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BT oil tank braket replacment.

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  • #16
    course that was back in june----


    • #17
      Originally posted by flat-happy View Post
      course that was back in june----
      Of what year..?!


      • #18
        this un in rhinebeck


        • #19
          Thought thats who's table I saw em on.
          Brian Howard AMCA#5866


          • #20
            I called them this morning and got some coming my way. I wish I'd have known about these---- we'll see what they're like when they're in my hands. I have a couple originals I can compare to, if anyone would like to see side-by-side comparison photos.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Rooster View Post
              I called them this morning and got some coming my way. I wish I'd have known about these---- we'll see what they're like when they're in my hands. I have a couple originals I can compare to, if anyone would like to see side-by-side comparison photos.
              Sure would....that would be great.


              • #22
                Originally posted by cdndewey View Post
                Sure would....that would be great.
                Will do. I also have a V-twin example I can throw in the mix. Old Dudes said they were shipping today, so it will be a few days before I have them.


                • #23
                  Are they still $16 from Old Dude?
                  Eric Smith
                  AMCA #886


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by exeric View Post
                    Are they still $16 from Old Dude?
                    Yes, that was the price yesterday.


                    • #25
                      I'm going to stick with my original statement that a good quality replacment bracket just doesn't exist. I just don't understand how they can come so close and yet still miss the mark. An exact duplicate is still waiting to be made and produced.

                      Here is a photo showing the replacement tab that is sold by V-Twin. The overall shape of the part is actually not too bad, just a little too crisp in the stamping of the 'domed up' portion, which could be softened with some judicious placement of body filler. The hole is elongated for obvious reasons, and if the tab doesn't collide with the inner primary cover, would probably work out okay. Cost is about $30 for the two piece kit.

                      This is the replacement part offered by Old Dudes. The overall shape doesn't quite match the original, but could be shaped to a closer match, especially on the right side where it's more 'pointed' at the bend than the original. The stamped 'domed' portion is a pretty close match.
                      The bottom of the tab is flattened off, which probably avoids conflict with the inner primary cover, but doesn't come close to matching the original shape. Does that matter? Naaa, not much. Other than it's obviously not original. However, the worse part of this piece is that the hole is a whopping 1/2" diameter...! Cost is $16.

                      In this side by side comparison, the V-Twin piece is on the left, and Old Dudes on the right. You can see the dramatic difference in thickness. The V-twin part is made from .108" stock, while the part from Old Dude is just .047" thick. Amazing, isn't it.
                      The thickness of the original bracket is .062", pretty close to 16ga.

                      I find it fascinating that people actually go to the trouble of producing these parts, and can't come any closer to replicating them than this. The Old Dudes offering should be made of heavier material, and the hole should be no bigger than 3/8" diameter, which I believe is the size of the hole on the OEM part. (The tank in the photo is in fair shape, the inner half of the bracket having been repaired by welding a 3/8" washing in place--- a very common and effective repair.) It should also be more correctly shaped on the bottom portion.
                      The V-twin part should be lighter guage material, and not have the elongated hole; the builder can enlarge the hole as needed. In fact, I'd like to see this part reproduced with no hole at all! Let the builder decide where it should be, and drill accordingly.

                      I'm not satisfied with either of these offerings. In a pinch, I'd use the Old Dudes part, but I would infill that massive 1/2" hole, and redrill it more accurately and properly sized. In the meantime, there is still a need for a "good, high-quality" repair part for these oil tanks, so many of which are in need of repair.


                      • #26
                        Your original seems to be repaired with a washer. I think old dudes is very close.


                        • #27
                          Thanks Rooster. This is the kind of information that educates everyone. To echo your comment; why make it wrong?
                          Eric Smith
                          AMCA #886


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Erdos View Post
                            Your original seems to be repaired with a washer. I think old dudes is very close.
                            Yes, that's my opinion as well, Old Dudes is real close, but..... well, if you can live with the 1/2" hole, and the light guage metal, it's fine. You may have noticed I mentioned the repair on that tank was with a washer. Pretty good fix, real common. I won't be messing with that particular tank, I was using it as a comparison, it's the best I have.

