According to Robert Burns: The best-laid schemes of mice and men often go awry. And for me, today was no exception. My van decided to have an issue that took a bit of time to deal with and then a friend came round so it was well after lunch before my attention turned to the 20F.
Offline exeric had contacted me and pointed to a Schebler rebuild that he had done which was a great help.
So I made an fixture with an 8 degree angle on it to put a chamfer on the new butterfly and then turned a new disc. At this point I will note that it was Eric that put me on to this and Eric tells me that it was Cotton who told him.
That was the easy bit. As Eric mentioned with his carb, the disc went in and out loads and loads of times to get the best fit. Ideally I think the carb would benefit from being honed as the bore is not exactly circular. However its not too bad so will stay as it is for now.
I decided to re-use the spindle, partly because Eric mentioned that a new one that he once made was a ton of work and partly because the one I have fits reasonably well. I used the two existing screw holes to align the throttle disc. I found some brass No6 screws that I had forgotten about so my plan is to use these but because I am a bit worried about the engine sucking one in I plan to solder them in and also solder the disc to the spindle. The screws are needed to fill the holes in the disc/spindle.
Tonights question is regarding how to solder he disc in. I have a soldering iron that is too small plus one that is ironically too big (500w and 1 inch diameter). I have a couple of blow torches but they would heat up everything too much. I have oxy-propane which might work with care (acetylene is a lot of hassle in the UK as insurers don't like it in home workshops).
I think that maybe an old style iron that you heat up in a flame might also be OK.
What do people with experience with these carbs recommend?
Offline exeric had contacted me and pointed to a Schebler rebuild that he had done which was a great help.
So I made an fixture with an 8 degree angle on it to put a chamfer on the new butterfly and then turned a new disc. At this point I will note that it was Eric that put me on to this and Eric tells me that it was Cotton who told him.
That was the easy bit. As Eric mentioned with his carb, the disc went in and out loads and loads of times to get the best fit. Ideally I think the carb would benefit from being honed as the bore is not exactly circular. However its not too bad so will stay as it is for now.
I decided to re-use the spindle, partly because Eric mentioned that a new one that he once made was a ton of work and partly because the one I have fits reasonably well. I used the two existing screw holes to align the throttle disc. I found some brass No6 screws that I had forgotten about so my plan is to use these but because I am a bit worried about the engine sucking one in I plan to solder them in and also solder the disc to the spindle. The screws are needed to fill the holes in the disc/spindle.
Tonights question is regarding how to solder he disc in. I have a soldering iron that is too small plus one that is ironically too big (500w and 1 inch diameter). I have a couple of blow torches but they would heat up everything too much. I have oxy-propane which might work with care (acetylene is a lot of hassle in the UK as insurers don't like it in home workshops).
I think that maybe an old style iron that you heat up in a flame might also be OK.
What do people with experience with these carbs recommend?