I have to say that I agree. A bike judged against a standard is the only way to go. In our club, that standard has to be what is factory correct, so that our goal of preservation can be upheld to the highest level. We are stewards of these bikes while we are here, and our club leaves each generation with more correctly preserved history than the generation before. Although there are finite number of Antique motorcycles, the number of properly preserved examples keeps growing! It is a part of what this club is, unlike others that are only "riding" clubs. Of course we are about riding too!
Even though I had a bad experience with judging that has scared me away ever since, I do agree with the club philosophy of proper preservation and using judging as a tool to continue to fine-tune the preservation of each machine, when judged against our standard of factory correct.
Even though I had a bad experience with judging that has scared me away ever since, I do agree with the club philosophy of proper preservation and using judging as a tool to continue to fine-tune the preservation of each machine, when judged against our standard of factory correct.