Straight pipes reverberating indoors (lrg agra building) stirs everyones blood. Messed around with Dave's 1916 HD also trying to get it started. His racing carb was dumping massive amounts of fuel, So sadly it was a no go. He has the original rear brake accuation switch on the thing. Very neat. Never seen one before. Danny Lim was kind enough to point this out to me. It was good to see everyone again. Missed Perry, Doody.

                        God is smiling down on me! I'm hanging out in a parking lot , Port Kells- hot rod central. after test riding and checking on a friends daughter. There in SD 2 weeks. Bobber on trailer. Young guy maybe 26, on yama cafe racer type bike pulls up and asks me about the bobber. I was pulling his leg at first because I wasn't sure if he knew what it was. Long story short. He asks me if I would be interested in a second engine for the bobber. I reply. Uhhhh.....kinda shocked. Why yes! I most certainly would. He gives me his ph number. Life is good! Indians attract Indians. It's a fact! Advertising 101 -with an open trailer.

                        Now I just need to find the proper mag for period mod class. It would be fun to have the bike judged. I put alot of work into it. Maybe I could just borrow one for the day?


                        • #27
                          Hey Cory, Thanks. Was just at local swap this weekend. Flat track racing around the horse track, and some short track up front. I'm too chicken for such pay yet. Ron's (WR) newly aquired compound fracture of his lower leg did help either. Show inside. My bobber was a big hit. Most people seemed to like it. It's covered in my sweat, blood, and some oil now. Had fun burning around on the board track moped indoors and out. Some older more knowledgeable guys were kind enough to offer me some starting/running advice. It's a first kick bike now. Prime and then all the way up and down one on the choke seems to do the trick. Broke the boardum at 3pm by starting it up. Straight pipes reverberating indoors (lrg agra building) stirs everyones blood. Messed around with Dave's 1916 HD also trying to get it started. His racing carb was dumping massive amounts of fuel, So sadly it was a no go. He has the original rear brake accuation switch on the thing. Very neat. Never seen one before. Danny Lim was kind enough to point this out to me. It was good to see everyone again. Missed Perry, Doody.

                          God is smiling down on me! I'm hanging out in a parking lot , Port Kells- hot rod central. after test riding and checking on a friends daughter. There in SD 2 weeks. Bobber on trailer. Young guy maybe 26, on yama cafe racer type bike pulls up and asks me about the bobber. I was pulling his leg at first because I wasn't sure if he knew what it was. Long story short. He asks me if I would be interested in a second engine for the bobber. I reply. Uhhhh.....kinda shocked. Why yes! I most certainly would. He gives me his ph number. Life is good! Indians attract Indians. It's a fact! Advertising 101 -with an open trailer.

                          Now I just need to find the proper mag for period mod class. It would be fun to have the bike judged. I put alot of work into it. Maybe I could just borrow one for the day?


                          • #28
                            Perry wasn't there 'cause he was in Europe (or more precisely on a plane back from Europe). Presumably Don Doody was still in Europe too. I was at the European Indian meet a couple weeks ago and who should I bump into but Don walking around. We live 50 kilometres apart but run into each other half a world away! ... Perry


                            • #29
                              That's halarious. Welcome back Perry. See anything neat? Was Don able to create an international incident? I hope so.
                              I'm looking for a "preferably used" pillion 10"x5". Any direction?

                              Post in some other section.

                              OHHHHH - YA! Look to patch up relations with Moen before we go to war. Just halarious. A barren lump of dirt the size of a parking lot. Ohhh- Ahhhh! Canadians getting nasty! Look out! Hee-hee. Read below.

                              Denmark, Canada in Greenland row

                              COPENHAGEN, Denmark, July 25 (UPI) -- A decades-long border dispute between Denmark and Canada has flared up after Ottawa's Defense minister paid a secret visit to a small island north of Greenland.

                              After his visit to the island, Minister of Defense Bill Graham said Canada had always regarded it as part of Canadian territory. This remark has caused a stir in Copenhagen, which administers Greenland's foreign policy.

                              "We will hand over a note to Canada in which we will express our viewpoint," said Foreign Ministry spokesman Peter Taksoe-Jensen. "Hans Island is our island."

                              Hans Island, which can only be reached during summer because of pack ice, has been claimed by Denmark and Canada since Arctic borders were drawn in 1973. The two countries have sent navy ships to the region and both have raised their flags on the 1/2-square-mile isle.

                              Despite the occasional spat over Hans Island, diplomatic relations between Denmark and Canada remain healthy.

