As some of you know I'm completely tearing apart my bike (1935 VLD) and recently asked suggestions/help for a first timer on getting the forks springs off. Well, all the info. was great! They're off and yet another question. I think that my front fork (the ones with the springs) are not for my 35, but for a 36. It has the tab in the middle for mounting the horn bracket on the 36.....I think? So, my question is, how can I tell if these are originals or replicas? I need to also know how to tell the difference on real or replicas for 35 too. I'd really like to put back on my bike what is suppose to be there and want to make sure I'm not putting replica parts on it if I don't have to. I know this isn't cheap, but I'm figuring if the ones that are on it are 36's I might be able to swing a good trade with someone or give them a good deal and hope that I too can find a good deal on some original 35's too. Any information that will help me distinguish between original and replica would be greatly appreciated.
PS This is the answer that I got from someone off of ebay that was selling some forks and it really made things about as clear as mud
ebayer's answer: That is a valid question. In the future when "good repro" gets beat and looking old it is a big problem.
It will tale a trained eye to tell especially in a complete restoration.
In this case it is a bit easier because the "Spelter" brais has not been avalible for a very long time.
The flow, surface tension and eutectic properties of spelter are so much different.
The way it flows and leaves residual on the outside just looks different than brass or silver solder.
I hope this helps.
PSS Please, the simpler the better! Thanks again, Frank
As some of you know I'm completely tearing apart my bike (1935 VLD) and recently asked suggestions/help for a first timer on getting the forks springs off. Well, all the info. was great! They're off and yet another question. I think that my front fork (the ones with the springs) are not for my 35, but for a 36. It has the tab in the middle for mounting the horn bracket on the 36.....I think? So, my question is, how can I tell if these are originals or replicas? I need to also know how to tell the difference on real or replicas for 35 too. I'd really like to put back on my bike what is suppose to be there and want to make sure I'm not putting replica parts on it if I don't have to. I know this isn't cheap, but I'm figuring if the ones that are on it are 36's I might be able to swing a good trade with someone or give them a good deal and hope that I too can find a good deal on some original 35's too. Any information that will help me distinguish between original and replica would be greatly appreciated.
PS This is the answer that I got from someone off of ebay that was selling some forks and it really made things about as clear as mud
ebayer's answer: That is a valid question. In the future when "good repro" gets beat and looking old it is a big problem.
It will tale a trained eye to tell especially in a complete restoration.
In this case it is a bit easier because the "Spelter" brais has not been avalible for a very long time.
The flow, surface tension and eutectic properties of spelter are so much different.
The way it flows and leaves residual on the outside just looks different than brass or silver solder.
I hope this helps.
PSS Please, the simpler the better! Thanks again, Frank