Well, after many hours of sorting out issues with my " it ran when it was parked" '48 the ol' girl finally fired tonight! I've got some tweaking to do but it runs!! I have to make sure that I thank Perry Ruiter for all his guidance in electrical components and wiring. His e-mail tutorial helped me understand the whole process better and without him I'd probably still be scratching my head!! I had part of a stock harness and then some wild random homemade stuff that just weren't in the wiring diagrams!!! Cotten as usual helped me along with the intake and carb process. (sorry dude I know you don't like public gratitude) I had rebuilt the carb and decided to leave it off and instead install a shiney fixed up one that I got on e-bay. Well after the second kick at the cat I yarded off the shiney one and re-installed my rebuilt. Something's not right with the e-bay unit and I'm going to have to tear into it to see what's up. Slojo was along for moral support and great suggestions when I needed them and Gary H. periodically showed up at my place to spur me along. I had swore that I was gonna get a runner this time around but the chance at a '48 even as it sat was too tempting. It's all worth it in the end and at least I know the bike now... This club is full of really good people who are more than willing to share knowledge to help a fellow member get another bike on the road and I'm pretty impressed with the folks that step up and lend a helping hand. This club rules!!!
Here's a clip... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_XUNxWzNuc if my son hadn't noticed my screw up I wouldn't have recorded anything at all!!! Sorry about the quality I'm gonna have to sort that out in the future. I'm happy to say it was a two-primer and one power kick to bring it to life!!! It was my lack of operating the digital right that failed to capture that!!! So yer just gonna have to take my word for it!
Here's a clip... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_XUNxWzNuc if my son hadn't noticed my screw up I wouldn't have recorded anything at all!!! Sorry about the quality I'm gonna have to sort that out in the future. I'm happy to say it was a two-primer and one power kick to bring it to life!!! It was my lack of operating the digital right that failed to capture that!!! So yer just gonna have to take my word for it!
