The -55A number is for the '69 - early '73 type taillight. The A,B suffix numbers are used to show modification to original part. A suffix number was supposedly only used if the part was still usable for it's original purpose. However, there are [were] many parts sold using suffix numbers that were of no use for the original purpose.
Now, if the part was changed so much as to be useless for the original use, a different model year suffix was applied. For example, -52 versus -79 ratchet lid parts
The year suffix on factory part numbers denoted the model year for which the change was approved to be used. An example would be FL foot shift parts, approved for the '52 model year. Yet,
many fans believe very late' 51s came with foot shift.
A common mistake is to fall victim to the strict, absolute model year changes. If the assembly line had 18 -55 taillamps on hand in August of '68, you better believe the first 18 1969 models produced had those lamps on them. Personally, I believe this type of stuff was more common in the 50s, as production dropped every year. VPH-D
Now, if the part was changed so much as to be useless for the original use, a different model year suffix was applied. For example, -52 versus -79 ratchet lid parts
The year suffix on factory part numbers denoted the model year for which the change was approved to be used. An example would be FL foot shift parts, approved for the '52 model year. Yet,
many fans believe very late' 51s came with foot shift.
A common mistake is to fall victim to the strict, absolute model year changes. If the assembly line had 18 -55 taillamps on hand in August of '68, you better believe the first 18 1969 models produced had those lamps on them. Personally, I believe this type of stuff was more common in the 50s, as production dropped every year. VPH-D