I think it sounds like you have your work cut out for you. Isn't it neat to have to decide how far you want to go on this project. If you want to just get it to run and stay old looking, do the mechanical stuff. My bet is once you start to dig into it you will probably go down to the bare bones and start over. It looks like fun. Let us know how things are going. Denise
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What about a 45WL..?
Hi Denise- Your right the fun is just starting for me. The previous owner is still locating missing parts from his basement for me. Last week he called to tell me he found the missing carb. I was excited to get my hands on it cause I have yet to be able to hear this old 45 run.
I go over and pick up the carb [M88] and he hands me a tuper-ware bowl with what looked to be a zillion parts in it. You couldn't fill a thimble with what I know about Linkerts but I sat down this week-end with that bowel of parts and a service mannual and got the carb pretty much together. Still got a few parts left in the tuper-ware bowl that I don't think belong to this carb..?? Strange cause I seem to be missing a few parts as well. Hummm.. Anyway with the weather the way it is here "Time is on my Side". -Steve
Steve,Nice pic of the new bike. How about one from the other side? I'm at the point where I'm putting mine back together and even tho I've got a zillion pics from Maggie Valley I actually found one of my riddle pieces in you pic. As to restore or not. Take your time on that decission. Check out whats been done before and whats original. There is no going back and at times I still look at the pic of my ugly ODand black nos 45 then at the shiny 45 I turned it into and I wonder. Hind sight is 20-20. Go slowly since you'll have to livewith whatever you decide. Chris
Hi Chris-
Heres one of the right side. If you need any others just let me know. I won't be deciding for awhile about which direction to take with this thing. Figure I'll get it on the road again first and then decide. This M88 carb is giving me fits right now but I am making head way.
The bike hasn't leaked a drop of oil since I got it four weeks ago but the other night I was kicking it over repeatedly to try and do a compression check and its been drooling oil ever since. The wife is not happy cause she stepped in a large puddle with just her slippers on. I'll be eating hot dogs for a week now. LOL-Steve
Thanks Steve, Another nice shot. Think I need to change the resolution on my camera because mine are never that clear. Do me a favor and let me know what heads are on it 5or 6. That little 1/4 inch hole in the outside fin front cyl is always a curiosity item for me. Does anybody know why it's there and why most of the time I've seen it the bike was a WLA? Good luck on the carb. Chris
Chris, I'm still learning alot here so bear with me. What are you refering to when your asking about weather the heads are 5 or 6..?
Now you've got my curiosity wondering about that 1/4 hole in the front head as well. I'm hoping the heads are O.E.M. for a WL and not off a WLA if there is indeed a differance. Maybe Denise being a judge and all will stop by here and offer an opinion. Heres a shot of the case numbers. -Steve
Steve, Me too I'm new at this and have lots of questions. I was under the impression that WL's mostly had 6 heads & WLA were 5. Would have bet a bunch on your heads being 5 tho because of that little hole. There are quite a few folks out there like Paps and Jack H. that that really know this stuff, I was just curious. Hey just for grins look in my profile and send me a little "e". Haven't learned how to post pics but if I had your address I'd send you a pic of my creation. Chris
Paps, Hey isn't that the truth. I am sometimes afraid to add my two cents because of the lack of knowledge. I can say this, even if the 45 motor leaks, they will still run forever even when they are desperately ill. Then they just smoke. I have a question has anyone used the Lucas oil treatment in a 45? I went to get the oil for an oil change and picked up some. I don't have a sick motor but was curious about the stuff. Also, are you Ohio folks going to Yankee Lake and when is it? I need a dose of fun with my biker pals.
Thanks, Denise
I'm steering over to there if all goes well. Feb. 11, 2007. Here is a link for it. Paps http://www.pennohioswapmeet.com/swap-meet.htm
Hi Steve looks good. You had me wondering. I went out to the garage and had a look at the left side of my 46 to compare.
Is that a coil cover hiding the coil on that side? Would that have been stock for that year or mine? Also I liked the tire rim trim, Looks good maybe paps could let me know if that would be alright to do on my 46. Trying to keep it stock. You are gonna love that bike there a riot to drive and always get the looks.
This is where I may get scolded.I don't believe it would be correct for a restoraton on a 46 model unless it is in a assessory parts book unknown to me. I am pretty sure it is for later model Big Twins and Sporties. Not certain but pretty sure. Looks good on it though. Paps
I think this was the last year for the war. I suppose that during the war they had leaner times. During that time they had the footboards with no rubber and their paint choices were pretty limited. I believe that if it was a package item it would have come with the other items.For example the tail light being chrome and the dash being chrome and/or the chrome trim package. I don't want to be scolded but they may have had that stuff during the later portion of the 1946 model. I am not positive, and I will learn more of this judge-like stuff after I finish my Ph.D.. Denise