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“Coach” needed for 1943 WLA War-bike!

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  • #31
    Originally posted by BigLakeBob View Post
    ... Sometimes you find the tree rat in a different tree. Where does it backfire, through the carb or the exhaust? From my experience if its a carb issue, backfiring through the carb or air cleaner indicates too lean a mixture, if it backfires through the exhaust indicates too rich a mixture. Good luck, you will work it out.
    But Bob,...

    What if the lean air is coming in after the carb?

    Bubbles are a simple and cheap diagnostic to sort that out, and a lot safer than twisting the wick with one hand, tickling the carb with the other, while avoiding traffic, and hoping you aren't doing more damage before frustration stops you.

    Carbs are forgiving, honest, Folks; Manifolds ain't.

    Last edited by T. Cotten; 09-07-2021, 05:31 PM.
    AMCA #776
    Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!


    • #32
      Backfires Through the exhaust. I just replaced the battery with a brandy new 6 v and all the lights on the ignition and the lamps all seem to be doing what they’re supposed to do when they are turned on and off.


      • #33
        Tom, not going away from your knowledge you shared, your points are valid and I agree with having minimal intake leaks, just sometimes the trees can clog the forest view. I think all other bases should be covered before settling on one cure all diagnosis. Your recommended check and all others should be performed. Just to clarify, my tree rat means 'problem or gremlin'.

        P.S. I guess in post #31 I should have said carb or intake or any leak issue in any area from where the gas leaves the tank and enters the combustion chamber.

        Johnny, just keep at it and asking questions as you diagnosis each problem area. Again, good luck!
        Last edited by BigLakeBob; 09-07-2021, 06:13 PM.
        Bob Rice #6738


        • #34
          Been trying to post a crazy video but having a big problem getting it to post. Crazy “ leaking” at one point and I mean CRAZY!


          • #35
            Still can’t post my video something about not being able to write a file , I’m technologically challenged!

            in any event, I overlooked a tire compressor that I have in the garage that will probably regulate enough for this test. Now I have to figure how to cobble together that kind of “ Rube Goldberg” pice T Cotten posted……., this is all first time stuff for me! Thx for the collective help guys.


            • #36
              Johnnyf, one of the great benefits of belonging to the AMCA is the virtual library, and if you search the library for "WLA" you'll find a PDF copy available for free download of the original manual for your machine, lots of good information in there including carburetor adjustments. So if you haven't found that yet, download it and see if it helps!

              Attached Files
              Pisten Bully is Harry Roberts in Vermont.


              • #37
                Great thanks


                • #38

                  CRAZY is GOOD.!
                  It is the subtle stuff that is more of a challenge.
                  (Now the subtle stuff may well exist)
                  but CRAZY screams for attention.
                  Question: Where is the crazy leak coming from?


                  • #39
                    No diagnostic is a 'cure all', Bob!

                    No diagnostic ever cures anything; It just shows if there is an issue, or can be dismissed. A cure is more complicated.

                    And Johnny!

                    Unless your compressor has a tank, you will need to use it to fill a small tank for a reservoir that can then be regulated.


                    AMCA #776
                    Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!


                    • #40
                      Leak was coming from the bowl and the air filter hose and housing and an enormous amount. I closed the gas tank supply valve on top of the tank and that may have stopped it but not sure. I did get the bike started again this am and had it running but dies again. I did notice however that the smoke coming out of the tail pipe was white-ish and not black. Wish I could get that video posted ‍♂️


                      • #41
                        It idles and then idles very high. I advance the spark and seemed to sustain it a bit and then it dies….. I need to video my process and the idling to show what is exactly happening and how it unfolds.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Johnnyf View Post
                          I did get the bike started again this am and had it running but dies again. I did notice however that the smoke coming out of the tail pipe was white-ish and not black.
                          ....needs fuel, air, and spark to run, and this may be a dumb question, but have you checked out your air cleaner? Mouse nest or other extreme obstructions will give you white smoke, plus an obstruction will effectively choke your motor and some of what you describe could be caused by not enough air. Just an easy check you can do!

                          Pisten Bully is Harry Roberts in Vermont.


                          • #43
                            Never does only one thing go wrong at a time, Johnny!

                            Your bowl overflow suggests the float is either hanging up on the bowlstem or side of the bowl, or filled with fuel as is common with original corks and modern brass boat anchor floats. You will want to inspect it, and be certain the valve of the bowl is indexed beneath the "Power" (high-speed) needle, as I pointed out in Post #16.

                            If you do not have a manifold wrench, I'd start shopping.

                            AMCA #776
                            Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!


                            • #44
                              The air filter is nice and clean No obstruction I can see. Nice pretty stainless steel wool looking stuff ! Put clean oil in it about 30 days or so ago. Had the float changed from cork to brass and I “ think” it’s indexed properly. As to a manifold wrench I’m thinking I could use a good mechanic to look at and kinda walk me through this journey. I had a decent guy but he’s closing up shop and moving on. ‍♂️


                              • #45
                                I believe he's talking about an actual manifold wrench {the tool} not a mechanic person. Also I would recommend one of Cottens floats rather than the brass imitation of a float. Hope this helps.....Smitty

