When I bought this bike 20 years ago it had a Super E installed but the original Linkert DC7 came with along with it. I've always wanted to get it back to it's original state. I bought a rebuild kit for the Linkert years ago and finally got around to the rebuild. It was apparent that this carb had never been apart since it left the factory back in the mid 60s. All the parts were there but it needed a good cleaning. Being a pretty simple device it went together rather easily with new seals and gaskets and the float set according the the manual: 1" +/- 1/64" from the edge of the float bowl.
So I have a couple of questions. I am concerned about this 55 year old float and how it will hold up with P4 ethanol. Anyone have any experience with this (Tom Cotten)?
Also I am uncertain about how many gaskets/spacers are required between the intake manifold and carb body.
Thanks for any input!
So I have a couple of questions. I am concerned about this 55 year old float and how it will hold up with P4 ethanol. Anyone have any experience with this (Tom Cotten)?
Also I am uncertain about how many gaskets/spacers are required between the intake manifold and carb body.
Thanks for any input!