I got a motor here im looking to buy. The numbers and documentation look good to me only thing that through me off was the belly numbers. The bike is a 55FLH and the belly numbers are 60 4770. He told me they are factory replacement cases. And an old timer that's been doing this for a long time had told me that they did this. If you blew up your bike back then they would get new cases from the factory and stamp your vin number back on so in this case he says the motor blew in 1960 and they issued these. It is registered as a harley with the same numbers also. I posted pics for reference so from what he told me he blew the bike up in 1960 and got the cases replaced. With the original vin stamped in it. What do you guys think?
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Factory replacement case questions
Factory replacement cases were indeed available. But the factory did not stamp them, dealers did, so the numbers never match the correct font, the cases never match the correct version, etc. So despite it being legal, it is never as it was originally so can never be restored/judged/correct for the year model.Robbie Knight Amca #2736
The 1960 right case is different, some of the original 1955 parts won't work..
The 1960 uses a different pinion shaft and gears, a larger pinion bearing, and a needle cam bearing.