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!910 Engine Boost?

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  • !910 Engine Boost?

    I have a 1910 Harely that I love to ride. Problem is I live in a hilly area. I can ride the bike all over town, but the hill up to my house (about an 8% grade 3/4" mile long) it makes it about half way and runs out of power and I have to push the 300 lb bike the rest of the way up, which I am not fond of ( or have my wife get me, which she is not fond of). There are lots of other inclines I ride on with no problems. It slows down on some but chugs right along. Are there any tricks to boost the power?
    Last edited by wyatt emp; 11-06-2010, 02:35 PM.

  • #2
    pedal harder
    rob ronky #10507


    • #3
      Was hoping for something a little more technical............


      • #4
        SLOJO gor better performance from his early twin by, among other things, mounting a larger carburetor and intake. Still looks like stock. As long as it is a rider and not a showpiece I am sure no one will notice.
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        • #5

          It's a single. Same thig for it, and if so waht type of carb?


          • #6
            lift one leg up push other leg down repeat as needed. sorry but it's a slow day in the office. can you change the motor pulley at the bottom of the hill.ask joe to make one of his new rocker towes for you.the change your rocker ratio.i think he gets a little more lift out of it
            rob ronky #10507


            • #7
              That's OK. I get the humor. Problem is it's a 1910 single that does not use a rocker. It sucks, litteraly!!!!! Intake valve opens from piston suction on down stroke.


              • #8
                S&S Big Bore kit? Avgas? Turbocharger?
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                • #9
                  Maybe I'll try some Hemi or rocket fuel.......... Thanks.
                  Last edited by wyatt emp; 11-06-2010, 05:20 PM.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by wyatt emp View Post
                    Maybe I'll try some Hemi or jet fuel.......... Thanks.
                    Jet fuel is kerosene. It won't work.
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                    • #11
                      Hmmm....... Oh well. New to this forum and was just hoping for some usefull information . My bad.
                      Last edited by wyatt emp; 11-06-2010, 05:27 PM.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Chris Haynes View Post
                        Jet fuel is kerosene. It won't work.
                        Aviation fuel works just dandy... When I was a youngster I had a friend with a beater dirt bike. He was tired of all the other kids blowing his doors off on their new machines so we doubled down to where his uncle's float plane was docked on the river. He helped himself to some high test and we went to challenge the gloating winners. It was quite a sight as we passed them like they were parked!!! It worked great until the engine seized...........
                        Cory Othen


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by wyatt emp View Post
                          Hmmm....... Oh well. New to this forum and was just hoping for some usefull information . My bad.
                          Wyatt, there is plenty of sarcasm floating around here but if your patient "useful" information may show up!!! Welcome aboard!
                          Cory Othen


                          • #14
                            I've played with a few automatic inlet valve machines over the years and so long as the carb and manifold is free of air leaks, the only way I've found to increase perfomance is to play around with the inlet valve spring tension.
                            Don't do it by streching or squashing the spring just start by putting a shim washer under the spring to increase the spring tension a bit and go for a ride to see if it's better or worse.
                            If you have to decrease the tension to get any benefit in performance I'd reccomend getting a spring wound and try playing with that.
                            Modern electronic kitchen scales are ideal to see what your opening pressure is. Just push the end of the valve stem down on the scales and see at what pressure the valve opens at. It will be in ounces not pounds and a very small alteration either way on tension will have a significant effect on performance.
                            Peter Thomson, a.k.a. Tommo
                            A.M.C.A. # 2777
                            Palmerston North, New Zealand.


                            • #15
                              Well that didn't take very long! As usual Tommo comes to the rescue! If you give this a try Wyatt, please report back. My bet is Tommo knows what he's talking about! It would be interesting to hear whether or not this cures your driveway woes........
                              Cory Othen

