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  • #16

    Yes the Ghost with it's high torque 66 cubic inch motor will be freshened up with exhaust valve guides and an overall inspection in preparation for M/C Cannonball 2012.

    Since your Effie is a three speeder your start time was delayed after the single speeders. The Ghost remained, ghostly, you may never have had a chance to catch us with out a ghost busters crew. Even the wolf pack was unable to catch the ghost. It was all great fun and I look forward to a better time with perhaps a better prepared bike !

    I fear the wolf pack for 2012, they are coming at me with both barrels blazing. The spindly little Ghost will be looking for the corners as its best chance to out run the Wolfers. With their four cylinder high speed capabilities I have no intentions of keeping up with the Wolf Pack on the straights, physics just won't allow that to happen.

    Effie did well and she will be missed in the evenings at the stops.



    • #17
      No doubt you will do great! You have the know-how on the roll-chart among other things the rookie wolf pack won't know. The Ghost is a great machine... it's all in the preparation, and you know that too.

      Good luck, will miss the evening stops, but will be enjoying my sleep too!

      Cris and Effie


      • #18
        Also, see more of Dot Smith on pages 165 and 206 of my book, "The American Motorcycle Girls, 1900-1950". She sure was a beauty and the bike's pretty darn nice too!
        I'm a little slow and I'm sure most of you already have this book. But if you don't, go get it. What a great collection of old photos. Really a nice book, great from cover to cover! Bob #6738
        Last edited by BigLakeBob; 11-03-2011, 06:06 AM.
        Bob Rice #6738


        • #19
          My wife got it for me last Christmas. Quality book from cover to cover.
          Eric Smith
          AMCA #886


          • #20
            Why, thank you so much!

            My book is called 'The American Motorcycle Girls, 1900-1950". I've been having fun sharing it with the world since it came out late 2009. It's now in the 3rd printing and I will be at Daytona Bike Week with that one and my new "Cannonball Diary" this coming March, which I wrote about riding my 1915 H-D on the 2010 Motorcycle Cannonball from Kitty, NC to Santa Monica, CA.
            Attached Files

