I want to thank every one who was patient with me and all my newbie questions about different Chiefs I was considering. In the end I went with a bike I never envisioned for my self. I was originally drawn to the '46-'48 bikes with the trellis front ends. I still think they are the best looking bikes. I also looked at leaf spring bikes but never even considered the later hydraulic bikes. Just did not appeal to me.
I was approached by a friend I have been using as an advisor regarding certain bikes I was considering who has a substantial collection and decided to let a '53 that he had restored some time back go in order to pay for a new project.
Brought the bike home and got to take advantage of a beautiful day yesterday to put a few miles on. Nervous for my first attempt at riding this beast is an understatement. I got it started, pointed it down the driveway, put her in gear and rolled the clutch on. Ran it up and down the road and probably did not make any of my neighbors very happy but that's just too bad.
Eventually got up the guts to leave the neighborhood and venture out on the road. Stalled it at the first stop sign and a couple guys in a car pulled up to see what they could do to help. I said I'm fine, just learning a foot clutch and they just thought that was pretty cool.
Anyway, here she is and I am excited about our future together. The bike is a true 5 digit, part of the last 300 or so bikes Indian made before closing their doors. I have lots of questions but in the mean time, here are some pics.

I was approached by a friend I have been using as an advisor regarding certain bikes I was considering who has a substantial collection and decided to let a '53 that he had restored some time back go in order to pay for a new project.
Brought the bike home and got to take advantage of a beautiful day yesterday to put a few miles on. Nervous for my first attempt at riding this beast is an understatement. I got it started, pointed it down the driveway, put her in gear and rolled the clutch on. Ran it up and down the road and probably did not make any of my neighbors very happy but that's just too bad.
Eventually got up the guts to leave the neighborhood and venture out on the road. Stalled it at the first stop sign and a couple guys in a car pulled up to see what they could do to help. I said I'm fine, just learning a foot clutch and they just thought that was pretty cool.
Anyway, here she is and I am excited about our future together. The bike is a true 5 digit, part of the last 300 or so bikes Indian made before closing their doors. I have lots of questions but in the mean time, here are some pics.